Opening Thoughts: Our New Norm and the Corona Effect
Written and transcribed for Patreon March 30, 2020
Predictions and Psychic Insights by Michelle Whitedove
An Excerpt from my 35 Page Patreon Report
I wanted to do a special report, with everything that's going on, even though Spirit shared so much with us, people are still in need of information ... there's a lot happening. As predicted months ago when many thought I had lost my mind calling the CoronaVirus Novel a “Modern Day Plague” and “it would affect everybody either personally or by someone in their family. Either on a financial level or emotional level or other,” every household.
Now let’s get to as many possible questions and if I don’t get to yours, believe me I tried and there will be other chances. I've already been in a state of Grace, I've already done several readings, I'm prayed up and I’m ready to roll so let’s jump in.
Can The World Get Ahead Of The Virus: Sad, we missed that chance, but the lock down stay-at-home will help slow it. That's what they're trying to do now, because they can't heal it. They don't have the vaccination. They're so overwhelmed. And this is global, by the way. I told people it was going to happen--180 questions. In January we shared it, and most, even some of my smart friends who know my gifts said I was utterly crazy and stirring unnecessary fear…how upsetting is that.
And even in my first book I wrote that in 2000. And again in 2007 I wrote about all of this. And then again in 2017. So, we've been prepping people of the Patreon for a couple of years from the get go and in Whitedove Reports with the consistent message, "Hey, get prepared. Get self-sufficient. Independent. All that." Giving our friends a heads up to be ready. What did the smart ones do? They listened.
So, there's really no way to start playing catch up with this. But, it IS better for countries that at least take somewhat of a quarantine stance. Because there's some countries, like The Netherlands, that are just going, the restaurants and gyms are still open. I don't think that's going to work out very well. That's even worse.
Listen, the global numbers that they're even showing us are BS. They're lying. The deaths are happening. Spirit showed me China has so many dead bodies that they don't even know what to do with them. China is crippled with this, from this man-made virus. And I have been referring to it as the modern day plague because that is what Spirit told me. Those were not my words; those were the words spirit gave me. I kept saying it's in the air. It's in the air, but I don't know what chemicals they're using. But whatever it is, it's flipping people out and now it's killing many as predicted.
CORRECT April 1, 2020 Bloomberg News China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says
It's a combination of the government, the shadow government creating it, unleashing it. Why? Population control. Why? Because they wanted to use us as lab rats and see how the experiment would go, by using a biological weapon. It could be used as a weapon, not only to shut down your upper respiratory and your breath and heart, but it flips people too. Many go mad. A psychiatric snap. So, this is bad.
This is not some plot to take out the Shadow government, as Spirit was clear on this since January. Listen, the US gov’t is reacting and can’t keep up, they are not running some sophisticated operations behind the scenes to “take down and arrest all of the “Deep State bad guys” I am sorry, that is fantasy. Think about it, it really is all they can do to try and get supplies and help where it is most needed. They are logistically overwhelmed. I know all about a theory out there, there are some people that still believe this is a globally coordinated hoax with a bigger plan to take down the deep state while all this is going on. It's a theory. People believe it. I know. I heard that gossip.
Look the CoronaVirus is a biological Weapon unleashed on mankind by the Global Shadow Government. Yet some think this is a giant, globally coordinated kind of hoax or exaggeration, because there's a big plan that's going on behind the scenes to take down the deep state bad guys. The answer to those questions, were a “no” and I am sorry to share that. I am sorry, but I cannot lie or say something just because some friends would like me to. I get my information from Spirit – I have not heard anything to reinforce those conspiracy theories and rumors.
Question: the news keeps trying to say they're going to try and keep the CoronaVirus Deaths in the USA under 100,000; Is that possible?
That's a good question. You know what I just saw on Instagram? This was a picture of a parking lot with squares on it and I was like, "What is that?" Las Vegas is closing all of their homeless shelters because of the coronavirus. So they're marking squares on the parking lot for people to have safe assured distance, but have somewhere to sleep. Can you believe that? Meanwhile, all the hotels, of course, they're empty, they're closed. How about some humanity when there is a Pandemic? There are no formal procedures in place?? it's just unbelievable.
That's unbelievable!! So back to the question; Will there be more than a hundred thousand deaths in the U.S.? Yes. I know it to be true. Sadly the TRUE death count numbers will not be given. The real numbers are not even shared Country to Country!!
ABOUT CHINA’s Number of Deaths
When I Remote View and look at China, it’s so bad. Just the numbers of dead bodies in China. If we saw those scenes on the TV news everyone would probably faint or drop on the floor and have a heart attack. Today March 30th the News Headline they are saying Wuhan China is going back to work, the numbers in deaths is declining. Spirit told me that this... now remember, we're talking about it being global worldwide. I predict that there will be more than a million deaths, globally.
But it went from thousands. Remember I said thousands and thousands and they stopped me two days ago, and they said, a million. And I was like, "How could that be? You know, that many?" And they said, "You're not thinking about China. You don't have their numbers. They have dead bodies everywhere." And basically saying that this has never been seen on this planet like this. It's a first.
So YES, I predict that the U.S., the U.S. will exceed 100,000. absolutely. Will they give you the accurate number? No. They keep on trying to just leave it where it is, because they're afraid of everybody going into mass hysteria.
