This excerpt was originally Published Sept 11, 2020 in THE WHITEDOVE REPORT Issue 5 - 2021 and Beyond
------------- Messages from Michelle ------------------
I want you to always remember just how important you are. Even your small acts of kindness have staggering ripple effects. If you practice kindness, the world is changed by your example of unconditional love!
Today in prayer, I did a positive blessing concerning all who will read this special Whitedove Report. There is a reason you are one of the few who found your way to it. The Metatron prayer is for your abundance and protection. It is for your future and your family's future. I've done this before and wanted to do it again. I don't normally share when I do this, but one of our friends wrote in and asked, "I know that you have exceptional abilities many do not know about, and I humbly ask for your assistance for a positive blessing for me and my family's future. Can you share that you did this in the next big Whitedove Report? I like to print it out as to me, it is really a book I frequently visit with. I love all your information. Thank you very much." It is my honor. It has been done.
So Much Going On, BUT ULTIMATELY IT IS FOR THE BETTER: So it's just, everything is crazy and as you would say, “cray, cray.” And Spirit's telling me, "Oh well, this is nothing. The aftermath is going to be worse. But it will, in time get better." So I understand that to some degree as you do, but the way, or should I say, the severity that Spirit's bringing it across is like saying, "Oh, this is the prelude. Oh, it's going to get worse before it gets better, but tell people not to be fearful." It is like we take another hit for the remainder of 2020 and really in 2021BUT DO NOT let that it scare you. I see the US election as a pivotal time. It doesn’t even matter who wins. I will do a deep dive on all of that later in the report. Lots to share! But back to the “prelude of what is to come… you’ll want to have your plans in place.”
I don't know if it's more than just what they're talking about, the second wave, or the second hit. Or the second virus (yes, Spirit shared with us months ago there would be a second virus and we were proud to be the first to predict that…but also sad that others are seeing it now too). There's something else that goes along with it at the same time. Spirit says that it will be really “everything.” As predicted for years now, really it just seems like everything. This is the beginning of everything crumbling that's messed up here, the corrupt manmade systems. Many will remember the messages we published from Spirit over the past few years and especially emphasized in 2019 “IT IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF TIMES AS WE HAVE KNOWN IT. NOT THE END OF TIMES. IT IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF TIMES AS WE KNOW IT.”
I know that may have seemed odd or maybe an exaggerated statement in 2019, but now in 2020, today, does that seem exactly right? It does to me. I mean, who else besides me wants a refund on 2020. It has been a crazy year. Things have noticeably changed now for the masses. People are understanding this. For some time into the future it will be all about moving forward through the crumbling as our corrupt and bloated systems fall one by one and quicker and quicker. But keep the faith that our programs will evolve…so this is the beginning of watching them all crumble and go down. I mean, really, it has been a slow burn for years and many of you have noticed. Again, do not be scared. You know the old systems were not serving “the people” but instead enriching the few. BUT THINGS ARE SPEEDING UP. Do not be lulled into letting your guard down. We need to be on our toes for the next years.
I have been predicting this for years and years and years. Spirit always gives us plenty of warning. Even though it has been happening for some time, again it is becoming more obvious to the average Joe. And Spirit has shared it will continue to crumble even though THEY will and are trying to hold things together and create a new order, the government. And they're already trying to do that. And they also want to create new money, but they haven't figured out what system or how to do that yet. I will go deeper into this later in this report.
As Spirit has shared since 2015, there will be “digital Currency.” They'll go to digital and then digital needs cryptography for security so that is at its core to some degree, crypto, but the new digital currency that “government” will TRY will be centralized and people will always figure out and replace BAD money with good money which means as more and more people wake up, they trade their crap money (the old Fiat currencies of governments and the coming new digital dollars of governments) for the good cryptos and precious metals. Think about it, if it's digital as I have been predicting for so many years, it has to be secure/crypto, so it's protected, right? So really this leads eventually to new money, which leads into what spirit shared, "Hey, some cryptos are going to be around for a while and do good, the good ones, and cryptos are the money for the people. A chance for some people to make money in ways they would have never been able to before."
In short, yeah, it's the layer effect. That's what I'm saying. It's not just one thing that's hitting us. You can’t just look at currencies, US dollars, stocks, real estate, the stock market, cryptos, weather, earth, our universe, the virus or coming virus, elections, one country or another, star beings, the powers that be, 5G, or other subjects of interest. Nothing exists in a vacuum or in a silo. We are systemic and globally intertwined world. Everything is part of a greater system. It's all these things...AND that's not even counting our food that we eat and drink and how it is not necessarily the best. More on this in the health section which you will find later in this report.
But if you worry about every little thing, well, that is just no good. It is not healthy or productive to worry. I have to stop and share, "You know what? Mostly these things are true. They are true, but I'm not going to live my life in fear. I’m just going to listen to spirit and do what I can do. As a wise person once said, “Just start where you are and do what you can. Then sleep well and get after it again the next day.” I'm going to live my life with a great conviction in Spirit and knowing that God always looks out for me and it is all going to work out just fine for me and my friends and loved ones.
Yes, we have to pay attention and get our butts in gear. Now is not the time for wishful thinking and thumb sucking, as they say. Listen, we all have a lot of stuff going on and it's good to know about all the things we will talk about in this report because awareness allows choice. When you know more about what is going on, you get more choices, you get a broadened repertoire! So there are more positive options and things you can do when you have awareness. You can react better or really more importantly, you can shift to being proactive. So it's important to always know what is potentially coming and that's why Spirit shares. Spirit doesn't share for people to get fearful. Spirit shares so we can open our minds and cover our blind spots. So we can be proactive and act in a better way and act in a more calm way when things are going on.
IT IS SO IMPORTANT AS YOU READ ALL OF THE NEW PREDICTIONS IN THIS REPORT, PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THEY MAY NOT MAKE SENSE TO YOU NOW. Think about that in terms of global predictions, cryptos, and gold and silver and such. Spirit started sharing info on cryptos years ago. And sharing information on gold and silver way back in 2004 before the first wave up into 2011. Think about a lot of the global predictions, crypto info, and precious metals info from years ago… do you feel most of that info will start to make more sense in the future? Remember, some of it didn’t make sense to people and some people got inpatient and gave up on it. Will a lot of the global predictions and economic predictions I made years ago start going full bore in the next year or two? Many have and we feel many will, but we will see. Yes, we’ll see, but I’m betting on Spirit and I think a lot of people are going to be really surprised. Remember, Change it is not bad. Change is often good. And I can see many this will reach many prepared and helpful people who will help themselves first and then others. It’s kind of like the oxygen mask on a plane. You must put yours on first before you can help others. And spirit is sharing, so I will just say it, I can see some future millionaires and even some new billionaires will read this report. Wow. Good for them.
9 General Rules:
I promise you, no one knows the exact details about how everything will play out because when it comes to the “man-made systems”, all of the details have not even been decided yet. Everything they do and will do has unintended consequences. I have been shown by spirit that our student loans will not be forgiven, our mortgages will not be forgiven, our taxes will not go away, a large number of Congress will not be arrested. But don’t take that as bad news, just take it in as information. Sure all of that would be nice, but it is what it is and that is why spirit has given us all we need to know to survive and thrive during these years of “the crumbling of old corrupt systems.” Many of the amazing things spirit has shared with us for years now has been and will continue to be important. All of these things are very basic and implementable.
Do not let fantasy stand in the way of your basic prep, which is a mistake. Here are 9 General Rules to consider:
1. HAVE US Dollars, Cryptos, Physical Gold and Silver, Credit Cards, Ability to Trade and or Barter a skill. People may underestimate the importance of a skill to barter and also the future leverage good credit will afford those who have it.
2. Be the “Gray Man” which simply means you should “blend in.” Do not “look” rich even if/when you are. Now is not the time for a Ferrari or McMansion…lay low for now. You do not want to put a target on your back, nor do you want others envious of you. Be the modest millionaire.
3. Have a secure place/location to live outside of cities if at all possible.
4. Make sure there is a good reliable water source in your area.
5. Do not be below DAMS and you do not want to live in “Flood Zones.”
6. Right size your home. Some call it downsizing, others call it right sizing.
7. Get Prepped - have two to three months of food, water, and emergency supplies (you know, first aid, backup power, flash lights, ability to charge your phones/electronics, playing cards for entertainment etc.). You do not need years of supplies.
