Predictions and Psychic Insights by Michelle Whitedove this is an Excerpt from her 35 Page Patreon Report> Whitedove said, I was called to do a special report, with everything that's going on, even though Spirit shared so much with us, people are still in need of information on the CoronaVirus, the economy, crypto market, global lockdown and what is coming
Read More2012 World Predictions Year of the Dragon
Natural Catastrophic Events Worldwide
As we move through this transitional period 2011-2016, we will continue to experience a cleansing. Much will be wiped away by a higher rate of Natural Catastrophic events
What would Edgar Cayce do?
Considering the fact that many of Edgar Cayce's readings took place during the Depression and War years, it is not surprising to find that many individuals asked questions about their own troubled finances, their lack of work, their fears and anxieties for the future. Edgar Cayce himself had severe financial challenges that were overwhelming at times.
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