Spirit says they're not even going to come close to reporting the accurate number but we will start hearing numbers of death like Italy. The other places that have been hit hard, some are more factual on their numbers, and more accurate in their news. Here in the USA, I see visions of so many dead bodies and so many people contracting it. Some are recovering, for many they don’t get pneumonia, but sadly it's going to be more than hundred thousand deaths in America. I’m just sharing what I’m given, God want us to know the truth. Because when you know the TRUTH, then you can take action and make decisions that are best for you.
Deep State | Illuminati | Shadow Government = the permanent government
So will the main members of the deep state ever be held accountable for their crimes against humanity? What about Comey, the one FBI guy that did all the spying on Trump and all the dossier stuff? How about the Clintons and Obama? Crimes against humanity & government human trafficking?
No. I don’t see it. Of course the will all have a final reckoning as they stand before GOD. I see this karma delivered by Spirit - - not by men.
Yeah, nobody's talking. The only person that wants to pull up dirt and put some of the dirty secrets out there, believe it or not, is Hillary Clinton. Hillary will leak some stuff out and put some names, but they'll just brush it under the carpet as usual.
So you don't see a lot of arrests for the big names like Obama and Clinton and stuff like that?
No. No, no. It's like they get away with it, but they really don't because the whole game changes. The system changes. I feel like their will be one or two fall guys that are, "Oh, look." Maybe the Clintons, or maybe Obama, but really letting it all out there and what these sickos do, no I don’t see transparency. You have to connect the dots.
But they're really just little guys in the grand scheme of things. People think they're the big players, but they're not. They're not. They're just puppets of the Global Shadow Government
Have you ever heard of QAnon? Q Anonymous? Basically it was generated when Trump went into office. However, while popular with some today, many don't even know the genesis of QAnon, and many actually buy into it 100%. And we know why, because while many things are completely wrong, every now and again something will play out or one can make a connection and point to it and say, “see, this is real.” Some think that “Q” are a team of good guys (and what a nice thing to think) who are getting ready for 3 years now to take down the bad guys. But it's like you shared in the first Whitedove Report, two years ago, you shared QAnon is part hoax and part accurate. It is a quagmire so it draws people in and then confuses them and gets them spinning their wheels like a riddle with no solution … Just its coming, it’s coming…
Yes, bizarre. “We the Good People” want the Bad Guys to go down, but people all believe the QAnon thing whole heartily …but it's not something you should buy into, but everybody is. It's a delicate thing, because a lot of our friends, who are smart and kind and want to help, actually believe it all. So, with respect I want to talk about this delicately as questions come up and I want to answer them.
The Covid-19 Hotspots: Odd how in the Whitedove Report spirit singled out NY, Louisiana/Bayou area, The EAST COAST and THE WEST COAST for a heck of a year. That's what I saw and still do, and I’m still focusing on the East Coast and what is on the East Coast: NY, NJ, Conn, MA, FL right. TX Spirit shared too, Florida is going to be another, oh sad, yeah. And you know in a recent report I was asked to find a good/safe place in FL and spirit couldn’t come up with one for this year that was telling. Sad.
Ventilators? Enough? They are manufacturing masks. They are getting a shit ton of equipment out. They might end up having enough equipment eventually. Do you think that'll be the case, on the positive side?
Short answer, some places yes and some no. What it is, is that they're trained to use science and numbers, like the number of projected cases. But I see many challenges. They'll say how many deaths happened today or how many people have contracted it but are still alive. They don't know if they're going to make it or not. So they're using modeling to predict how many cases, how many numbers there'll be, and if they can stay ahead of it. Yeah. So, they're taking the numbers and going on that to determine how many more, or when will it stop. You can't do that with this. Remember we were talking like months ago, and I said, "I'm seeing something, I telling you, there's something in the air. I don't know the chemicals, what to call it, but they're releasing it and people are going bat-shit crazy." And then, this virus broke out. And remember, I shared. I know you heard it, “this is terrible. What is coming is bad and I shared very clearly in reports “We're at the beginning of the end of times as we know it. Not the end of times, but the beginning of the end of times as we know it." And many paid attention to that and now get it.
I shared what Spirit showed me, "That we'll have war too. And they're saying that it's already happening, and every household would be affected." Remember? I said all that, what is this, this is war and with a man-made virus. So Spirit shared all of this yet it didn’t make sense at the time. I said that publicly and privately. I put it out there. But, I just didn't have a name for what this virus is – “Hey, listen. This is a modern day plague, this was manmade." I remember saying that in January. Along the lines of it being manmade, do you feel like ... because sometimes I refer to them as shadow government or deep state, it doesn't matter what you call them. It’s the Global Shadow Government - the people that are pulling the strings, they are the heads that be, that we don't see.
QUESTION: There's a theory out there that says, "Oh, the Shadow Govenment they'll tell you everything they're going to do, because they're required karmically to do that. And if they tell you and you don't do anything about it, it's your fault and they don't have the bad karma." Is that a universal law?
That's not how it works at all. There's karma, but that goes into play when we go before God and have to explain our earthly actions. Then we find out what our karma is. What joy we gave, what pain, who did we hurt, how did we help, and what did we learn. That's the spiritual life review we have. Religions call it judgement – but it’s really more of an assessment.