8. Have your back up medicine--a 3 to 4 week back up is important. Figure out how to do it.
9. Have a personal protection plan, do not give up your guns. If you know how many “rounds i.e. ammo” you have, you likely do not have enough. My military friends always share you can almost never have enough ammo. I feel, to some degree, they are right. Also, have a close knit group you can count on, this is key because if you pick the wrong people it can be worse than having no one. Pepper spray or a Taser is also good.
In February of 2018, Spirit shared THETA TOKEN (a cryptocurrency) with the world. Not one crypto figure head or analysts or Alternative News Outlet or Youtube Personality even knew about the staggering potential with any conviction. And Spirit also predicted, against what most thought at the time, “many of the good cryptos will not see their high prices for years to come, not until as far out as 2022.” Think about the general market sentiment when that was shared in early 2018. Most thought things would shoot right up and most didn’t realize we were in a “bear market.” To say that was not a popular prediction at the time is a big understatement. Gosh did people get upset with me.
Really think about that for a second, again, that was in 2018 when people still thought things were going to the “moon any day.” I lost a lot of followers when I shared that message on many coins. And that is okay. I am bound to share spirits messages as they come to me. In the end our friends appreciate it and often circle back as they remember and sometimes share with me, “I got mad at you because you shared info I didn’t want to hear, so I left to find someone who would tell me what I wanted to hear. Only problem was they were wrong as much or more than they were ever right.” And let’s not forget, I felt things could start to turn in September of 2018 and published “September will be a good month” and it was not. Things did not turn until a few months later. So my timing was off by about 3 months. Bottom line, I don’t believe, when it comes to real light-workers (I am talking about the rare true light workers), that they are better or worse, they are just different. But there are very few heavy hitters and unfortunately there are many in the field who are not, but think they are. Likewise and sadly, there are many people whose confidence and ego are far bigger than their abilities and they can do damage. If I get something right, all credit to spirit. I am just the humble messenger. No better than any. If I get something wrong, and it happens, it is because I have misinterpreted the information or “free will” has changed a formerly probable outcome. Often times if I put a timeline on something and it doesn’t happen, it generally happens just a little later. Many of you who have known me for years have seen this over and over again. I always share that if you are looking for perfection, you are in the wrong place. However, if you are looking for perfect effort and are willing to do some research on your own, you are in the right place.
The Global Theme for 2021, Regardless of Where You Live In the World;
Double your Efforts now through 2021
because it’s Make it or Break it Time
The Theme for 2021 “Make it or Break it!”
2021 The Year Of The Ox. 2021 is the year of the ox and it signifies the year when we will fully feel the weight of our responsibilities; a year when it is necessary to double our efforts to accomplish anything at all. We've got to really work hard to get anything done this year. That's right. And it’s a year for economic consolidation, like I shared, I predict a recession, depression. Yeah, a year of long term investments, especially for creating a reserve stock for the coming unproductive years. Boy does that sound exactly what I've been predicting for the last years. Is that not totally in line with everything Spirit has been sharing with us? It's exactly what it is on the horizon for 2021 and Beyond. Yeah sadly so.
That's it in a nutshell. This is the year. Basically what I’m saying is, listen, don't sit and wait thinking something's going to fall in your lap. It's like you've got to get out there and get it - be proactive. That doesn't mean that everyone will be affected in a negative way, some of you have planned ahead and you’re sitting pretty.
For 2021, is about not only spiritually waking up, but actually applying it to your day to day life, living it. Living it, like a prayer. People need to go through all the steps. Because this year will make or break the majority.
So this is the defining factor of who is on the boat that keeps floating on the water, and then the other ones are on the boat that sinks. Like the Titanic, some think their “boat” can't go down and then it goes down. Or like the Great Depression … many were OK but most people were not prepared.
2021 is the most clear cut year I have seen in terms of make or break. It's very black and white, this coming year. Spirit said there's no area of gray for people to be into, because it's like some think they're playing both sides when it comes going in one direction or another, but Spirit's not allowing that. And it's a Biblical thing, but Jesus says, "Anything that's lukewarm, I spew it from my mouth." Meaning, don't play a game and think you are fooling anyone but yourself…no, decide where you stand and what your truth is. Pick Light. By being in the gray area you are not in control. You're either black or you're white. And we're not talking about the color of skin. Really, pick a side. What I am saying is you're either on the dark side or the light side. Yeah. Big time.
And you're not only going to see that this year within yourself as a person, you'll see it within your family, with your coworkers, with your acquaintances, just everyone will experience it whether they believe it or not, whether they want it or not. This is the year that you make it or break it for you.
Also this year, what's going to happen, is due to the division of whether we want to say politics, church and state, where they'll be a complete division. For example, where you'll have severe right feeling or saying, "Hey frig you, we don't even know you leaders, we're off the grid. We don't want to know you." And a lot of people are going that way. And then, on the other side, there's going to be the little ducks, the little followers, that says, "Well the government said this, and they said that. And oh I'm just going to be a good little citizen and go through whatever motions they tell me to do. Even when I’m standing in the line of fire."
So, THE POINT IS, NO GRAY AREAS. There's no procrastination this year. There's no, "Oh let me think about it." We don't have that luxury of time. Time is an illusion.
This is the quickening. This year will make the year of 2020 look like nothing. The year 21 is like people are going to go, "What happened? So much happened so fast but it feels like it just came and it went." If won’t feel like that in the moment, but when you look back at 2021, you will feel like it was a blink of an eye.
Again, there are two types of people, they're either fighting and going against the grain of the inevitable, or those just wanting things to be the way they were and not recognizing things have changed. We are in a new paradigm. Last year Spirit had me share “It is the beginning of the End of Times as you know it.” That was and is true. The most successful and fruitful and high vibration are those that are going with the flow of what intuitively, and naturally what spirit would guide them or tell them to be. So it's very black and white
Regardless of what country you are from, the powers that be want to lock down the world. You know this. That is why they released the virus. That is why they are stoking the fires of division. That is why they are blowing up the money system. This is the beginning. It has been in the works for years and when I first started writing about it, people just said “whatever, this chick is doom and gloom.” Okay, well I have always just shared what spirit gives me to share. Why? Because spirit knows that the right people get the message and awareness allows choice and choice allows for a broadened repertoire. People fear the unknown so they come up with or follow all of these nutty theories to try and make sense of what they may feel in their gut.
For example, I have been warning about China for years and years how they were moving in on us and want to control the world. People ignored me and said, no way, China had their own problems. They’re a mess, yadda yadda yadda. Well, of course but they are long game players and they have their vision and they have made methodical move after methodical move and are maneuvering pieces on the global chess board and they nearly have most the world in Check Mate. But it ain’t over till it is over and I would never bet against America. But to the point, people feel in their gut the danger from China. They feel in their gut that China wants to rule them and to be the ruling super power. Many people can feel in their gut that China’s goal is Hegemony. So then they try to figure out how China would do it and they come up with theories and sometimes those theories get traction. However, the theory of China doing troop buildup in Canada and then coming through Indian Reservations is NOT ROUTED IN REALITY. No. That is not and will not happen. But that doesn’t mean China isn’t a global threat, they are. I see their grand plans and we do not want that as a world.
Shadow Gov’t wants everyone on lock down and controlled. You see it in Australia. But don’t worry about them, the people will begin to fight it and Australia will become a more independent nation in the future. But “they: want everybody locked down. Here in the US as well. In Europe. In India. In South America. Everywhere.
I mean, if you're watching TV shows, you're even going to see commercials or these “programming” messages that they slide in to manipulate you. For example, “All right, 60 seconds, let's be calm.” You didn't ask for that nonsense to be on your TV. But there it is. It's all about the government that wants to and thinks that they can create a new world order. Power, Power, Power. Control, Control, Control. Ego Ego Ego. Their way, their way, their way. I say, no.
A new world order based on their ridiculous laws and rules, where they really want to be able to track everyone individually and collectively, where they already have... really the government has almost what they need, your DNA. Remember when I said, "Don't take that DNA test." They know your personality tendencies. Everything is on the “big COMPUTER.” People don't believe this, but there is a large, huge, I can't even begin to describe how huge this system is that the government has--where every single thing is recorded. And that means us as well. So much for privacy.
There is no privacy. I had a client which just didn’t get it. He said, “Well, who cares…I’m not doing anything wrong and it catches people who are.” Really!!!! You have been brainwashed. Privacy is the underpinning of freedom and liberty. And btw, how many things do they stop, really, how many. Next evolution is like the movie “Minority Report” where they arrest you for something you might do in the future. Do not give up your freedom. I will not. Too much blood was spilled. Many of us have been given a huge inheritance but many are squandering it away. Our huge inheritance is some semblance of Freedom. Do not squander it and fiddle it away.
