The Sarah Westall Show Transcript
with World Predictions by Michelle Whitedove from Jan 24 2020.
Riots, Looting, Civil Unrest and Martial Law coming!!!
published 25 Jan 2020 on Sarah Westall’s YouTube channel
NOTE: Truth speaker Sarah Westall has been deplatformed - She was removed from Google, Patreon, YouTube and her website was taken down. She had to rebuild her website an move it outside of the US >Now you can visit her at
Predictions The CoronaVirus emerges, China, the Shadow Government, Civil Unrest, Riots, Looting, North Korea, Space Force, Aliens, Starbeings, Blackouts, Power Outages, the Constitution, Civil War, WWIII, Weather Events, Man made events, a Government Reset with Digital Currency, Corruption and so much more…
SHOW Intro with Whitedove’s Soundbites:
It's like a modern day plague (CoronaVirus) and we’re going to see this epidemic that only affect the United States but the entire globe where we will lose thousands and thousands of souls, it's heartbreaking.
When the United States wanted to deal with North Korea China stepped in, in saying, "No we'll deal with North Korea or South Korea. We don't want you to make another move.: Then they had to a second time warn us and say, "This is your last warning. If you don't back down then we're moving towards you." And we don't want a war with China let me put it that way.
Part of our corruption as well in our manmade systems that are no long working for the people and we're literally going to be observing them being destroyed just falling and breaking apart so that we can create a better way. It gets worse before it gets better unfortunately.
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Welcome to Business Game Changers I'm Sarah Westall. I have Michelle Whitedove coming back to the program. For those of you who haven't seen her in the past on my show before she is considered America's number one psychic and she'll tell you that there are other great ones out there as well but what happened and why she was officially named this is there were some competitions that were going on in America and in Europe and they were honored for years to be part of this competition. She just kept saying, "I don't want to be part of this." And then finally said, "You know what? I'm going to do this to show people that this skill actually or this ability actually exists." And so she went on it and there are clips on YouTube and so forth so you can see what she is capable of doing but she beat everybody and showed them what her abilities are.
And if you, I've covered this in the past as well where the CIA has, if you believe the CIA, but their research, their declassified documents are, there's a lot of legit research that they do. They researched people who have this ability and they found that about 2% of the population have this ability. Kind of like if you're going to play a professional sport or something but 2% probably have that ability and then the ones who hone it are the ones who are good at it. And then if you think about a sport team there's only a couple people that on each team, maybe one or two that are superstars, well she's one of those superstars who are able to do this. And of course there's a couple other superstars so people are going to get comments and whatever, "She's not the number one in America." Yeah. Well, she's really good and she's one of the superstars. So you can debate on which superstar is best but she's one of them for sure.
And she's going to come on and we're going to talk about a first, what's on people's mind is this Corona virus which is just awful. And we're seeing millions and millions of people in 11 cities in China now being quarantined and it's really bad. I'm hearing that there could be a 2% kill rate like the Spanish flu. But what they're saying, and I'm going to also have Dr. Joe back to talk about because he's an expert at how these viruses and things hurt people. And what they're saying is it's really going to go after people with low immunities, the elderly, the young toddlers.
(Deleted Commercial)
Michelle she is going to talk about other things that are on the top of our mind that are really important, all the top subjects, impeachment what's going on there. She's going to talk about are we in a civil war and what's the potential of moving to something a lot more dangerous. What's going on with the dollar reset, cryptocurrencies, many other issues, the biggest issues of our day.
So, this is a really amazing interview. I love talking to Michelle. She's just such a beautiful person. And I think it comes out when you listen to her. She does have a little bit of an allergy, a cold. It sounds like she has a cold but it's actually allergies. So we talk about that at the beginning that's why she has that cold sound. But I just, I love this woman she's just all heart and really cares about people. So I think that comes out there. And I want to tell you she has a Patreon page that you can get updates and she gives you reports and updates on what she's hearing and what's what's going on. So you might want to look into that as well but let's get into this show with Michelle Whitedove.
Hi, Michelle welcome back to the show.
Whitedove: Thank you so much for having me.
Sarah Westall: I am so glad that you're back. I've wanted to have you for a while. Listeners absolutely love you and I hear that you have a little bit of allergies in your voice so I am so sorry you're being hammered by that.
Whitedove: I tell ya I've tried to eat local honey and they told me to do that and that would help them but they just seem to come and they go so.
Sarah Westall: okay, well I'm struggling, like I told you before when we get on, I'm struggling with just getting my teeth clean. So I'm down ... Go ahead.
Whitedove: I said, we're a hot mess. (laughing)
Sarah Westall: Exactly. I've eaten like a baby today like oatmeal or whatever I don't know. Okay. Are you ready to go? Because you' have so many things coming in your reports. Well, we have so much in the news, so much is happening and I just am excited to talk to you because there's so many questions I have for you.