QUESTION: It was a fascinating question, "Some have seen some evidence of the evil shadow government planting seeds in the public awareness before events are unleashed on the public. The globalists are bound by some strange karmic contract that they must reveal their evil plans ahead of time. If the sheep will do nothing, then the elitists consider it this implied consent to grant them permission to proceed with their nefarious agenda."
NO, men do not have the power to neutralize their Karma by putting out the bad things they are going to do ahead of time. It is important for people to live a life that's clean and spiritual and peaceful.
QUESTION: Maybe karma's the wrong word to insert in there. Because what they're saying is, this deep state feels like they must put out there what they're going to do ahead of time, and they have a lot of times. It's like their rule of law, that they have to put it out there. But is it their rule of law, or is it just their ego? Saying, "Watch this. I'm going to-"
Thats just Ego. It's all ego. It's not a rule of law. It's also a way that they communicate publicly to tell the military complex and other evil doers their plans. They think we are stupid when they are so blatant!
Military Takeover? QAnon? Other Theories? Some believe there's a military takeover going on right now under this umbrella of coronavirus. Is this true?"
No. I shared that already last month a couple of times. But people see the National Guard being called up but that is to help. No, that's BS. What happens is, some people that have no clue how the military works or anything, they see people being called up. But what they're doing is they're just calling up medical units, or they're calling up civil engineering units, or they're calling ... just actually, National Guard units to get stuff done. They're really just calling up to help with the virus, because the virus is real. And the other thing is, all these people that think that there's these big, deep state takeout going on, they would never do it right now because they are actually overwhelmed with coronavirus response because it is real. Trump and others just don't have time for all things people are theorizing. Every country is overwhelmed just trying to take care of building respirators and fight this war on COVID19.
Is it the situation is being used by the military to accomplish any of the following? Massive arrests of cabal members to take place all over the world using elite military operations? No.
Are they doing something called “Three days of darkness” or “Ten days of darkness” and shutting the internet down and communication down and power down and using the “darkness” to do mass arrests of a bunch of people all around the world?
No. Not like this is being asked. Some other arrests but not some sweeping big Cabal operation. But there will be blackouts as Spirit shared and we published. And Big Brother is watching. Not related to a bunch of arrests. But Big Brother is watching. You know what I mean? Whether our phones, the computer, the iPad, the telly, your blogs, your YouTube channel, all of it. I do see this happening right now. YouTube came out with a statement that Google owns YouTube and said, "Hey, we're taking down a bunch of videos and channels now." So there is more of the deep state coming down and monitoring and silencing people. They're policing it much more, and it feels like we're losing a lot of our freedom, like even to speak. Yeah. They're sanitizing it. They're cleaning up. The Constitution's has been and is being trampled right now. So, it's starting to look like a police state. It's starting to look more and more like Communism. That's how it's starting to feel.
Three days of Darkness, I have seen this in our future “The Bible and the Native American’s have foretold of 3 days of darkness during the Earth Changes. I believe that this is the aftermath of a coming Solar Super Storm. For three days, people & animals cannot be outdoors. It will be a time when a well-stocked pantry or cellar with canned goods and bottled water will be needed.
– Michelle Whitedove June 10, 2010
Back To Normal? Do you see after coronavirus subsides, and you had predicted it could be anywhere from months to up to a year and a half before it's all cleaned up including the aftermath... Do you feel like after coronavirus is gone, things will go back to normal again?
Sadly, No. This changes everything. It's a game changer. I'll share with you exactly. Look here I saw this coming Spirit gave this warning The great American Eclipse in 2017 was a portend. Just hear me out, what have predicted and I am predicting. Okay. Plagues will be on the rise for people, animals, and crops, too. Chaos, terror, and crime will increase. Expect more mental imbalances, psychiatric breaks; mental breakdowns will be on the rise.
Matters of the US government will be spiraling out of control. That eclipse had obstructed our view at first. Then the issues come to light.
This is happening right now March 2020:
-We have a locust plague in Africa right now.
-The world is on lockdown because of this virus that was created by our government.
-The US government is not prepared medically. We are like a third world country in terms of preparation for this and we are late to the game in response – many will die because of this failure. I see that Martial law is coming to keep the people under control.
The coronavirus is a manmade, biological weapon created by the shadow government. Why? To greatly reduce the number of people, to destroy global economy, to change the world currency to digital. I called that for a long time. Predicted it. And to gain control over mankind - basically slowly creating a globalist One World Order
The numbers of the virus of the deaths are not accurate. They are much higher, and it's spreading faster than they can even think of or control or keep up. Stay inside. What should the government do? Tell the truth and agree to destroy all the biological weapons, the facilities, and the debt created because of this manufactured tragedy. What can the people do now? Start your backyard garden, build your immune system, have your freezer full, stock your pantry. Think of something that you can barter. Stay peaceful and at home. Turn off the negative TV news, pray, meditate, visualize the virus dying, be productive, and make a plan. How long will this virus last? I see it as we go into the election time,
While short term in the big scheme of things, I see it could go even a little longer especially for the aftermath. Okay. I predicted that the stock market would crash. It's already crashed twice. That's happening- It's bottomed down already twice. Then rigged back up. Yeah, it's around 23 right now, 23,000. I know it's crashed a couple times, started to come back up again. Wiping out 11 Trillion dollars of wealth. Do I think it'll go lower again? Yeah. It's ridiculous. All right. The coronavirus, how long will this coronavirus... Yeah, I said until the election time, but I see this lasting really until next year for aftermath and such. Even then, it's the aftermath that we're dealing with. So is it really fully over? No. Okay. Yeah, I did predict that the stock market would crash. What's going to happen next to the economy? Hold it. Hold it. It's going to crash.