You know. You really are going to have to fight or flight, or just truly the best path would be to be productive peacefully. And try to go about your day as peacefully, and as lovingly as possible, because that's what's going to come back to you tenfold. And why make the year any harder than what it's already going to be? I mean, this is the year where you're going to see who makes it, and who doesn't.
by Michelle Whitedove written Sept 2, 2020 Published Sept 11
Economic depression? How long and how bad? Yes. Sorry. There will be a Global Depression, it will play out over the next few years and it will be worse than the Great Depression. I am sorry, but like I wrote last year and really for years now, those who do not have their act together and are prepared will get their tushes handed to them. Get prepped now: scale back your bills and spending. As I have been saying we will all need to have at home: Your food pantries fully stocked, Cash (even though it will be worth less), Silver, Gold and Credit cards. Please don’t trust your bank, many will close. Think about it - what’s in your bank vault? You may not be able to get to it. BE smart, find a safe place to keep valuables. Consider this – Where did your Grandparents keep their valuables? Under the floorboards? Sewn into their curtains? In a big jar buried in the back yard? A hidden safe? I had one client that put his gold and silver in bags and placed them inside the big holes of cement cinderblocks, then he built a wall with them in his basement. He said that was his retirement account, and he’d use a sledgehammer to remove one cinderblock at a time.
Get creative, have what you need close to you.
What’s Coming Next? The shadow government wants to lock down the world!! They don’t want us outside of our homes – Like Australia Now. There is this “virus” then in time another one or something worse. And so everybody thinks these masks, and all this craziness is going to go away. It's not going to go away. It's going to get even more ridiculous-- especially with what you can and can't do. Willie Nillie Silly random rules that make no sense. Where you're feeling like the United States is supposed to be a country based on our freedom, when in fact it's quite the opposite, if it was up to the church and the state.
The Global “Reset.” It is Not What People Think: There is general misconception about this. It is not an all at once event. And when some modified plan is tried it doesn’t go as intended. It takes time, that's further down the road. I mean it's happening right now, but the goal is literally for the government to reset, but even when they attempt to do that, again, the people that are playing off the grid, self-sufficient, independent, don’t go along as they don't want any part of the reset. Because it's just another bad system that they're going to say, oh we fixed that, let's start over. But that's all BS, it's not going to happen. Yes, their plan is to have a reset at some point, but things are crumbling at such a pace that the general population has lost trust, so when they do try to do a reset, a lot of people aren't going to opt into it, so it's going to fail to some degree.
Think of it like a giant dam. Behind the dam is all of the fiat/fake currency, stocks, bonds, financial bets, leverage, mortgages, inflated real estate and all the overvalued “assets.” So that is all being held back from undervalued assets and retained by a mammoth dam. But there is a problem. The dam is held together by rigging, the gov’t., and money printing. This is global dam and it is crumbling. It is springing small leaks right now and value is trickling out. Cracks have been forming in the dam, but it is still holding for now. As the cracks get bigger and more and more flows out before the dam breaks completely and they try some version of a new system, it will flow into precious metals, cryptos and for a short time US dollars.
GESARA/NESARA? No. I am sorry. People should know this is based on a plan calling for replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency (money backed by gold and silver). Sorry, great idea, but it never works for long any way. The system always becomes corrupt as sound money makes gov’t accountable. Think about this, they will never back a US Dollar with gold and or silver because they do not have what they say they have.
They may try and trick people by saying “oh we will back our new digital dollar with digital gold and don’t worry, even though you can’t get any of the gold we will protect it and do good accounting to make sure it is all safe and all there.” Yeah right. Give me a break.
Bottom line, IF YOU DON’T HOLD IT, YOU DON’T OWN IT. How do you think we got to where we are today. The only thing you can trust when it comes to gov’t is a decentralized public ledger, but that is the last thing in the world they want and they will do anything to avoid it.
I have to share what I get even though some have fallen prey to this fantasy. Sure, maybe it would be nice just like thinking student loans will be forgiven. Or the IRS will go away. Look, I wish these things were true. But they are not and they hurt people by not allowing them to get focused and prepped and ready for all that is going on and coming. I do not share what I WISH WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. I SHARE WHAT I GET. For many years now spirit has shared so much about the new digital dollar in the works and how it is still being planned i.e. not finalized. Anyone sharing different just doesn't know. And for years spirit has shared the US will never go back to any gold or silver backing of fiat. And while sadly as we predicted, there will be stagflation and a depression, people who are prepped will be just fine. There is a slow crumbling of the old corrupt systems. The IRS will not be abolished sadly although there will be reforms. The eventual "reset" is nothing like people think or you will hear about. As for GESARA/NESARA, well it is simply a "no."
Background: National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. The proposals were never introduced before Congress. “NESARA has since become better known as the subject of a cult-like theory promoted by Shaini Candace Goodwin, doing business as "Dove of Oneness", who claimed that the act was actually passed with additional provisions as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and then suppressed by the George W. Bush administration and the Supreme Court. Goodwin's conspiracy emails have been translated into several languages and have a large following online.[1] Because they were translated the theory mutated to a hopeful GESARA theory. The "G" standing for GLOBAL.”
Why are there wars? Why haven’t we learned? Free will + Ego + New generations + Lesson+ + +. The core of the question might as well be “why does history repeat itself?” Well you can take the question right down to each individual soul. Why does a soul reincarnate and sometimes have to learn the same lesson over and over. Because, just in your current life, you will notice personally and with others, people make the same mistakes over and over until they learn. But we are moving towards a time where there will be no more war. There won’t even be a need for money. But we have to go through a lot to get there. Will you see that in your lifetime…maybe, maybe not. Will your children’s children see it. That is much more probable.
Another reason why there is and are wars, if we are taking it to the leaders who drive us into them, is for certain people, individually and collectively get a sense of false power, by controlling others. Just like they do with controlling the stock market, controlling the gold, the silver, everything. Let me get back on track…
Wars, Why haven't we learned? The wars are because of men's choices, the choices that we make unfortunately end up being more volatile and negative versus positive and loving. It's easy when it's easy, right? But can you still hold that grace, or that love and light when you have a knucklehead next to you on the right side, and the left. Are you going to stay there and get caught up in that energy? Or are you just going to simply bless them and walk on?
You know, the question is really why does history repeat itself? Because man doesn't always learn; they don't always learn the lesson. And every time we come in we're trying to recover from all the other blows, where the Earth was washed away and a few were left to start over again. And we're living in this now where people are going to experience death on a level that they never could even imagined or can wrap their brains around.
Last year, did I predict “Mass exits of souls over the next years.” You bet I did and people got all “your doom and gloom.” No I am not. I am sharing spirits messages so people don’t freak out and panic. Again, do not be fearful.
For decades, really since industrialization, there has been mega population growth. And scientists and anthropologists and “experts” show growth models. They all say, the population will continue to grow and grow. No. That is incorrect. Global population will decline. No it will be a decline. People keep thinking the population is going to keep doubling and- No. No. Actually it's not. No. They're wiping out populations in certain areas, our governments.
So it's going to be a declining population, the trend is going to be down over the next years. That is going to be bigger than anyone could ever imagine. It's so disheartening. But it is what it is. I always told everybody it would come down to this. And we are in that moment. We're in the now. There's no getting out. That is why people will be forced to make choices this year. Black or White. No Gray, as we talked about earlier. Just step into your light, you are good and powerful and full of love and the ability to manifest amazing things.
Okay, I agree, this is not happy stuff to talk about. And I don’t like to. But you know, I would be an asshole if I told everybody, "Oh, everything's going to be peachy." Forgive my one expletive. I am allowed one every once in a while.
Yeah, people have said, "Oh doom and gloom." But I lovingly share, just look around, open your eyes, get out of your house and peek your head out and look around. Again, if someone says doom and gloom to you. In a nice loving way what I always say to them, is I just say, "Listen, awareness allows choice. Choice allows for a broadened repertoire. You can make better decisions when you're informed. And you can get out of fear." And so that's all I say, "Awareness allows choice. Choice allows for a broadened repertoire. The more choices you have, you're going to get better results."
Power Outages and Blackouts. So not related to the internet and computers and phones and stuff, but regular power outages in the U.S. and developed countries. Yes, still more of this over the years to come. I don’t see them long lasting…more like lasting for a few days sometimes, maybe a week or more, but not months at a time. Yeah, I don't see it being long periods of time. It's more like short periods of time and my previous predictions on the topic stand. Please make sure that you’re prepped and pantry is stocked for you and your family, these will be the times that you want to lay low with your loved ones, and you won’t be able to go to the grocery. Batteries, Candles, a generator are items that you’ll want also during the dark days ahead.