Whitedove: All right. I will do my best as always.
Sarah Westall: Okay, well, let's see what we've got here. Okay. So we know it's been a crazy year but let's start with something that's really on the minds of a lot of people and that's this Corona virus. There are so many reports, China shutting down 11 million cities, I mean 11 million people in cities quarantining the whole city. I guess I just read a report this morning that there's 14 more cities that are quarantining. I mean, just absolutely huge but the thing is that I find weird is I also just got an email literally right before we got on here that says that Bill and Melinda Gates foundation did a simulation three months ago that showed that 65 million people would die from a global epidemic from this specific virus three months ago and then they funded the vaccine for this virus.
Michelle Whitedove: I'm sure they did because what created this virus … it didn't come from a snake (or a Bat) it was actually our government (the shadow government)
CORRECT!!! Watch this Scientist, Immunologist and Doctor that worked under Anthony Fauci, this activist tells where the COVID19 was manipulated - she names the 3 Labs - Two are US Military Labs and the other is the Wuhan Lab funded by since the 1980’s by the USA - untill TRUMP stopped it.
Sarah Westall: Oh geez. Go ahead.
Michelle Whitedove: And Spirit said that this breakout or this illness (COVID19) is going to look like a plague, a modern day plague.
Sarah Westall: Oh my gosh. So now they, and then they unleashed it on China?
Michelle Whitedove: Unleashed it on China but it's already spreading out in China and going into the United States, going to other areas besides China and the whole world. So this is going to take thousands and thousands of lives and they don't have anything to correct it, they don't have the vaccine or that's ridiculous too.
CORRECT on January 30, the W.H.O. declared the coronavirus a global emergency as the death toll in China jumped to 170, with 7,711
Jan 31, 2020 Trump Administration Restricts Entry Into U.S. From China
CORRECT On February 13, Japan confirmed its first death linked to the virus.
Egypt became the first country in Africa on February 14, to report a case and France reported Europe's first death from the virus. On February 16, Taiwan reported its first death CoronaVirus began to spread throughout the world. In Italy, officials confirmed a third death on February 23, while local authorities brought the Venice Carnival to an early close and suspended sports events.On February 25, Iran's Deputy Health Minister Iraj Harirchi, confirmed he had coronavirus and there were deaths. The week of February 24 - March 1 marked the first cases of COVID19 spreading across the world, including Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Norway, Romania, Greece, Georgia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Macedonia, Brazil, Estonia, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands, Lithuania and Wales.
CORRECT on Mar. 13, 2020 President Trump Declares State of Emergency for the USA - then Stay at Home Orders began March 20th and were issued State By State
CORRECT as of June 3, 2020 the COVID19 global Death Toll is 376,000
Sarah Westall: Well he (B.Gates) said he funded it didn't say that it was ready to go so who knows. But what I read reports that it's a 2% kill rate which is a lot.
Whitedove: As I said, Spirit said it's like a modern day plague and we were going to see this epidemic not only affect the United States but the entire globe where we will lose thousands and thousands of souls it's heartbreaking.
CORRECT as of June 3, 2020 the COVID19 global Death Toll is 376,000
CORRECT Apr 12, 2020 Trump calls COVID19 'the plague' in Easter video message.
Sarah Westall: Oh, geez. Well now who are, from when I'm talking to people, doctors, it's the people with weak immune systems so the older, the elderly, or some people who are sick or maybe the really young. Is that what you're seeing?
Whitedove: Babies, toddlers, well there's a lot of people that are sick with other illnesses on top of this, a lot of autoimmune diseases that we have which they have no diagnosis other than that or I should say no solution. When Spirit says “thousands of souls”, I was just given this information last night when I was in prayer and I just thought to myself no wonder they're building all those empty condominiums that they have there in China.
But it goes back to what I wrote about when they gave the predictions, the world predictions from this year. China is the sleeping giant. Everybody's worried about Korea or Russia but it's really China that I refer to as the sleeping giant. And they have the man power, they have the discipline, they have the patience, they have everything that they need to conquer whatever they want to conquer.
Sarah Westall: Yeah, that's true. I was just there. I spent two weeks there and there's a complete different attitude. The people were very nice but it's very different there. And I did see the endless apartment buildings going up. I mean, literally city after city with hundreds of cranes putting up apartment buildings it's not just a few ghost cities it's like all over, it is interesting. But they also claim there's a cultural reason for it because, let me throw this at you, if they don't own an apartment then they can't have sex.
Michelle Whitedove: What?
Sarah Westall: Yeah. They literally have to own a house, they call it an apartment, it's a house and otherwise they can't get married. And it's such a stigma not to have one. So, with the two child with the one ban lifted now they're having two children it's this huge boom of building. And also they can't buy used homes. It's a cultural stigma to have a used home so they need a new loan for each person. So there's all these cultural elements too it's very different from our culture.