I have to say this too after all those things. These predictions do not have to apply to us. If we come together in prayer and peacefully protest, the people outweigh the government, and we say, "We're not going to stand for this. This is corrupt, the system is flawed. We're not dumb." They're not prepared for that.
But this virus is truly being used as a biological weapon. THIS IS A TEST! They didn't know how far and how bad it was going to go, so they weren't even ready even though they're the ones that unleashed it. They're also making it easier for war because they're taking out so many people right now. Unfortunately, these little children with preexisting medical conditions that are fragile and innocent, elderly people, other adults that have a lot of health issues, layering health issues. Anybody that has a compromised immune system that's weak, you're a target. It's bad. Nobody can say when it's going to be over, and nobody has the answer for it.
What I got from upstairs is God's saying he will call it. He will stop it when he is ready, God is not going to let man destroy everything, not only humanity, but the planet. It's not going to happen. But sadly this chaos and Virus is just the prelude to what's coming next. It gets worse before it gets better, but we're not there right now. We can leave it at this, but I would say to everybody if there was ever a time to spiritually wake up, and pray, and meditate, and be around good people, positive people, people that also pray too, we can change the future. That's the light at the end of the tunnel. We always have more than one probable future. Let's create a better future so we don't have another war, which they won't give me a name on it because they're not going to call it World War III, but it will be a war after this, going in later into 2025, six, seven, eight, that. We're not there yet.
It's interesting that we asked you for your Whitedove Report in January to come up with an overall theme for the year 2020, and you said that, ”It's a cleansing and a purging time, and for really the light and the darkness to separate. Those that are coming from love and light and who are good people will be fine. Those that are dark will try to influence us or try to take us out. Hence why prayer is so important and meditation and a pure intent. Charity too. Like if I get something, and many know, I always say, "I just want to give to charity, one thing or another." It's a give and a take. When I receive something, I give something. Balance. The Theme I Get from Spirit for 2020 is: “The need to wake up spiritually and walk your talk, live it.”
I forget everything that Spirit shares but when you read that, gosh, does that ring true. They are trying to take us out with this. Spirit never ceases to amaze me. Thank you, Spirit. And listen, if we could wake up, we could change this, but some people are just in denial. They're acting out of fear. They have their heads up their ass or in the sand, and they've created this little bubble that they live in. They have literally said to me, "Michelle, it's a hoax." I'm like, "I would never share something that is a hoax.-" Never!!
When Does A President Realize They Don’t Have The Power They Thought They Had? Let us ask you a question going back to Trump and the deep state. When is it when a president gets in, and he thinks... Like Clinton or Obama said, "Oh, I'm going to release information about UFOs," and Trump said, "Oh, I'm going to release information about John Kennedy assassination." Then they get in there, and they can't do it. When do they realize that they don't have the power they think they had?
Afterward when they get in the Whitehouse, and even then they don't understand it because they don't see the heads of the global government, you know “The Heads That Be That They Cannot See.” Now friends will ask “How do they send their orders out yet they can't get stuff accomplished? ” They don’t, they just try to make stuff happen and get nowhere because there is a system in place to stop them. Our government, many governments, have silos, and black ops budgets and they put civilians in charge. Not military uniformed personnel, not political temporary appointees who think they are in charge, but long time civilians who are compartmentalized and hold the keys, each holding certain pieces of the puzzle and some not realizing. Now I know as far as the US goes, some are saying, “But Trump's supposed to be at the top.” WELL, HE IS NOT. There are many programs that the presidents will never know about because the civilians are in place for 30, 40 years, but the political appointees who are, on paper, in charge never are shown most of the stuff either. Everything is so compartmentalized that you'll never know. A president won't know, and there's so many roadblocks that a president can say, "I want to know," but they'll never know.
How long before COVID-19 backs off a bit and life becomes more normal?
Well, to some degree in the months to come and yes around election time, a little bit past that even into next year likely, you know the aftermath. BUT please come to terms that Things will never go back to the way they were before. BUT Your world, your reality can be wonderful, but as predicted and written about last year this is the beginning of the end of times as we know it BUT it is not the end of times.
Do you see a big bounce back in the economy? It's called a V-shape recovery. It goes down quick, but then goes up quick like a V. Do you see a V-shape recovery or more of a slower, U-shape recovery, if at all?
The economy, I see it being more slow in the recovery--because, right now, we're actually in a recession, but it's getting ready to go to the next phase, which is being what? I suppose a depression. So after six months of shrinkage in the economy they say “oh it is a recession” but it is one now and people don’t know it as they think it’ll bounce right back. " No, no, no. I don't see that. I see the time frame being longer. I feel that the aftermath is even harder. Like Spirit said, "It's a prelude to what's coming after this is even worse before it gets better."