CORRECT Jan 2021 Massive power outage leaves the Country of Pakistan in the dark
The Airlines. Last year & in January I predicted “The airlines are going down” and boy was spirit right. I just didn’t give the why…spirit just shares the information and not always the “why” or the “how.” But no one else made that global prediction last year. I was the only ones in early January to say “The airlines are going down.” COVID19 Took them all down!!
Well for this year, the same. They are going down. There will only be a few airlines in time.
CORRECT Oct 2020 CNBC News- Over 40 airlines have failed so far this year and more are set to come
Volcanos. I warned about the big one out west rumbling already. Yeah, so the volcano's will be acting up but I'm concerned about the Ring of Fire and I even warn people who want to move to Hawaii who say to me, "Oh, I'm going to move to Hawaii or one of the islands." Those islands in Hawaii will be no more. They'll be sunk by water. That's not generations from now, that’s not that far out. No not in the next decade, but not in 100 years either.
CORRECT Jan 2021 Volcano Mount Etna erupted - Italy
Yellowstone – Not sure how geologists classify Yellowstone but I consider it part of the Ring of Fire. With psychic vision I see that it is attached to the Volcanoes of Washington State. I predict that Yellowstone will erupt (I have already predicted this) although it will be a lesser eruption compared to a full blown Super Volcano Eruption.
Home Construction, Concrete? Is constructing a home, using blocks made from aircrete (an air infused concrete), that forms a dome style structure a wise idea? Especially, considering the earth changes that are on the horizon, yes, but…. Yes, that style of construction can be more resilient to weather extremes. Sure it is great for winds and storms, not so much for earth quakes. Brick and concrete are rigid and crack in quakes, right?
What does this tweet mean? What are they doing? Just “military recruiting” targeted at the new generation. This is the Space Force’s version of the Marine’s favorite slogan “The Few, The Proud. The Marines.” I have predicted space force for years. It is here. It is a race and it is about Space Dominance and not about space exploration. It is a strategic military initiative. Own space, own the battle space. It used to be if you owned the airspace, you owned the battlefield. Not anymore. And as I shared and predicted last year in THE WHITEDOVE REPORT, Russia is in the lead when it comes to Space Forces and that was proven this year.
Space Force! All right. We predicted last year, accurately by the way, we talked about Space Force. And spirit shared, "Hey guess what? Russia's in the lead. Not the US." And spirit was right. Russia ended up proving they were in the lead. They shot down some satellites and stuff. And everyone went, "Wow. Russia's got more capability than us." Well everyone said that except for my friends who read the predictions way in advance of the news. Spirit was dead on right.
What's next for Space Forces? Will they try and shoot down asteroids, or UFOs? Well were going to have more UFO sightings. But our government will not try and shoot them down. Oh my gosh no. They know better. They can't. They know they can't.
At some point, if/when an asteroid gets close enough, they will try and shoot at it. They will hit it, but it will do more harm than good. They should not do this.
The Election Asteroid? An Asteroid 2018VP1 tagged as the (election day asteroid ) is heading towards Earth - closest on Nov 2. Will it hit earth? It's going to be closest to Earth on the day before the election, November 2nd. But you need not worry about this. It doesn't directly hit us. But it's so damn close, in relative terms. And you know how an asteroid, some parts burst off--can enter our atmosphere, or get close-in our atmosphere. That will happen. And that has been happening. It's just people have not been informed. But this year especially. But no catastrophic ones for now. No. It's not going to create the fire in the sky that I've seen or anything like that.
A big event with the sun in the near future? Will the sun nova? Nova is when a star flashes bright for a little bit, and then goes back to being normal. If our sun nova-ed, it would wipe out life on earth. Do you see any big event with the sun in the near future? What I see in the near future with the sun, is where the sun is unnatural. It's like you go out there, and you feel like this isn't sun from the sunlight, you know that we would get that vitamin D, or get a tan. It's like a radiation, basically in the air.
The Sun, Way, way out, if I really go out there, spirit talks about a time when we get through all this, where we will have two Suns. We are one of the only planets that have one sun, and one moon. And, yes, the moon is natural. We're very primitive. We're one of the most primitive planets. Any other planet's stars, they have advanced everything. They're just much more advanced than us. They have sometimes three moons, four suns. I don’t know if “advanced” is the right word, but different. You know having one sun is more fragile in some ways. You know. No backup, there's no redundancy built in, if something did happen to our sun, our earth would be toast. If you had two suns, and something happened to one, you'd have a backup sun, it isn’t that simple but you get the point.
Why are “they” really trying to colonize Mars? Many do understand the fragility of our system and that is why they are trying to colonize Mars. And they are colonizing it. To put human beings on Mars. But for what reason? Because they think something is going to happen to Earth, it is a backup plan.
Sun Nova and Wipe Out Earth? No, I haven’t seen that, no. I don’t see that. Sure we have challenges but that is not one.
Flat Earth? Please, With All Due Respect, Forget About The Flat Earth Theory. Nuff Said, It is not true. The Earth is not flat
Is the Moon a natural cosmic object OR is it artificial and purposely placed next to Earth? I understand where this question comes from, no it is not artificial. It is part of Gods universe where everything is connected.
What’s going on with the sun? I see that there is an issue, it's not natural. Scientists know, but it’s not in the media. There is so much more Radiation, it’s dangerous, the levels are, so take care with your skin. Just a very little sun goes a long way. This as to do with a lessening of our ozone layers, the magnetic poles as they shift and also the HARRP Project. Take Extra Care when spending time in the Sun!
The real story behind the reason why Sun's and Planets form. What is their purpose? God. God is the reason they exist. While some may think I am just saying this out of convenience, that isn’t the case. It is true. Any scientific explanation falls so ridiculously short that it is obvious there is no other answer, but more important to me, this is what spirit has shown me. Even if you have not been to heaven and back like I have, there is no other logical conclusion.
Starbeings, Mars Colonization and Rare Earth Minerals. Whitedove’s been writing about this for years. There’s more information Here
Planet X/Nibiru? Yes, it’s true, but not a danger as fear mongers push. I’ve mentioned it before to my students. It's always been out there. There is a ninth planet in our solar system and there is a 10th also. It’s not an end of the world thing, it’s a planet that’s on a different orbit. NASA knows this to be true. Did you know that most solar systems have two suns or stars? From what I’ve been told by Spirit - this is true and we are unusual – although one day our solar system will have two Suns also. It’s True, binary suns may be what Earth needs – more light!
Our Skies? For years I have been telling my inner circle, when I look outside, most days there’s an unnatural holographic image projected in our skies. I’m not sure how, but Spirit Says that the Shadow Government is hiding something important.
Grand Solar Minimum: Are we in the beginning of a true grand solar minimum which will see climate extremes including a mini ice-age? See, Spirit's not going to do the “ice-age” label thing. They've already shared the weather and how everything is playing out and why. Maximum and Minimum are just the peaks and troughs of the approximate 11 years cycles. Because the Sun's magnetic field controls solar activity - you know all of the scientific terms (sunspots, coronal mass ejections and solar flares)- the cycle is detectable to us as those activities change. During solar minimum which we are around, I think it was in April of this year, there were minimal sunspots and flares. BUT READ WHAT I PREDICT ABOUT THE SUN. Now this gradually changes as the Sun ramps up to solar maximum where we are headed into the future. The magnetic field grows stronger, and sunspot and flare activity increases, before subsiding again for the next solar minimum. Again, these are multi-year cycles. There is also an increase in galactic cosmic rays from sources such as supernova during solar minimum and these energies do mess with people. But you have lived through several of these cycles over the course of your life. It is just that now there is so much going on and multiple factors are combining.
What I've seen is a vision of the future, a time when we're in a war, like I'm not going to say World War III, they'll give it another name. And I am off in the future so don’t panic. But it's the biggest war, because we are so connected to all these electrical gadgets, and travel, and economies, and things that people didn't have in the past. And where I see the sun, and as I have predicted already. I feel it has to do with the sun, but it also has to do with our shadow government, and something that they try to put into space we'll say. And what I see is a wild rolling, thundering fire in the skies. And it feels like radiation, and Spirit has warned me about this over and over. And said it's coming. There will be a time in the future, again pretty far off, a time where people need to take action for themselves. Sadly, a lot of people won't do what they need to do, during this event … which is to go to the lowest and the safest place that you can go, like a compound, or underground, or some area that you create within your home. Which, if you're wealthy for example, they create all these secret rooms in their houses in case of a threat.
