Michelle Whitedove's Reel ~ Part 1
Celebrity Psychic Medium Michelle Whitedove was awarded the title of America's #1 Psychic Medium, after proving her supernatural abilities on Lifetime Television. Though her direct communications with Heaven, she uses her supernatural gifts to help those in need. In this clip, she gives clues to solve a murder and detects a bombing suspect.
Celebrity Psychic Michelle Whitedove's Sizzle Reel ~ Part 2
Michelle whitedove has been tested on TV more than any other American Medium. In this clip she reads objects that belong to a soap opera star, tries to save a man from being burnt alive, hunts for a man in an ancient cave…can she do it?
Michelle Whitedove conducts a reading for Reality TV Star Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger and David
The Sixth Sense - European TV
Psychic Detective Michelle Whitedove is tested on the European TV show Sixth Sense International! Airing in 19 countries
Click the links to view some video clips from the show:
Working a case on Japan TV featuring Michelle Whitedove as a Psychic Detective - click pic to watch!
Haunted Jamaica with Michelle Whitedove
Montego Bay, Jamaica: Michelle Whitedove is invited to the beautiful Rose Hall Plantation to uncover the details about an alleged haunting. What will she discover - real paranormal activity or just an age-old urban legend? As an expert in the field of paranormal phenomena, Michelle Whitedove has traveled the globe visiting some of the worlds most haunted locations and sacred sites. She is the author of GHOST STALKER a series of books that delve into the reality of Earthbound Souls