And then they will know the next phase is coming. I feel that sadly there are bad consequences … a depression. The government is trying to figure out how to give people money, how to give businesses money... Can they pay their staff? Small businesses. If people are waiting for the government and waiting for money, don't hold your breath. Before the stimulus bill was approved I predicted it would be and would put money in people’s hands but the ultimate outcome is people end up upset… it’s too little. We need to pray for people, again, it's the aftermath of all this craziness that people are going crazy staying home with their own families right now and kids. But the virus is still out there, and hitting hard and heavy. They can't control it. Think about Katrina when the hurricane happened. That's bad enough, right? But the aftermath of it is really worse. So Spirit's saying, "You think all this that we've talked about now is bad. This is just the prelude. This is the beginning because what comes after this is worse." The economy's not going just going to spring back up. They got everybody on lockdown, so there's going to be a lot of street people. There's going to be a lot of homeless shelters. They're going to be a lot of people trying to break into other people's homes. It's not pretty. We're not living in a sane world, but you can keep you sanity. You can be a bright light. I know that even though it's everything that spirit shared with me and I've predicted for years, it doesn't seem real until it starts happening.
Do you see things going back to normal for a few years before they start getting worse again or do you see this as more, no, times have changed starting now?
Yeah. Times have changed. Spirit said, "Game is over. Things are going to change. All of the manmade programs or creations that are not on the up and up are not good." They're crumbling--it takes time to play out as we’ve shared. They're all crumbling: medical systems, corporations, education systems, dogmatic religions, social services, banking, we're all just going to see all that crap go bye-bye.
Then the government is going crazy over this, all right, what do we do with all these millions of people? Do we send out another virus? I understand how hard all of this is for some to digest and it is why it has been shared over and over again over the years consistently. Oh, I do. Oh, I do understand how it is hard for many. It seems so surreal. You step outside and hear nothing. The streets are empty. It's crazy.
I can see why many continually ask the question, "Hey, are we going to have a quick recovery? Hey, is it going to go back to normal for a few years?" But sadly that's kind of all wishful thinking. Better to step into your strength, make some plans and keep moving forward. Everyone can clearly see things have changed. Things are not going to just go back to the way they were. There are broken systems and that is how all this could happen. It's not going to be the way it was and largely because the people who know things need to change won't have it. Things need to change.
I M P O R T A N T: Again, with everything that I just said, people need to learn to be peaceful amongst their own household and family, be grateful, count your blessings, but also take this time that we have right now. We're all in a lockdown and get prepared. Become self-sufficient, independent, and not so reliant on outside sources. Think of this as a chance, when you have a small window of time. You see what's coming. This is the prelude. Many have been given a gift of time right now (and I know it does not feel that way) while the government, for most people, is cutting free money. When you are not able to work. It won't last forever. This can be a time to prepare. Those that take advantage will be fine.
Bill Gates? Do you kind of get a feel for what his role in society is?
He has done some good things, no doubt. But he has been flipped. Yes it appears with his company, and humanitarian work, and charity. He's always very gracious with that. But there is another side to this. Well, the vaccines, I'm against. The vaccines are poison, and that's been proven. He's not evil. He's helped out a lot of people, charity, humanitarian work, but vaccinations...and he says we're overpopulated. Oh, we're overpopulated, so that means he's flipped. They flipped him. Lovely. This is the other thing that... that you're going to see happen. Unbelievable that we're going to see all this in our lifetime. Bill Gates, you just asked me about, used to be a great guy. Gave shares, millions to his staff, gave beaucoup money to charity. Clean water to impoverished countries and regions around the world. Care and feeding and…yeah, all these great things. Well, not only did he get greedy, he got flipped meaning by dark forces, dark entities. The fallen angels, however you want to put it, know that he's a man of power by position, by money, by contacts, by everything. So what does the do to counter the light beings who are fighting for good? What did they do? They take a heavy hitter like him, and they do one or two things. Their goal is either to flip you and get you on the dark side or kill you and take you out. They flipped him.
CORRECT April 10, 2020 on Good Friday a High Holy Day Bill Gates releases his AD features Satanist Artist Marina infamous from WIKI Podesta Emails #Spiritcooking Do your homework <link to AD
Do you see Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, launching human, implantable capsules that have digital certificates, which can show who has been tested for coronavirus, and who has not been, and who has been vaccinated?
Well, they're trying to do that, but they haven't found a way to. He'll try. I don't see it happening any time soon. And we can stop it by putting our foot down. It's kind of like, good lord, they want to put... well, I mean put a capsule in you that can tell if you've been tested. I'm not doing it. Now over the years, you have all seen my predictions that they were going to try and chip everyone. People said I was crazy for saying this every year for the last several years. But here we are addressing this and now people can go, oh, that is how they might do it. Think about that. They want to be able to put a capsule in you to tell if you've been tested for coronavirus or some other virus or whatever and if you've been vaccinated against it. They want to just put capsules in people so they can just scan your medical records. It will tell, "Oh, they have coronavirus or not." Do you see what I mean now? Doesn’t everything spirit shared over the years make more sense now? It's becoming a police state and not good, old America the land of the free.