Reversal of the earth's magnetic poles? Yes, of course. This is not the first or last time this happens. The solar cycle is based on the Sun's magnetic field, which flips around every 11 or so years, with its north and south magnetic poles switching places and the poles switch when the magnetic field is at its weakest, also known as solar minimum. But Science knows that its moving faster than ever. What they may not know, this pole shift also effects human energy and can cause some mental imbalances.
Was Joe Biden forced to pick Kamala Harris? No, he’s not forced, Joe just does what he is told. He didn't make the choice. The choice was made for him. Strictly for the vote. Yeah, from the Hispanics and African Americans and Female. You know, they do not understand that a good number of minorities know exactly what these politicians are up to. He told America he would choose a black woman, Yes she was chosen.
There's a theory out there that they chose Kamala Harris because eventually if Biden won, he'd become sick, like you predicted he would anyways. But because some believe Kamala Harris supposedly isn’t a US citizen that all of a sudden that would come out, and then Nancy Pelosi would be the President as 3rd in line. Is there anything to that theory?
No. That's not going to happen. That's BS. Her father's from Jamaica, the mother from India. But she is a legitimate US citizen, but her background family, they did not come from here.
Your previous prediction for the Presidential election all along has been “Not Bernie, they already picked Joe.” And that turned out true. Congrats on that prediction being right because I remember when you published it many of our friends said “no way, it’s Bernie.” Recently you have been publishing “Many people are sitting back and watching what Trump does between now and the election and will decide close to the election.” And it seems that may be true as well. You also warned in 2018, 2019 and again in 2020 that “they don’t count the votes right, there is fraud.” Which we kind of always knew there were some shenanigans but boy does that statement you made early in the year and last year hit home now. At this time in September of 2020, Whitedove still shares “I still see Trump winning, but you must understand elections can be stolen.”
Is JFK jr alive and helping Trump? Let me pull up a picture, hold on. I don't know everything. I just listen to Spirit. No, he died and went to heaven. That is it on that. Nuff said. There are lots of theories on so many things, some are true and some are false. This is false. Flat Earth is false.
GESARA/NESARA is false. “Q” is part true and part false. The internet is a double edged sword. Can propagate truth and shed light and also can dupe and spread false info, even disinformation.
What will the USA look like after the election? Thriving or in depression? Sadly it doesn’t matter who is elected as far as the economy goes. Global Depression is baked into the cake as I have predicted for years.
Around The Globe -- Psychic Insights
by Michelle Whitedove
AUSTRALIA - Like any country with coastlines, which the majority have, there are always cautions. In time, water will come in. Coastlines will come in. Really, I feel with Australia, if anything it would be maybe the coastlines coming in somewhat. But other than that they're pretty solid. Economically, rough. They are in it, so to speak, economically right now and it is challenging. And you think our gov’t can overreact? Oh, boy there’s too. The people are great, but the people who run things. It’s tough. And they took their guns. Why did the people allow that. Not good. They've got crazy government overreach, like everyplace else does. They really locked their people down. Queensland, Victoria, or really, there all nice areas. I mean, I've been there. I've been to Sydney. I've been to Melbourne. And I've never got any feeling or information regarding Australia other than what I just shared and of course the droughts and fires we predicted. Water, make sure you are near a reliable water source. That has been a constant message. Spirit did tell me about Australia, that they're going to kind of break off and say, "Hey..." we meaning Australia, are independent, if that makes sense. They're like no, we're not the United States, we don't have the same laws, the same ways. They're not going to band up with anybody else. It's just like Australia is off to its own, and it's pretty solid, but it's very expensive to live there. And different laws.
AUSTRIA. Good news, nothing stands out. Austria right now, in an effort by the Austrian government, to reconcile with the Austrian Jews, who had suffered under the Nazi regime in Austria. Austria will allow the descendants of Holocaust victims to obtain citizenship starting September one. That is legit, that should have already happened. But I don’t see many problems unique to Austria. They are a resilient bunch. But that is not specific enough. I am not a fan of people who try to appeal to people by putting everything in the positive and nothing derogatory to lower people’s resistance to what is being said. But I really don’t have any standout messages, which is good when you think about it. Sure they have challenges like other countries, but not severe relatively speaking.
CANADA. Is China, Now, Ready to Invade? Will the US be invaded by the United Nations or China? China is our threat. But, "Chinese troops are in Canada and will build up to invade?” No. Spirit shares no. I understand people are concerned that “if we fall in the US, the world follows." But good news on this, I don't see Chinese troops in any significant numbers in Canada. But, they are ultimately our true enemy. And they are allied with Russia. Not good. But back to this theory which is not true. From a military perspective, first off, Canada is our ally. Now sure they have joint exercises, and there are Chinese officials or whatever you call them in Canada, and some military in Canada from China. I mean, shoot, we have military in every country. We have military in every country in these exchange programs. And it goes both ways. So sure there are, but there are no mass numbers of troops in Canada. Not Canada. No. And they would never invade... yeah and they wouldn't invade that way anyway. We would see a buildup of troops. It would just be... but that's the theory out there. And then the rest of her theory goes, "Will China come in through Canada?" Because Canada passed legislation allowing Chinese troops on their soil." So that's the worry and I understand, but you don’t need to worry about this angle.
China Comes In Through Canada? In through Indian Reservations? Canada passed legislation allowing Chinese troops on their soil AND Oklahoma ceded a huge chunk of land back to the native American’s. I am hearing reservations are the loophole land that allows the foreign troops in, is this the case? So will they come into Canada, and then come in through our reservations on the Canadian border in Oklahoma? And that's how they plan on invading America?" No. The reservations are not going to be a problem or weakness from that perspective. And no, neither is Canada. This theory, which is a game theory scenario, is not a challenge for us. But, China, basically, and they've been doing it, and right under our noses. China is going to be where the war is at. The big final war. China is like, "I'm taking over the world." And they've had years, and years, and they've been preparing themselves, and their soldiers, and their men and women. China overall, they want to dominate the world, but especially the United States. I mean think about it- It was a good fair question. But also, remember what I said, Russia made a deal with China that they would move out first. China is supporting Russia, and vice versa. Yeah. China is getting the Russians to do the dirty work.
China “General overview.” I normally avoid Mainstream Media News, but during this time, I have been scanning “the news” a lot because, like many of you, I have a highly tuned BS meter and I want to sort the wheat from the chaff and the hype from the reality. Like your gut will tell you, Spirit shows me instantly what is really going on.
Lately a lot of what I’m seeing in the news is about China. China, China, China. And even though the media is pretty much FAKE, some valid points emerge and you can read between the lines and see what the agenda is. One such meme currently bubbling up is something we’ve been talking about and sharing predictions about for years. I didn’t even remember, but Team Whitedove reminded me of the channeled Blog that I wrote at the end of 2015 and published in January 2016. IT IS VERY RELEVANT AND EERILY ACCURATE. I never remember all of these writings I do, but I found it interesting that over four years ago so much from the report has either played out or is playing out right now. I’m never surprised with Spirit, but Team Whitedove said they couldn't even wrap their heads around it because sometimes when Spirit shares the predictions, it can be hard to connect the dots. In order to move forward and talk about the future, Spirit is having me share this with you now because “IT IS IMPORTANT.”
Often the predictions can't even fit into someone's current reality. It is rare to get exact dates, but Spirit actually gave us the year to watch out for in that Blog. Back in 2016, Spirit shared “2020 for the downturn in China and everything really.” They kept showing me "China, watch out for China - they have been methodically moving against the US and are going to move more and more over the next years, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 to take over the U.S." And oh, by the way, that's what they did 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. And then in the report Spirit shared, "In the year 2020 they will be disrupted. But unfortunately Spirit also shared way back in 2016 that in the year 2020, THIS YEAR, most everything would be disrupted. AND BOY HAS THAT BEEN THE CASE! People sometimes write me and ask if I realize how important some of my predictions are and why the mainstream or even alt media doesn’t dial into that. I always share, when the time is right and the right people always see my predictions at the right time. Let go, let God.