Michelle Whitedove: It's very different and if you ever pay attention we really don't get any news or real news about China, they are very secretive.
Sarah Westall: Yeah. Well, and we couldn't get any social media while we were there it was very cut off. I've learned a lot.
But let me ask you an important question about your readings and one thing I realized is that, and I've seen this with people who also do remote viewing, a different thing, that there's a huge difference between timing and accuracy…can you explain what that means?
Michelle Whitedove: I can. Timing or dating something is saying, "Okay, this will happen in 12 to 14 months," let's say. Timing is one of the most difficult things I don't care how good you are in this field as a spiritual medium or a psychic because of free will. So we can get a date but there's always more than one probable future and when you have other people having their free will that interferes with the outcome. For example, if I read for someone and I give them all the information and they say, "Oh yes, I know this to be true. Oh, that makes sense. Okay I'm going to listen." And then they don't.
Example: Let's say that I work as a health intuitive and I tell my client, "Listen, I see fibroid cysts here in the breast you really need to nip this in the bud, go to the doctor, have it taken care of, checked." They don't, three months later, six months later, I get a phone call, "I have breast cancer now." Well, why didn't you follow through? So all we can do is put the information out there and reach as many people as we can and spiritually wake them up but we have still so many people that are sleepwalking and they're not living their life based on the spiritual laws or truths. I like to say ”Live your life like a prayer.”
Sarah Westall: Yeah. That's what I love about you you're always in this positive be a good kind person and do the right thing. Okay. Let's talk about prep because I read through report and it's amazing all the topics. Literally, you're touching almost all, I would say all the important topics that I am interested in. And I mean it's just crazy which is so, that's why I really want to talk to you.
Sarah Westall: But one thing you say is it's important to prep and what do you mean by prepping and what are we prepping for?
PREDICTIONS - Prepping - Blackouts- Power Outages- CIVIL WAR - WWIII
Michelle Whitedove: You're prepping for whether that's national catastrophic events, whether it's events that are based on our government, the shadow government I refer to: You are prepared. Let's say here in Florida where I am right now, we have hurricanes, we have even some little tornadoes different phenomenon weather that we wouldn't even normally have. So what do you do? You make sure you're stocked up on water. You make sure your pantry is stocked up, you make sure you have propane, you have a grill, you make sure you have a generator, start growing some food, fruits and vegetables or herbs in your house or outside of your house.
Basically where let's say if the power goes off which we will see a lot of blackouts this year, power shortages what are they going to do? If they're not prepped, if they're not ready, then they're at the mercy of whatever it is that they're encountering which there's so many natural catastrophic events that we're going to see through 2020 and even into the future. This is something that every household, you have your cars full of gas, anything you can think of. I always tell people here in Florida, "Pull up the hurricane list of things that you need, candles, start canning food, be prepared for whatever may come your way so you're not out there with a bunch of crazy people running around trying to get things when people are just stumbling over other people in creating mayhem and havoc."
CORRECT on Mar. 13, 2020 President Trump Declares State of Emergency for the USA - then Stay at Home Orders began March 20th and were issued State By State and grocery store shelves in the usa became empty
Sarah Westall: Well, and mayhem and havoc is what we are seeing all over the place and especially with this project Veritas and what I experienced in China where I actually had some communists with me on the trip talking about wanting to put... In order to implement communism they believe that people need to be reeducated, whole groups of us. So, I want to ask you are we in a civil war here in the United States at least cold, there isn't a hot war but are we in a real civil war here?
Michelle Whitedove: I believe so. Yes.
Sarah Westall: And could it turn into a dangerous hot one or will it just stay cold?
Michelle Whitedove: It could, no it could definitely turn into be a very dangerous hot one.… and China is prepared, Russia is more prepared than they were for the cold war.
Sarah Westall: You mean against us because of all the, because we're just, we are a complete unknown entity on what we're going to do we're just so out there.
Michelle Whitedove: That's the problem we (the USA) are not the powerhouse that we used to be. Russia has already crossed the lines moving forward. When the United States wanted to get... I'm jumping around but there's a method to my madness. When the United States wanted to deal with North Korea China stepped in in saying, "No we'll deal with North Korea or South Korea we don't want you to make another move." Then they had to the second time warn us in saying, "This is your last warning. If you don't back down then we're moving towards you." And we don't want a war with China let me put it that way.
Sarah Westall: Well, we don't want to war with anyone I mean come on but China yeah, we don't want a war with countries that are technologically advanced. I mean, give me a break. Okay. You mentioned the space force and you also question who the real global leader is along with that. What do you have to say about what this whole space force is about and who the real global leader is?
Michelle Whitedove: When you say who the global, that information wasn't given to me who the global, no I didn't get anything on that.
Sarah Westall: Okay. Okay. But what about the space force?