IMPORTANT: Honestly, this came to me last night. I didn't even tell anyone because I was checking out the news trying to scan things to see what's the real truth. They ARE going to create a vaccination. They are going to try to demand, push that we are all tested for the vaccination or rather yeah. They're creating a vaccination. Then they're also testing you to see if you're a carrier and you have it, you're hurting others or are you hurting yourself meaning you have it. I can see them making tests mandatory for every human being. I really can. They're going to try to push the test and say, "This is a maybe, an if, or a but. You have to be tested for this virus. If you say, no, they're trying to, again, leave out what's been in the Constitution and say, "Well, no. It's a yes." There'll be a stipulation on that like with the vaccinations for kids. I had a son in public school. I had to pull them out, put them in private school because I wouldn't give them all those vaccinations, but you see what I had to do. Go pay big money, go to private school just so I knew that his health was well. They know damn well what they're doing with those vaccinations, but they are going to create it and demand that we all be tested, and if you have it, demand that you take whatever they want to give you to fix it. Will they make us all take a vaccine someday for this? They'll try. That's what they're pushing for. They'll try. State by state. Yeah. State by state vax laws,
Will there be forced vaccinations for people in order to travel? Will our freedom of movement be restricted in the foreseeable future?
Unfortunately, this has changed everything. For example, the way that you would normally take a plane, and it goes somewhere, or security. All that from high alert, color red, and it's not going to be good. It's like I'm not flying anywhere, but- eventually yes. Even to get on with certain corporations – your vaccination records will need to be in order.
Will they ever come out with a vaccine that is okay and safe to use against this virus? No. None of the vaccinations that they create are going to be “safe” and I know I’m sharing a very hard line on that, but that is what I get. If you do your research or I have some great people that are and were doctors. They gave me pages and pages of proof and what they really do is basically only cause illness later on in life and purposely so. Spirit showed me and also research confirmed the toxic heavy metals. Think about this…why so many questions about vaccines? Why so many death or Autism cases after the shots? Why are you unable to sue the vax makers? People do your homework! They could make safe vaccines but they don’t.
IMPORTANT: If we do not want this or abuses of power to occur, We, the people, have to come together, peacefully protest and say, "No, it's a free--I am a free person. I am in charge of my body and anything that goes in it. What happened to freedom? I'm not taking the test. It should be optional." That's what it's going to come down to. That's why we're going to have some unrest and martial law because we're going to flip off the government and give them the middle finger. We're all going to go do what we want, live in our compounds or our self-made, self-sufficient--yes, hence the other predictions I’ve made (that spirit shared, I had using “I” it is spirit who shares the information) for the last three years. This is what's driving those other predictions Spirit has been sharing consistently for the last years. This is part of it. Everyone gets that right? Full circle. It all comes full circle. I really needed to say that because now it all makes sense to many who didn’t understand how this could all happen. Yes, mandatory vaccinations would come and chipping of everybody would come out of this if we let it happen. That is why you have to get yourself correct spiritually. You will see a diverging of society, and people moving out and basically two groups of people, those that are chipped, those that have all their vaccination paperwork, those that do everything the government says because they're fearful and then those that don't.
Everyone knows this, but our Corporate MEDIA News is junk. FOX, CNN, MSNBC, etc They're not telling the people in the United States the truth. Or in China or many other places. They're not telling us anything. SPIRIT says the CoronaVirus numbers are bogus. If the Chinese people comment on what is happening, they can disappear. If you could see what's in China right now, you would think the world is coming to the end. Basically, even biblically, these days were written and foresaw also by Nostradamus that when the plagues come back, greed, all of this. Where we are in the actual time, 2020, it all has to be cleared out, and we start again like we've done so many other times, not just the ice age or the dark ages. It is just, what we shared last year. It's the beginning of the end of times as we know it, but not the end of times. People, friends, keep writing me and calling and saying now, everything you've been predicting for years now is making a ridiculous amount of sense to me. But it didn’t when you said it. You also predicted some years again, eventually, they will make cash, actual, physical dollars illegal and go to digital Currency or digital money. One day paper cash will be illegal , only be used on the black market or for those that move away from the grid, that refuse to be part of the new system created by Big Brother.
IMPORTANT: Hey, listen. That's why I believe in living your life every day to the fullest. Go big or go home. Take your money and share it while you're living so you can see the people that you love enjoy it and be there with them instead of holding all your money so when you're dead the family fights over it. You know what I mean? Save for tomorrow, make your investments with disposable income, place your bets, have your money set aside for a rainy day and then live your life and share all along the way.
China and A Second Wave? Yes. I see that China is having the second wave of the COVID19. It is awful there. The bodies, they're just piled up and piled up. They're killing their own people with this virus. Nobody can get a look in or get out. Nobody can get spies in, you know what I mean? We can't get info on it, but spirit shows me. But if we did, it looks like the Holocaust, all right? It looks like empty buildings, like war. War, something really crazy happened. But there's bodies everywhere. They made all media outlets, they made everyone get out of there so they couldn't report on what's actually going on. They knew if we saw, I mean, the whole world would shake. It's unbelievable.
This Virus Mutates? I see that COVID19 virus has mutated, so basically the virus has changed. So they can't keep up with that or find a cure or vaccination because Spirit says it mutates.
People Trying To Move: A couple of questions about moving. A friend wants to move to Colorado, which is a place you say, "Hey, Colorado's okay." But now feels maybe Arizona's a little better. Which is also a place you said is okay as long as you get near a water source and understand desert climates if that applies. Do you feel one over the other is better, Colorado or Arizona, or are both okay as long as you're near a water source?