While it shouldn’t shock me and maybe that is too strong of a word, I was interested that right in the section of the 2016 report where spirit was warning about China, spirit also warned about “the frequencies” and maybe that was this 5G? I can share with you IT IS NOT HEALTHY. The energy is not complimentary to our god given energy. Equally as bad is how they intend to use it to bolster and intensify “Big Brother.” And ALSO right in the same section of that report from 2016, Spirit made a point to share to watch out for something that will be in the air, warning “it is in the air” that “it is in the air” and so this is all connected. Did that make sense in 2016? Of course not. And I just didn't know what to call what “was in the air” because there was no name for it - I didn't know the names of the chemicals, I just knew they were deadly, and would cause some people to snap. No I did not know the chemicals could be a man-made virus by name. Team Whitedove tried to say they should’ve been able to figure it out because some are of a more scientific and math based background. They told me they wished they would have connected the dots. Listen, hindsight is 20/20. You will get predictions in this report which are hard to understand now but will make perfect sense a few years from now. You watch, we’ll talk about it in a few years, smile.
I remember friends saying, “Listen, we should have been able to connect the dots, that’s our job as the more science and math minded. Maybe one of us could have speculated and asked you, "Something in the air, could it be a virus, a man-made virus, or something of that nature? And these frequencies you warn about could that be the 5G they are working on?" And of course I said to them, “No, not 5G.” But I did get confirmation from Spirit that the frequencies I warned about in 2016 where related to 5G and other outside sources! But my job is to share what Spirit gives me in real time and not question it, but to share it exactly the way I get it and not speculate or allow my ego or mind get in the way. It’s just like I saw and Spirit predicted A Division of Nations way back in 2015 stating that Europe would divide and separate … wow that sounded crazy, I wasn’t sure what it meant …Then Brexit came out of nowhere!
The point was that there were some events coming, big events that would and will change things forever - - - we need not fear, but to just take some basic precautions and do some basic prep. Spirit started sharing many significant things with me decades ago. Check out my Blog it goes back to 1999.
ITALY - Will they move to exit from the EEC (European economic community) No. You know how Britain, Brexit, Spirit predicted that would happen. Well, not Italy, they will be like the last to want to leave. They're going to hang in there as long as they can, because they are in the worst place. And they're economy is crap right now too. They need all the bail outs, and money. The European economic community is a bad deal if you're a strong country, but it's a great deal if you're the weaker countries, like Italy, because they just keep getting other countries money. I mean no disrespect. I’ve been to Italy and it is beautiful and so many amazing people. But they are in rougher shape economically. They need help from the other countries.
MEXICO - People understand that if they live there they should get out, period. But what if you can’t? Find a way. Where there is a will there is a way. Pretty much anywhere will be better. There isn't one place that I would say is a safe place in Mexico. I mean if you were forced to be there, go rural. Try and be someplace rural, don't be in a big city, be someplace where there is a good water source. And be someplace where food is plentiful and you can trust and know people who are around you, a community. Get as far away from any gang related, city related, criminal behavior corruption that you can, the best you can, which is rampant by the way, sadly, most everywhere.
Spirit, shared at one point Mexico was likely, in the future to merge with the US, or wanted to, but they did not change their ways and that is no longer on the table for them. First was, well Mexico would become a part of us. Mexico, joining with the United States. Well that's not going to happen now, because it's so bad, with the child trafficking, and human trafficking, and Sodom and Gomorrah. I see Mexico just, sorry to say this as there are so many wonderful people there, but I see Mexico just gets wiped out. That is why I share with friends to leave. And they will. They'll get hit. And it'll be a major wipe out. Anything would be better than Mexico. Yes. Especially for the women and the children.
Do I See Mexico Defaulting On Its’ Debts?
Absolutely. It will take a little time…like I have predicted before. Things are crumbling but few notice and most think it will all bounce right back. There are cracks in the foundation and it is only a matter of time. I will not put a date on it, no one can. But it is years and not decades from happening. And things move slow until they don’t. People will be surprised. Like this year, when in January we published “People who do not have their act together and who are not prepared will get their tush handed to them in 2020.” Well, people thought I was exaggerating, well, I wasn’t and people can see that now. Heck, most people want a refund on 2020, it has been that tough and we still have more to come. But the Metatron prayer and love and light will carry you through with grace.
NETHERLANDS - Will Mark Rutte still be Prime Minister after the elections in March 2021? I feel like he'll win his next election in March of 2021, yes, I would say yes because I didn't get a clear no. And also spirit showed me that they don't have somebody better to replace him with. When anyone asks about an election, when it comes to elections they can be stolen. But I'll tell you what Spirit shared with me. Spirit shared with me “they don't have anybody that can really run against him that's better. So it is in his favor."
NORTH KOREA - Are we going to see a regime change in North Korea. You have predicted for years Kim Jong-un is very ill. Will he pass soon and his sister will take over? Little Hitler, Little Kim. I am not supposed to judge but what I see, but I can't stand him. All I see is pure bad; like no redeeming qualities. As a Health Intuitive I see - He's got something seriously wrong in the abdominal area, with his stomach. Oh my God, my head also feels like it's going to blow up. I'm starting to cry. Hold on. Yeah, he's like pure greed, and gluttony--food. His people are starving and he is gorging himself. He's disgusting. I don't see him passing soon enough. He has everything that he needs brought to him. And he definitely doesn't want his sister to rule. He wants to stay and rule and even after, I don’t see his sister in that role. I don't feel like his sister will be taking over. Not for now. But you want to hear something crazy. A crazy thing. I See that the North Koreans have tunnels all leading into South Korea. And there are North Koreans all over South Korea, just waiting, and should a war ever break out. It's nuts. Most people don't know that. But there are North Koreans all over South Korea. It's crazy. All right. Let's keep going.
Norway & The Scandinavian countries. Scandinavian countries, Sweden, Norway, Finland, they're all amazing places. I have been there too. Loved the people. Loved the people. Honestly they seem to get through whatever hits them. You know? They're just kind of tough. They really are. I've competed against them. They're really, really tough. But I see a merge. This is way in the future, but where lets say Sweden, Norway, Finland, why am I getting Iceland? Well, let me just share, out there in the future, what's going to happen, if we were looking at a map, people are going to consolidate, or the governments anyways. What I'm trying to say is, okay at some point in the future they’re all kind of one. Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Finland. They're going to work as one group.
PORTUGAL. Do I think they'll stop using the Euro, and go to their own currency? No proactively, no. They'll stick with the Euro until in implodes sooner than later, we already predicted that. All of the countries in Europe, they're all trying to determine, "Do we stick to the Euro?" England, we have the pounds. You've got all the other countries in Europe on the Euro. But Portugal and most others, they'll just stick with the Euro until it blows up? They're just going to stick with it until it all blows up and goes to crap.
RUSSIA – Putin’s Russia. Don’t be fooled. Ugh. Someone says, "Seems like he's looking out for the Russian people." No. He is not genuine. Sure he stood up against Bill Gates, and he's like, "No. No. Bill Gates and your globalization and your shots, and all your vaccines, and your GMO plants and all that." He said, "Screw you. You ain't messing with Russians." So it looked like he stuck up for his people in that sense. But he did it out of self-interest, not because he cares about the people. He did it out of self-interest. Power. Everything for him comes down to power. He'll make whatever strategic decision to stay in power. That's what he cares about. He's not sincere. He's not looking out for the little guy. He could give a hoot. But he will do things in a calculated manner to stay in power. But Russia, right now as we speak, there submarines are already crossing our borders, our lines. And that's going to create a problem between the United States and Russia. But remember, China bought off Russia, they made the deal that Russia moves forward, like moving aggressively towards the USA. He’s the instigator, the bully. Now we say, "Okay this is your first warning. You're over the lines." So they're coming in, closer and closer. Yep. It's all endorsed by China. Anything Russia does, know that China is behind it like a silent partner.
SOUTH AFRICA - What does the future of South Africa look like? South Africa: One of our lovely and spiritual friends lives in South Africa and has family there and he wants to know if it will “heal, will it return to its spiritual roots, will it be better or worse in the future?” So it saddens me to say this, same as last year. I still see it's not looking too good for South Africa. Oh, they're going to have such hard times and between races there's obviously and sadly a big issue there. Really the powers that be want division and one flash point they always try to stoke is racial. Divided we are weak, together we are strong. “They want us at each other’s throats” not theirs. In South Africa and other places too, some want to take out the other race slit their throat, you know? They think nothing of it. It's a very dangerous time in many places and especially South Africa, it’s not a place I would send anybody to right now, and it’s so volatile. And too many people want it to stay that way. It hurts to say this, I don't see it getting better anytime soon, maybe way, way in the future it can be good and peaceful again but in the short term it's going to get way worse before it gets better. I know the person who asked is hopeful and he has a great attitude, but it's not going to get any better anytime soon.