Michelle Whitedove: Well that is, we have been given hardly any information about the space force. I mean, if people knew what goes on in space that we already have life of the moon, that we have life in space stations, that there are other planets that have life, the government keeps all of these things contained. God forbid that it goes out to the people. For example, I finally went out to the public about UFOs and the different type of star beings that we have and they're here to intercede and stop us from annihilating the planet and each other. If they really wanted to hurt us they would have already been able to do that, their technology and everything is so advanced. So, we just have a lot of things that are directed to us and unfortunately they're more negative than positive. So everybody really needs to spiritually wake up and yes prep, be ready. Space force, I'm looking right now, I actually blogged on this but it's hard to remember all of it.
Sarah Westall: Okay, go ahead. I'm really interested in that one.
Michelle Whitedove: [crosstalk 00:20:17] The global leader is shocking. Space force is basically the U.S.'s attempt to weaponize space that's what it's all about. And so, the military stated the new major command and they have several major commands and space force was the newest of the major commands but it's already happening under other programs in names for many years to come.
CORRECT Feb 11 2020 CNN News - Russian satellites have been exhibiting the "unusual and disturbing behavior" of following a US satellite in orbit, according to the commander of the Space Force, the newest military service. Raymond said Monday that Russia's recent actions place the county among nations that "have turned space into a warfighting domain. Similar activities in any other domain would be interpreted as potentially threatening behavior.
Sarah Westall: So basically they're just consolidating what they already have and so it's not really a big, huge deal other than they're putting it out there.
Michelle Whitedove: They're putting it out there. I mean, most people don't know about other countries, China, Russia, and yes they also are working on their own Space Force as well so it's not just the United States.
Sarah Westall: Will there be conflicts in space or will these light beings as you say it, will they keep us… Because they're so advanced compared to us will they keep us from annihilating each other?
Michelle Whitedove: That is their sole purpose (Starbeings). And it's interesting the government can't say anymore, "It's a hot air balloon, it's this." And they poo-poo it because there's so many sightings though and people with their iPhones and their iPads or video we're starting to see them to the eye. And so, people are waking up to realize, "Okay, we are NOT the only creation that God created." Which I think is very presumptuous of us in the first place to believe, "Oh God just created us and this planet and that's it." It's much more … bigger than that, broader than that. But they are here to interfere in a positive way to actually pick up large groups of people, move them to a safe place or “Beam me up Scotty” as I call it, maybe move you to another place, another dimension we'll say in reality. But they are here to stop us from annihilating the entire planet because whatever happens here on earth it affects other planets, other realities, it's infinity. We are all connected, so that's why they're here in a positive way to help us get through these challenges.
Sarah Westall: Will they disclose themselves in a bigger way or will people like me who want to see them or especially the good ones, I've heard that there's bad ones too I don't know you can cover that. I would be interested in seeing them but I have never experienced anything.
Michelle Whitedove: Wow. See I've seen them and I've actually had experiences. I actually cover that in The Whitedove Report. I'm not a big fan of “the Grays” because they like to experiment with us in trying to procreate and create a hybrid race and they are fascinated with the motions because they do not have emotions. There have been many documented cases with the grays. There's also the reptilians, there's two different types of reptilians. One group that comes from another star, the other group that lives here amongst us and imagine the reptilians just their name gives you the visual of what they look like. The one that has two horns are actually good, the reptilians that have one horn are bad.
Sarah Westall: And what one has more influence on our world?
Michelle Whitedove: The ones that live amongst us that are here.
Sarah Westall: And they're the ones with the one horn?
Michelle Whitedove: Yes.
Sarah Westall: Okay. So, geeze this is just crazy, so what is the deal with pedophilia and it's so I cover it, I know it exists, I know it exists in mass and I don't believe that a normal human being would allow it or would do it because in animal groups you take anybody that hurts a child they remove them from their tribe, their group. But for some reason we've got all these weirdos and wackos walking around what in the world is going on?
Michelle Whitedove: There's no cure for these type of people that's just it. I refer to it as darkness working through them using them as a vehicle and even men that have been caught and have gone to jail and done time they will literally say, "If you let me out I will go right back to picking up little girls or women and violating them and murdering them." They say they just can't help themselves, they can't stop it. Medicine hasn't really been able to put them in any type of category. I just look at it as rampant darkness and it's very sick and unfortunately I have asked the same question that you have Sarah like why hasn't, our support team of whether it's our government or the people why haven't we taken a bigger stand on this? The trafficking of children and women just it's so vile and disgusting. It's hard to believe that heads of state and people that are involved if people knew that people that were involved they would be shocked.
Sarah Westall: Well, yeah. So, I mean it's just kind of like why is it being allowed to continue? The only thing I can see is that people allowing it to continue are also involved or they're bribed or scared. Because it doesn't make sense because normal human beings would end it.
Michelle Whitedove: That's correct.
Sarah Westall: So, let's get into these secret tribunals then is it happening for real in Guantanamo Bay or to punish people like this or is that just propaganda BS?