I would take Colorado over Arizona. But really, the question becomes lots of people have moves scheduled and planned for this upcoming near term. Do I see challenges with people trying to move because of this virus? Absolutely. That's already occurring. If they have a window, so if they can find a window to move and execute it, do it now. Do it sooner rather than later. And remember how many times spirit shared we need to have a a plan A, B, and C. We need that for all areas of our lives now.
Here’s an example one of our friends writes in about. His mother lives in Rome. In Italy, you actually have to fill out a pass and you can only go to the grocery store or pharmacy or doctor's office, and you get stopped regularly to check your reason for traveling. It's not like you can just pretend you're going someplace else. You actually have to be doing it.
Now the question becomes, do I see it getting to that point in the US? Where they're like, "Hey, you got to have a pass," and stuff, or … It's not necessarily a pass, but they will get more drastic with the lockdown here in the USA.
What besides the coronavirus do you see happening this summer? Will there be anything else of significance, or will that be the main story all summer?
The main story for the summer will be about this virus and how we can correct it, if we can correct it, and again, people aren't working, houses need food. You know, there's so many things that we're going to have to clean up and try to pick up and recover. That's why I said the change after the virus, it's just dealing with the different versions of how to move forward. Plan now!
And then there is this sad situation…due to the lack of people getting their checks or not being able to pay their bills, let's just say bad people and gang members, these type of bad cats or characters are going to take advantage and start hitting places that are open and even hitting households. So it's not only that you need to be prepped and have food and water, you need to be aware of your surroundings and you need to be alert and have a protection plan. You need to have a gun in the house and know how to handle it.
Team Whitedove: Before any of this, in January’s 2020 The Whitedove Report, you strangely (or at least at the time it seemed strange to us) predicted that crime would be at an all-time high this year, and now we can see in time it's sadly likely to get there and people are ... You know, even good people will do some things they are not proud of if it comes down to feeding their children. It is a striking point you bring up. People aren’t considering that threat yet. Right now, people are going to the grocery store and the gas station because they're the only places that are open. Well, when people become desperate, where do you think they're going to rob? Thank you for reminding us to be vigilant of that as well. Look for your exits and egress points when you are out... that's an important point.
Colloidal silver? Silver's actually has a lot of medicinal and cleaning qualities to it. But they basically have something called colloidal silver and people are asking, “Does spirit share that that would actually be helpful in countering maybe the COVID-19 virus?
I have hears some say it's supposed to be one of the most powerful natural antibiotics…they put it in sprays and topical skin solutions and stuff. Let me put it this way, it is not a cure-all and it is not quackery by any stretch either. It won't hurt. It's not going to hurt anybody. You got nothing to lose. But I’m not seeing it as a ultra powerful cure-all for COVID19. I saying, look, do what you can and what makes you feel good. Sure, do this. Do zinc. Take your vitamin D3. Take your vitamin C. Do your Chaga. Do all the things that can bolster your immune system. But more important is not getting near other people. SO colloidal silver may be one thing that helps a little but don't count on it as a savior. It does a lot of good things but it's not going to save you from the COVID-19.
Some people are predicting there's going to be some sort of big event around Easter Monday or Tuesday. Not like people are thinking or asking or saying. No. If, that is if, it there is one I see it being a leader, maybe Trump, but sharing bad news. I mean, maybe a special announcement and it's not good news, I can tell you that. That's what the spirit said. So there is a potential of a big announcement somewhere around Easter, and unfortunately it's not a good news announcement. It's not good news like people are hoping for that all the bad guys are getting arrested or anything like that? It'll be news that's not good news, as you see it, and that's all the spirit's sharing with me. Yeah, I think it's something like on Easter or around that time that he's going to give bad news and basically say, "Well, everybody, you're on a lockdown for more time maybe months." Just something big and crazy that none of us want to hear, but he delivers it.
A banking holiday coming anytime soon? A lot of people are concerned about that, a run on the banks. Let us not get crazy and just say that people are starting to do that, but what they'll do is say, "I'm sorry, you're only allowed to take $2,000 out per day." They are happening in the sense of monitoring your money and going, "Look, you can't have $5,000, but I can give you $2,000 today." So it's already happening where-you know, London, other places. It's funny you're asking me this question because I was talking to about this with a client recommending drawing down cash in the bank. I don't trust the banks and I know that eventually many will close. So I have clients hitting the bank, couple times a week or something, to pull out and draw their account down. Just leave in there what is needed for bills, and that's that.
Bank Holiday Coming? They could do that. They're trying not to do that. They're trying to just, if anything, you can only take out this much. Even though it's your money, you know, they're going to say, "Well, we don't have enough cash in the bank for this." I see that happening and then as things get shittier and shittier, I see banks going under, or uniting with another bank. I shared this again and again over the years, we'll only get down to have a few banks. Wells Fargo, so many people bank with them and think, oh, they are it. They're having problems and nobody's going to believe this, but they're either going to go under or merge. How about Bank of America? Bank of America, they're okay for now. What has been told to me is start pulling out some of your cash because they're going to restrict it.
What about the global real estate market.