SPAIN - Spain's actually beautiful. Oh are you kidding me? I love Spain. The only thing with Spain, is the same thing they always have is their economy. Because, they really count on tourism too, believe it or not. But as far as anything else, that's the only problem is just the lack of money, and then usually people from another country will come over to Spain--For vacation. Or holiday as they say. Also some for citizenship, and choose to create a home there. A lot of the Spaniards have their little restaurants and they have their home on the top. You know what I mean? I've been there. It hasn't even been that long. A couple years ago. I've been there quite a few times. I have a good friend, and she's actually Muslim, and from Egypt. But she has a place in Dubai and Spain. Very interesting to learn about the Muslims, and the Spaniards. But the only problem I see for them, is the same problem that comes and goes, is the economy. And like our country, the politicians are just destroying the country. Like any other country, really. Someone asks do I see if they'll arrest all the politicians there? No. That is fantasy.
SWITZERLAND - They're kind of like, they all kind of work together. Finland, Norway, Sweden--and I am hearing Iceland again. That is all I am getting so that is all I will say. The Norseman's area. And they still hold that warrior energy.
UNITED KINGDOM - There have been a lot of predictions out there or maybe just people theorizing and writing about what may come for the UK. Like food shortages in the next few years. Do you feel like that will happen in the United Kingdom? Yes, but not just there, pretty much everywhere. I just published about this on Patreon on 1 Sep, check it out. The UK is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and spirit has continually shared that there will be global crop challenges and food shortage. It's actually already happening. It's just that we're not being told. And only people that have traveled the globe and who have been to some of these places, see it with their own eyes and so forth. You wouldn't believe how many people just poo-poo everything and watch certain news shows, a certain channel of the news, let's say CNN, FOX or a certain paper, that's the extent of their knowledge and awareness. And that's all a crock of crap they are feeding the viewers – those media corporations have their own agendas.
Will England and Scotland and Wales, ever turn into and end up looking like a third world country? No, not looking like one. That's another reason why I love Ireland. People are asking because they know that the European Union is going to fall apart and actually is as we speak. The Euro dollar is going to be junk. They know we're going into a global depression as spirit has shared. So people are like, holy cow, will it end up looking like a third world country in England and elsewhere eventually. But I wouldn't go as far as to say a third world country. I mean, it's a caste system as it is. I mean, they got that. And in some ways, with starvation you don’t hear about and people needing to work 3 jobs, and homelessness, and people freezing in the winter. That is third world like. But how it looks, like buildings and roads and such, that remains. So it won't devolve that far. I know it's funny. I've never really looked at England and just see if there is, there's already people in England based on the caste system that are working three jobs to take care of whatever and people starving and freezing. You never hear about it though. So I guess the way I want to share this is that they'll still have infrastructure and pretty buildings and all sorts of culture that you can see. So outwardly it won't appear like a third world country with dirt roads and rubble buildings. Spirit says the UK is already moving towards third world in homelessness, poverty and trying to make ends meet and an increased hunger. These things are going on now and will grow; they're not in the media being publicized - but sadly it is happening, the ball is in motion.
VATICAN - Is it getting more sinister Or is it getting better?
No, not getting better. No. All right. Here's something that I found interesting that spirit just enlightened me about, this includes the Vatican, that... excuse me. For right now, at this particular moment where we are, people are starting to go back to old religions. Because, they're scared right now. So when people get really scared, or it's a recession, depression, or virus or social unrest or a rise in crime or a rise in unemployment-- all of a sudden the church starts filling up. So all man-made religion will decline in the long run and eventually it will be no more. But, for right now, as we're going through these awful transitions and things that we're talking about, they're going to increase their numbers... you get what I'm saying? They'll go back out of fear, but they still won't find what they need. Because what they need, they already have. It's within them. Getting back to the Vatican. They're just as sinister as they've always been. Sorry, it is mostly true. They always look to find power objects. They always look to anything that's supernatural. They send out people and you don't even know that they're (cross talk)- I'm surprised they haven't come to collect me. I shouldn’t say that. I take that back. I Retract that last statement.
All fiat money is junk, but that does not mean there isn’t still demand for US Dollars. The only thing going for the US Dollar is it will hang on the longest--it is only strong in relative terms--only relative to other currencies. People underestimate this. Sure, no one wants the US dollar but they will take it over any other currency that is currently out there.
People ask, the Euro or the Pound? Neither. If you get paid in one and have extra money, you know exactly what I would do. I would go 40% good cryptos, 40% precious metals and 20% US Dollars.
The US dollar eventually collapses. Yes, in time, but not for the near term and you need it for now. And a new digital dollar is coming as we have already talked about many times. Many know I have been predicting this would come for years now. But, I hold US dollars for now, they are LIQUID and the best currency for now. Remember what I have been writing about for years, for my liquid assets I keep a mix: US Dollars (mostly outside of the banking system), Gold and Silver (one ounce American Eagles), and a mix of my “Purple” cryptos. Yes the US dollar will be inflated and then replaced with a digital currency but that will not completely inflate away or negate profits in cyptos or precious metals. The crypto market won’t be stopped. So people don’t need to worry about everything. All of this fear. It is counterproductive. I just get the good cryptos, I do not mess with the junk, and I sit tight. The long game is the only game for me. No get rich quick schemes. If you hear “get rich quick” then walk away, no run away!
May 2020 News “Trump's Fed Nominee Advocates a Gold-Backed Currency, Even a Crypto One. Judy Shelton, President Trump's nominee for the Federal Reserve board of governors, has advocated for getting back to a gold standard, possibly "in a very cryptocurrency way." So people want to know if the US will go back to the Gold Standard? Sorry, no. Not going to happen.
The banks aren't safe, because the banks can default and FDIC is not solvent and yes they can also do bail ins, where they can take everybody's money and bail it in. And you can't get it, but there's something called short term T-bills or Treasury bills. And you don't get much interest, but you're loaning basically the money to the federal government short term. Federal government's not going to go bankrupt just yet. They're going to in the future. So, T Bills might be a little safer than a bank. Yes, a short term treasury bill is a little better, but still not for me. But really, obviously neither in the long run. Well, look neither are optimal. You need other solutions. But if I was forced to select, yeah, I would have more protection with a short term treasury bill because a bank will fail before the U.S government fails, but eventually they're both going to be in trouble. They already are but most don’t understand.
Will the euro significantly lose value against the US Dollar and Canadian Dollar? The Euro will lose value over time compared to the US Dollar…that is the trend. There are periods of up and down, but overall and long term it is down. I would not touch the Euro or the Canadian Dollar or any other dollar besides the US Dollar. The reason the Canadian dollar is so low is because there is currently a huge global demand for U.S. Dollars AND because the price of oil is hitting the Canadian economy. The flow of money into Canadian dollars is lower. Really that holds true for many countries.
Fiat money is a government-issued currency that isn't backed by a commodity such as gold. Fiat money gives central banks greater control over the economy because they can control how much money is printed. Most modern paper currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, are fiat currencies.
Will all of the dollars/fiat around the world, for a while, co-exist with the cryptos? Yes. And more and more people will learn that oh shit, my money, my dollars are worthless. So what people are going to do is they're going to realize that they don't want to hold that paper and they're going to go into gold and silver and cryptos. The dollars go obsolete in time, but US Dollars are needed for now.
Will “The New Digital Money” crash the cryptos? No. Digital money, that's the government. We'll have our way with cryptos and gold and silver and everything else spirit has shared - Barter, trade etc.
There's a theory that right before the new digital money comes out, I've been predicting the new digital money that's coming, there's a theory that right before the new digital money comes, the shadow government is going to go in the back door and crash all the crypto currencies. Then suddenly all the cryptos are lost and everyone's forced to go into the governments new digital currency. Do I see that happening? I have not seen that happening, meaning as of right now and even going into you know--the future a ways. No, it's just bullshit. It's one of these “fear” theories. Gov’t does not have enough control to get rid of all gold and silver, and or to get rid of all cryptos so there's no competition for their new digital dollar--that's just BS. It doesn't match up with anything that spirit has shared. Yeah I'm glad to shut the BS fear theories down so people don’t focus on the wrong things.
Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, Egyptian Pound: No, no, and no. I would not touch these with a ten foot pole. Many think there will be a “revaluing” of the Iraqi Dinar and Vietnamese Dong Or Even the Egyptian Pound, to be backed by gold or oil or by "reserves." So you can buy one million or so of these for under $100 US dollars and all of a sudden you will be a big winner in the future?