Michelle Whitedove: It's propaganda and BS.
Sarah Westall: Oh no! Okay. So are there sealed indictments?
Michelle Whitedove: Yes.
Sarah Westall: Well that's good. Okay. So, the massive sealed indictments is real but the secret tribunals is not because I didn't cover the secret tribunals because I didn't know if that was real or not but the sealed indictments are real and I've been told that, that if you go onto those systems you can find them. So you say they are real and are they going to be unsealed and anybody going to be held accountable because it's just driving people like me and my listeners and everyone else absolutely nuts.
Michelle Whitedove: I'm right on board with you. I don't see them doing anything about it. That's just a part of our corruption as well in our man-made systems that are no longer working for the people … and we're literally going to be observing them being destroyed, just falling and breaking apart so that we could create a better way. But it gets worse before it gets better unfortunately.
Sarah Westall: But this is where the hot war could come from because people, when we know that children are being abused, the big pharma is purposely hurting people we know that this, I mean it's every day more and more is exposed. People just don't know what to do other than to fight back.
Michelle Whitedove: That's true. That's another vision that I received from Spirit is what I would refer to is rioting and looting and civil unrest, martial law. We're not far from that and it's not just happening here in the United States it's also happening outside of United States in the whole world. But the problem is the news that we get, let's say CNN, people go, "Well, let me watch CNN tonight." They're only giving you the news that they want you to get, that's a distraction. It's a distraction from the real issues that are going on that they're not covering and they're not giving to the people.
CORRECT May 25, 2020 George Floyd’s Murder in MINNESOTA Sparked Riots, Looting, Civil Unrest in the USA and whitedove says Martial Law is Coming.
Sarah Westall: Yeah, because there are so many protests going on all over the world and you just don't see it in the news at all.
Michelle Whitedove: You don't see it at all. And the best news you can get is pretty much online through the internet.
Sarah Westall: Well, people like me that's why I say independent journalists. We are covering the stuff as much as possible doing whatever we can to get that information out there. [ Please Subscribe to Sarah Westall’s YouTube Channel }
Michelle Whitedove: That's what I love about you.
Sarah Westall: Well, thank you. Okay let's talk about a couple of other people like General Flynn he's fighting for his life and we know this government set him up. What do you know about him?
Michelle Whitedove: Just as you said he was set up to be the fall guy and I don't see it looking too good for him. I feel bad because he's just part of the problem. If we really, I refer to the government part of the government, as a shadow government, hence that we don't see, people that make big decisions that we don't even hear about. We get a little bleep on something. Really that's all I could tell you about that unless you put that question to me another way, forgive me.
Sarah Westall: No, that's okay. So basically will he just, will that fight just continue and we just he's... I mean I don't know how else to put it to you other than I know they're fighting for their life. You've got Sidney Powell (Gen. Flynn’s Attny) fighting.
Is he going to go to jail? Do you know? Is it showing?
Michelle Whitedove: Well, the showing that it's guilty and that he may be looking, Spirit referred to him more getting a tap on the wrist. So, whether that be a short stint in the jail, in probation and certain fines but I don't think it's going to be what everybody thinks it's going to be.
VALIDATION: General Flynn was Freed
Sarah Westall: Well, it should disclose so much more. Okay let's talk about Trump and his family and what's going on with Trump. Let's first talk about the big elephant in the room and that is this farce impeachment trial.
Whitedove: Oh, what a joke and what a waste of our time and money. It's not doing anything. It's not going anywhere.
CORRECT Feb 2020 Trump acquitted by Senate in impeachment trial
Sarah Westall: Well, that's good. Well, but you get Adam Schiff up there going ... I am just boggled. He says the truth, if we really want to do the truth and if this country has anything to stand on, we need to convict because of the truth and I'm listening to him wondering what kind of la-la land he's in and how can people really think that way? When you look at the facts behind this and what really went on in Ukraine and the Biden corruption was over the top.
Whitedove: It was the top, yeah.
Sarah Westall: I mean, what is the ... I know they're lying, but are there people that really, really, really see that, or is it just one big game?
Whitedove: I call it one big game.
Sarah Westall: It's crazy. They just go up there and they lie like that.
Whitedove.: Yeah, there's no rhyme or no reason. When you watch it and you're getting your information, you're really there [crosstalk 00:] and going this is unbelievable. It's unacceptable, but nonetheless, it still goes on.
Sarah Westall: Jeez, and we know what happened in Ukraine. I covered that in detail about the Ukraine being used as a candy store. And then it used to have the highest GDP in Europe when the Soviet Union fell, because that was the center of their military industrial complex. Now it's the lowest GDP because we went in there and literally raped them, not just us, but the global powers that be, led by people like Joe Biden. And then he goes in there and does that one thing and they try to take him down for it. It's just incredible.
