Everyone is asking - Where Can I buy THETA in the USA?
Did someone just say What is Theta? Watch their video<
For Our Friends In the U.S. Who Want To Buy Theta and or Theta Fuel...
If you live in the US there are several potential options to explore if you are interested in purchasing Theta and or Theta Fuel.
We use Caleb and Brown a full service Cruptocurrency Brokerage when you sign-up under "Whitedove" you get special discounts and there is only a $2000 minimum https://partners.calebandbrown.com/michellewhitedove
For more experienced and less risk averse friends, the following are great options to look into a little further;
First - Download the THETA Wallet app on your cell phone (this gives you - your personal Theta Address - this is where you will transfer your Theta once you purchase them.)
Second - Go to COINBASE and Create an account - link your bank acct. and Purchase BitcoinCash or Litecoin for fast and low cost transactions.
Third - Go to Simpleswap.io create an Account and Swap Litecoin for ethereum Then swap for THETA. Then send THETA to your THETA RECEIVE Wallet Address create This will send them to your Theta Wallet on your Phone.
NOTE: THIS IS HELPFUL information for Newbies. Now You can Start your Research Process and Get your Theta!! . Michelle Whitedove is an expert at Crypto Predictions. We here at Whitedove Press are not Crypto Technical Experts!
FEB 2021: Buying THETA is getting less complicated – although we let our expert friends do this for us. Our trusted Friend TRISHA has a Crypto business that she helps people like you get all set up with a Theta Wallet and she can help you buy THETA. This is a service that she charges for but its well worth it!
You can contact TRISHA via email cryptoqueenservices@gmail.com
UPDATE!! Feb 2021
WHEN Did Whitedove first Give Predictions about THETA? Before it was a COIN!
WATCH THE INTERVIEW Feb 2018 - The Crypto Info begins at 45:38
MAY 20, 2020 Whitedove’s newest THETA PREDICTION on her Patreon
Correct May 2021 THETA is NOW Ranked #10 and hit a new high $15.00
CORRECT Dec 2020 Theta is now ranked #20 on the Index and hit $2.00 an all time high!