I feel like, yeah, definitely caution on all real estate globally
There is a global sadness, You can feel the heaviness as many souls leave
Spirit told me that it is unprecedented that souls are choosing willingly, many want to die. They won't continue to be here and go through these harsh earthly problems or these dark times we're in or a great war. So spirit told me that God's taking a lot of souls at one time and taking them home. And they're crossing over and they said forget about the virus even. That just by the hands of God and actually these souls that are low on faith, souls that are tired or the physically weak or whatever it may be – so many souls are at a place they no longer want to be here. Many people are just going to give up and cross over. So now is the time to be thankful for family. Tell them how you feel. Mail a sweet letter, reach out with love and comfort.
A lot of people don't know how to deal with death or process that, so spirit said that there's so many souls that are leaving the planet. A lot willingly. Some not willingly obviously, but God said that this has to happen in order for our planet and obviously a smaller population to survive and to move forward in a probably more spiritual and positive way.
When will things seem somewhat back to normal again in the US from the virus? Not anytime soon. I mean, everybody wants their normal life back. People want to know when they can go back to work and feel comfortable traveling, et cetera? Will it be April or May or June or after? And I’ve answered this the best I can, it takes time and then things are still different. Many are thinking April. Trump even wanted it around Easter. But I don't see that happening. I feel like every time they give us a date, they have to change it again and say, "Well, because of the rapid cases and we can't keep up and the doctors are taking a dive. The nurses are too. The governments have to keep delaying. Delay, holdup." That's really scary because people are going to go crazy being locked down for so long. More like, to be feeling more secure about the virus on a downswing, more like around election time.. . Things take time.
Do you see any outbreak in 2022 or 2023 as well or will it pretty much just be eradicated by then? I think at some point it's going to just go away. As it magically just popped up out of nowhere, you know what I mean? I feel that it's just magically going to go away. They'll come up with some kind of BS as to why we no longer have it. But it's not as soon as everybody would like. I mean, I see this virus being a problem all through this year, and even going into next year, you know the aftermath, the mourning the hangover. The cleanup, you know? A big cleanup. All of the consequences. The economic problem, all of it. Yeah, it's going to last for a while. And also we're just dealing with a whole different set of rules that are put in place.
Like China did, do you feel like the US and other countries will fall into the trap of sending people back to work too early? Yes I do. Sadly, then there could be another outbreak again. I understand why and I see they keep trying to open up the doors to send everybody back to work, but the virus is spreading so fast and they're not doing anything about it, and the people that are there to be in service are actually ill or dying and sleep deprived. The hospitals have lines outside of the hospital. This is serious and it is disrespectful to all those fighting it to say it is a hoax or all BS. This is bad. This is bad all the way around.
Some people were asking questions about selling their houses. One gentleman from your Patreon group, he's been fixing up one of his houses in Sarasota, Florida. Now he's concerned no one is going to buy the house if the housing market drops and he might get left with two mortgages. What do you think?
No, he needs to unload the house now- Unload it now, so there will be chances for buyers. The sooner the better - Unload it. It's better to be safe than sorry, because the market will change. So he needs to sell it now, so he doesn't lose his equity and then you know, find another place when the time is right. This house in Sarasota, I feel it's just the kind of touristy area, but I think he's on the beach front or has access to the ocean. A lot of people retire there, so he just has to put it out there and he'll be able to sell it.
When past President George Bush Senior died, at his funeral a couple of years ago, all the politicians, past presidents and Trump the current president came to the funeral. Many people reported that some of those politicians were being handed envelopes. Well, supposedly they were all being handed envelopes, on camera you could see them looking at it and then getting very angry or upset looking. Do you know what they were being given that made them angry?
Like something... Did you ever hear this before? Some people theorize it was they were getting notes that you're going to be taken down soon by the Deep State?
No, I don’t remember that part of the envelopes. But I “See IT” . Basically, how can I put this? It was information that was directly from him that was handed out at the time of his passing. It was sort of a “f#ck you” to everyone. He said some things that he always wanted to say OR the truth about the persona that he had known.
So at his service, it's like here, "Have an envelope. Here, he left this for you, you and you." But whatever was in it wasn't good. And basically his way of literally saying, "F#ck you," but here, "I know this about you and I'm getting back at you." That kind of thing.
But it wasn't just gossip, you know? It was whatever the issue was at that time that he was getting the Last Word… literally! CIA creepy! I'm telling you. I mean the people had their mouths open. I can see it and in total shock, you know like, "Screw me from the other side”. Ha! I think it's funny, actually it's brilliant. I would have never thought of anything like that. His final get-even!
Some people believe that there's a planet called Planet X , or they call it Nibiru and its heading earthwards. So based on their modeling, NASA scientists do think there could be another planet in our solar system. So the question to you would be, is there another planet in our solar system that's just so far out we haven't seen it?
Yes, it’s true. I’ve mentioned it before to my students. It's always been out there. There is a ninth planet in our solar system and there is a 10th also. It’s not an end of the world thing, it’s a planet that’s on a different orbit. NASA knows this to be true. Did you know that most solar systems have two suns or stars? From what I’ve been told by Spirit - this is true and we are unusual – although one day our solar system with have two Suns also. It’s True, and maybe that is what this planet needs – more light!
I hope that you find this report helpful
Wishing you Love, Light and Perfect Health,
Michelle Whitedove
Author, New Thought Teacher, Futurist
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