Whitedove: It is incredible and really all their hands are dirty as far as I'm concerned. That's the problem with our government and heads of state, people that we're supposed to trust, we can't trust them. That's why the system is flawed. It's set up, it's rigged and people know this, and you never see people that aren't going to get up in arms about this. And look at what they did in Virginia trying to do the gun grab. And I called that before it even came out to the news. But I'm seeing that becoming a bigger and bigger problem because they are going to try to take our guns away from us. And the people will really go up against the powers. So to say, "No, we're not laying down our guns" is part of the Constitution. We have a right to bear arms to defend ourselves.
Facebook post April 30 2020
Sarah Westall: Well, the right to bear arms is also there to protect, I mean, is there to protect the rest of the constitution, which we know.
Whitedove: Exactly.
Sarah Westall: And the freedom of speech, which I feel this big time I'm being censored big ... anybody in journalism, independent journalists know it because they see their numbers. They see weird crap all the time. We are being heavily censored.
Whitedove: Oh yeah. Especially you say that because you're hitting hard topics that they really don't want information to go out. And there's keywords that they look for, they hear. So they'll interrupt. Absolutely.
Sarah Westall: Well, and I see weird stuff. Like I see blanks on my screen on the real time numbers. I see all sorts of ... I see negative numbers sometimes. How can a realtime minute, like they show you by the minute and I'll get negative numbers for that minute. That's not possible.
Whitedove: Exactly. That's how they do it. They censor everything that goes on and what comes in.
CORRECT May 2, 2020 NEWS Article The dangerous liberal ideas for censorship in the United States The most chilling suggestion, however, comes from the politicians and academics who have called for the censorship of social media and the internet. The only thing spreading faster than the coronavirus has been censorship and the loud calls for more restrictions on free speech. Article <
CORRECT Aug 2020 Proof that the USA’s news is scripted propaganda not journalism Video <
Sarah Westall: Oh, well. I just wish more people would wake up to this because it's just so important. If we in a group woke up, we could do something, right? As a group, we have a lot more power than we realize.
Whitedove: We're more powerful than the government if we gathered as a large group of collective consciousness and acted together, we could actually beat this. But the problem is most people are living in their own little world, their little boxes or circles. A lot of people do believe what's on CNN or FOX (News) or any of the stations or the newspaper. "Oh, if it's in the paper, if it's on the news, that has to be the gospel." Well, it's not, it's edited and it's a distraction. It's not giving you the information that we really need to know so that we can act upon it. But the government's been doing that for many, many years. This is nothing new. We're just becoming a little bit more aware of it. Thank God for people like yourself that have the strength and courage to do this, which I give you a lot of credit for, because I know I'm a truth speaker.
Sarah Westall: We dangle out there and sometimes it's scary, like I told Kevin the other day and I said, "Ah, God. I'm a little scared to cover." There was a specific topic that I needed to cover and we were talking about it. I told him a little scared to cover it. And I said, "You know what, at the end of the day I do what's right. I don't make the decision on whether I'm scared or not. I do what's right." And I guess I've been thinking about that for the last 24 hours and I guess that is what courage is I guess. I'm not delusional. I know that these things are scary topics, but I'm doing it anyway because I know it's the right thing to do.
Michelle Whitedove: And plus not only that, Sarah, but Spirit will protect you. So there's something bigger and greater besides our government, which is God, which is spirit. So you're protected. You're also considered a light worker or someone that's a humanitarian trying to get this information out. But most people just don't want to hear it. They don't want to hear it. They don't want to believe it because that means they would have to actually take accountability for themselves and try to do something about it.
But you know, ignorance is bliss. Now that's not my stand but that's most people's stands.
Sarah Westall: But you got to admit, ignorance is a little bliss. I think I was a little happier before I knew. Actually I'm happier having the truth obviously and I can't not have the truth and you can't unlearn what you've learned, but knowing about this whole dark side of the pedophilia stuff, that just breaks my heart. I mean, it's just a little soul crushing, but you got to keep fighting because it's important that we know. Okay.
Whitedove: Yeah. Go ahead.
Sarah Westall: No, go ahead and say what you going to say.
Whitedove: Oh, it's just so big if people really realized how big this is, this topic (pedophilia) and how many souls are affected. Women, children, it's like some others - Sodom and Gomorrah that needs to be purged and cleansed because this just can't keep happening and it breaks my heart really
Sarah Westall: Well it does and that's why like Kevin is doing that new tribunal, citizens tribunal using international law because international law, if the government's proved to be incompetent or won't do their job, the courts won't do their job, the police won't do their job. Then citizens can, based on international law, citizens can do it themselves. It's considered legit, it's recognized and other States or that state can then indict or if they find an indictment, they can act on that. It's part of international law. So he's moving forward and doing that and I salute people that do that because those are the rights that we have. We can use international law if our governments are not doing what they should be to take down obvious criminals, we can do it ourselves.
Whitedove: I agree. I agree.
Sarah Westall: Yeah. Well, I know you would agree with that one, cut on my soap box a little bit. Okay. Let's talk about other predictions that you have. Why don't you bring up, what are some of the other predictions that you have around the globe that are important that you're going to be talking about this year?
Whitedove: Well, I've just released them interestingly enough. Really about a lot of the natural catastrophic events and the events that unfold that are not natural catastrophic events from our government. Also about the economy, people are really concerned about money. Do we need gold? Do we need silver? What's going to happen to the dollar. And I don't know if you realize this, Sarah, but a lot of people are already bartering one service for another, which I think is a great way to do business. You have a service that I need, that's great. You want my service, that's wonderful. The dollars aren't even in our hands. But I tell all my clients, these days you need yes cash, yes plastic, yes check but you also need gold, silver, copper. cryptocurrencies, have a service that you can barter.
CORRECT May 11 2020 Washington Post - Bartering is back: When life gives you lemons, trade them for a neighbor’s hand sanitizer! Facebook groups and other avenues are springing up as thousands of people look to swap goods.
This is what I need about also being self sufficient, independent, self-reliant. This is the year that you want to be ready for anything and you also really need to wake up spiritually and start applying The Universal Laws of the tools. Live your life based on the words that you speak, the truth that you speak. That to me, the most important thing is for people to take off their rose colored glasses and wake up, wake up to what's really happening, but wake up spiritually at the same time and be prepared to go for one heck of a ride like a roller coaster ride throughout this year.
CORRECT GLOBAL SHUTDOWN happened - This is the time to be self sufficient and self-reliant because the the USA Shut Down in March 2020, Stores closed down, Groceries were limited. The USA farmers were told to kill their pigs and chickens and dump their Milk and the vegetables that they grew!
Sarah Westall: Okay. Sorry. It's already starting there. Okay, you state that the reset is not what people think. So, and I want to get deep into cryptocurrencies and gold and things, but why are you saying it's not what people think?
Whitedove: Because of so much information that they're not receiving and also that they don't want to believe it. You wouldn't believe how many people, if I bring it up and I go, "Look, I can even show you facts." No, no, no, no, they just shut down and they don't want to hear it. They don't want to believe it. And then even if they have a little light bulb that comes on, "Well, I'm just one person. I can't really do anything about it." And this to me is unacceptable. We're all in this together and it doesn't just affect the United States, this is global. We're talking about, our economy affects Canada's economy, the ripple effect. So this is why I released a very large report in 2020 and going beyond 2020.
Sarah Westall: You covered over 300 cryptos. I mean, you went deep into cryptos. Now are cryptos as important, more important than just gold and silver and currency?
Michelle Whitedove: It's something that people are utilizing and it's getting to be a service, not a service, but a way that they can bring in another source of income besides just a regular paycheck. But they have to do what they're doing. I always tell people, cryptos is sort of like gambling and that's why I try to release as much information as I can so that way they don't buy a bunch of junk and end up with less money than what they started with. They need to know where to invest and they watch that daily, just like the stock market, you watch that daily. But the stock market, that's another illusion too because that's already rigged and set. It's manipulated. Like right now it's falsely inflated, our economy.
CONFIRMED - IS The Stock Market Rigged? Watch this April 2020 Video <
Sarah Westall: Well, it's falsely inflated because the fed is pumping so much money into it, right? It's not people, it's the fed (Federal Reserve).
Whitedove: It's the fed, yeah, of course.
Sarah Westall: Yeah. And so it's well if you kept your money in it, at least it's the artificial inflation, hyperinflation. And then if you can pull it out the right time to buy cryptos it's probably a good deal, right?
Whitedove: Yes. That's how it works.
Sarah Westall: Well ... Go ahead.
Whitedove: Go ahead. We do this. Okay, you go ahead
Sarah Westall: Okay. Well, I was going to say the central bankers are talking about they're wanting to put a global digital currency in place. Is spirit telling you that there's going to be a global digital currency run by the powers that should not be in this world?
Whitedove: What Spirit told me and it took me a while to wrap my head around this, Spirit told me that our government would come up with a completely different form of currency that's not even really currency where it's chipped. We have a certain number and that's like you put your card in or your number and that determines what you have as a plus or a negative.
CORRECT April 2020 Although all mentions of the digital dollar were scrapped from CORONAVIRUS Stimulus Package known as the CARES Act — the cat seems to be out of the bag. In a recent conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said “it is likely that the digital dollar, will appear again.”
Whitedove: And there's a lot of people that are going off the grid. They don't want to be on the grid. They're, I call it compounds or communities of people that are really downsizing.
This is a big thing right now that's happening. People are wanting to get away from big cities, wanting to get away from the heads that rule us because even younger people are onto, this is not what it appears. I mean, get in your car and drive around. I don't care what neighborhood or what state, you see so many more people now that are on the streets that are homeless. Crime is at an all-time high. Suicide's at an all-time high. Infertility's at an all-time high. Really all of the negative things, the things that we don't want to happen are in an all-time high and it seems like nobody's doing anything about it.
Sarah Westall: It does. It's crazy. I'm trying to do something about it, but I feel like I'm just pissing into a fan that's hit me back in the face. I had to say that because that's the vision that came to me. Okay. I have vision too minus that okay? So basically you're seeing some weird thing where we all have a chip or we all have a number.
Whitedove: Yes. They already do the eye face recognition. I believe I said that correctly. Your eye, I mean, it's getting crazy. It's just, and that's something else I talked about, computers taking over our jobs, then what happens
Sarah Westall: They will though, right? They already have
Whitedove: They already are. They already are. And then I actually blogged about that and talked about how, I don't know if you remember that show many, many years ago, the Bionic Man, Bionic Woman where they're going to take certain parts of a computer and make that a part of our person, where it's an added feature and to utilize that, which is pretty out there. But you know, the thing is, the government has a cure for cancer. The government knows about free energy. They have all these things, but they don't want to let go of it. Money, money, power, power, and greed, gluttony and just so many people that are supposed to be for the people when in fact, they're working against us not for us. It's their own agenda.
Sarah Westall: And they lie just so like the shift getting up there and saying the truth and they say it with so much passion, we need to have the truth while he's lying at the same time. It's crazy.
Whitedove: They all lie.
Sarah Westall: Yes. Okay. And some of the most charismatic people, that's what being a psychopath is. You can be very, very charismatic and be lying at the same time and come across as genuine to a person who can't see through it.
Whitedove: Very scary.
Sarah Westall: Yeah. So, okay. Well, let's talk about your reports because you have this amazing Patreon people join and they can get access to your reports on what do you do, monthly reports, what do you do?
Whitedove: (Patreon ) Monthly reports or whenever Spirit gives me the information. It's not like an exact time or date, it's when I get the information. Well in any new year, I always release what I see for the year and even beyond that. So that's when I do always tap in and get information and put it down on paper and put it out there for the people. And then sometimes it's just given to me and then I will release that on a blog or different ways. It's amazing. People find me from all over the world and I'm like, "How did you find me?" Oh, the internet. It's the internet.
Sarah Westall: Well, well, because you also you're considered America's top psychic because you didn't want to go on these shows and these contests. And then I remember you talking about it before I interviewed the first time and then you ended up eventually, after years of them bugging, you went on it and you won all these things.
Whitedove: Yes I did. Yeah. Yeah. But I did it for God and I did it for the people to see that there really are people like myself that are born with this gift and we can use it for the good of all, and they didn't believe that. So I went through those crazy, crazy tasks to show them that anything is possible through the grace of spirit and that connection that everyone has intuition. It's a matter of fine tuning it and utilizing it. But most people are stuck in their ego, their intellect and they don't recognize that small voice so they don't choose to develop it. And that in itself, if we have people just utilize prayer, meditation and listened to that voice, we would get through life much more gracefully and as painlessly as possible and fulfill our contract.
Sarah Westall: Oh, I just love your message. Okay. So if people want to get a copy of your report, can they go to your website or how do you do? Because obviously you got to make a living, so you sell this report and then you also have a Patreon, I know you have a Patreon membership because I'm a member and I get stuff from you. Yes. I get stuff from you on a regular basis. And it's really fun to read that, but can you get a one time report or how's that work?
Whitedove: It's on, right? That's where it is. And they can get it, choose to or not. It's there once or twice a year
Sarah Westall: Okay. And then meanwhile, they can become a Patreon and they can just get updates from you on a regular basis, which I think is so cool because you give out reports and then you'll just have random report things that you tell people.
Whitedove: Yes, exactly. One day I may wake up and SPIRIT downloaded all this information to me. So I'll blog on it and put it up. And that way the people can get the information that way.
Sarah Westall: Okay. Well thank you so much. What do you have planned for the year?
Whitedove: To do everything that I just told everybody else they need to do. (Get Prepped)
Sarah Westall: You want to walk? You want to walk the talk, right? Because you can't be full of crap
Michelle Whitedove: That's right. I'm not hypocritical. I'm going to walk the talk and live my life like a prayer and continue to try to wake up as many souls as I can.
Sarah Westall: Oh, well God bless you. Thank you so much for joining me today.
Whitedove: Oh, you, you are so special, Sarah. Please know that you are making more of a difference than what you're giving yourself credit for.
Sarah Westall: Oh, thank you. It's hard with all the censorship of knowing, you know?
Whitedove: I know, I know. But you got SPIRIT looking after you, people like myself and you have a great audience and you're not afraid to speak the truth and that's something I really admire about you and love. So I mean that from the heart.
Sarah Westall: Thank you so much. You have a wonderful weekend.
Michelle Whitedove: All right. You too, dear. God bless.
_ ——— END of Interview —————
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