The consistent message from spirit has not changed. Published in 2018. “No.” Published multiple times in 2019 “No.” Published again in 2020 “No, sorry. I wouldn’t hold any other currency than US Dollars for now, as I have been writing about for years. It is a race to the bottom for all of the different currencies…none are backed by anything other than confidence.
Is currency something I would invest in? No. Why? First if you are talking Dinar or Dong or now the rumors are to invest in Egypt’s currency--you can’t even get the Dinar on Forex so you have crazy 20% premiums. And run the risk through other markets of counterfeit. I know it is an exciting fantasy. BUT it is a tricky game and there are so many better things I have been shown by spirit. So for me, I wouldn't even put 10 dollars into this.
I hold the good cryptos, precious metals and then US Dollars with about a 40-40-20 distribution in each as we just talked about. If I had $100 to throw at something I would split it up among my favorite cryptos, precious metals and even keep a little in US Dollars. You don't need to find the next get rich quick scheme. It is a distraction. I know the logic and thinking behind this question, but it is not like they are thinking. I am sorry. It is an angle some are hoping will play out, but no. CAUTION is what I get. Remember the most common con, the lure of easy money. Team Whitedove is going to list some background on this but I don’t even care about that. I care about what I am being shown by spirit and this is not a place I would go.
Will mankind get past money at some point in the future? At some point in the future is money an obsolete thing I.e. not needed. That will only happen after a major shift, all the way around. Yes, but far off in the future. as we're speaking. Right now there are enough resources. It's just people at the top hoarding them and then you know the top 1%. But at some point it will get to where all of that competition and stuff stops and we won't need money. At some point, yes. But it's like way, way out there--likely not your lifetime. Maybe your children’s kids; yes it's possible.
Predictions on education &
raising children of the future
Prediction Written Jan 16, 2020: The Future Of Schooling For Our Children: Yes, there will be a reduction in children attending physical or traditional schools. It is already happening. This trend is firmly established. Really, a big reduction in the current traditional system. Some ask, “will future children get their education using online or virtual reality systems, and if so, which year will we see that start to happen?” But, it's already started, and we're already seeing that in the schools where they're already working off computers.
I see little five year olds who know more than I do about the iPhone. So, the kids are already working off that, and they just really want us all to be tracked by our tech devices--phones, watches, computers, tablets, TVs, cars, by any source of that they're tracking us, meaning the shadow government. So while people may think oh, I’ll home school and provide a better/more robust education, they are right and the governments aren’t really fighting them because they are all still easily tracked. I for one would and did opt for different schooling for my children. Speaking about tracking, let me share this. They're also called the black suits OR men in black, that's other names for them. They are with the shadow government. In short, It's already happening. The trend away from public schools is already set in motion and evidence is all around. From charter schools, to the increase in homeschooling and online tools, the trend is clear.
Generation Z Has A Mission, A Purpose. Their purpose is to create. To create. Yes. To create and to reinvent and make our systems and world better and rebuild. Help them succeed. Give them support. We need them.
CHILD TRAFFICKING - On face value there appears to be a lot of evidence of child trafficking, you have already published a lot about this over the past years, about child abuse among many well-known celebrities and politicians. There's something called Pizza Gate. How much of this is true and how much is conspiracy? Sadly, it's not a conspiracy it's a fact. Pizza Gate is real and they are trying to bring some of these individuals to justice in the near future it’s throughout our government and Hollywood too. They're trying to do that--they're trying to do that but it's basically going back to what Spirit says, because most of that is coming from Mexico, it is hard to stop. But then we also have that happening in other places too. Believe it or not there's terrible tunnels underneath, it's not just Mexico or Vietnam. We have tunnels all over, our government does. Missing children are shuttled about for the pedo sex trade, there is a whole system for these sick pedos. Look on YouTube, there is so much information – the nightly fake News won’t cover it – in fact they cover it up!!! The average person doesn’t know anything of it. It's like another world ... It would feel like if you were put there at this time, like you're in another world, another lifetime, another book, another incarnation but it's not. It's all there. Short story, back to the core of the question, yes there will be some arrests, not enough, and it doesn't happen overnight, it won't be a like one huge set up mass arrest like you keep reading about online.
In Hollywood, many are encouraging sexually fluid children and they are also allowing transgender surgery during childhood. Saying their boy identifies with being a girl, so let them have a sex change now, so it won’t be a difficult transition as an adult. What does Spirit Say about sexually reassignment surgery at a young age? Spirit says that it is a choice that should only be made when a child comes of age. Not for a minor to make. Not for a parent to make. Yeah it's a choice, it's a difficult choice, and a very difficult thing to put yourself through. But it’s for a person to decide not a parent of guardian. We are all on our own journey. You're gay, you're straight, you're bi-sexual I do not care. Do you have a kind soul? Are you a dreamer? Then we’re on the same page.
There are a large number of intersex children being born. In a world of judgmental people I feel sorry for these children because of the stigma that they must face. Growing up, from a spiritual point of view is this anomaly caused by a genetic issue, medication, or caused as a birth defect or something else? Large number of intersex children?
Part of it is medication, part of it is genetic, part of it is that the soul choses to experience these things based on their karma or their spiritual contacts or lessons and also to be an example to others. We need more examples as there is more openness. Because there are many times when a child is born or a baby is born with both genders and who does the determining, you know who determines their fate? Their parents. The doctors are like okay do you want a girl, or do you want a boy? Or do you just want to leave the child this way and let the child come of age and decide what they want to do? Best to wait for the child to come of age and make a mature decision. It is really spirit's gift, you know it's a balance of masculine and feminine energy. Every human being, as manly as you are you still have a feminine side.
Years ago I watched a documentary about children in the Dominican Republic that were born with ambiguous genitalia. At birth, the sex organs seem undeveloped. To the eye it was uncertain of the gender. Unnerved, the doctors pressed the family to determine the sex for the birth certificate and pressured them into immediate sex assignment surgery. This surgery was not in the best interest of the child, it only helped the community label the child and move on. Sadly, the surgeries were a type of castration or mutilation.
The Navajo people had a more enlightened method of dealing with this physical variation. They waited for the child’s body to mature all the while loving them as they are. When the child came into puberty around the age of twelve their hormones blossom and this helped the child to determine their sex; either the testes drop, menstruation begins or nothing happens. There is no pressure to label the child.
Intersex is much more common than you’d think. Now Australia, Germany and New Zealand have updated their birth certificates to offer a third option: Male, Female or X for indeterminate. I asked “Spirit” about Intersex Children and I was told that this is part human evolution. Yes it is genetic and its evolution too. Humanity is supposed to come away from prejudice based on sexuality. God loves all his children regardless of our sexual inclination or lack of it; some of these souls will be asexual. This is also a spiritual evolution to eliminate prejudice for the good of all! So spread the word.
Here is a more scientific look at Intersex babies being born!
Technology Corner
Quantum Internet – Spirit Immediately gave information and basically the quantum internet is a new internet and they're working on it and it's in the future. But it will basically make the current internet kind of un-hackable. So the quantum internet will become unhackable. So I get it's a game changer and I get not any time soon though. I don't see it even if we go out years from now it's kind of way out there. I see it as a viable potential, they're testing it, but this thing is something that is way off. But when it does come, when they do get it done, I see it being something very important and a game changer. Definitely a game changer.
Will the quantum internet do away with our current internet someday? Well, going out, the internet will eventually come down. This is way out, but it will be overcome by new technology, but for a time the two may overlap. They do now while the testing is going on. Nothing, going way out, will play out like you think. Yes, amazing technology, but also as I go way out, in some ways the future looks more like the past.
Will the quantum internet affect blockchain? There will of course be changes and evolution of blockchain, it is already happening. But the core of the question is fear or having worthless cryptos. That is not what will happen to the good cryptos in any way that anyone with a pulse will get hurt by.
Will the quantum internet be policed by Google and YouTube? No, not like this question implies. They won’t even be around off into the future like we are talking about. Like all companies, they're going to become obsolete at some point and be replaced with new and better ones. Very few adapt and evolve and keep up. Facebook and YouTube and Google believe it or not, they've pretty much peaked and there will be new things that take the place of them.
FREE ENERGY. Do “Free Energy Generating Devices” exist? I have talked about this a lot over the years and it is important enough to talk about again. Yes, free energy does exist. Yes. But every time a scientist creates one, the energy frequency is detected and almost immediately the Shadow Government sends goons to destroy it. If the inventor persists and it happens again, they are threatened that they are in real danger (them and family). We the people, need to stand up and insist on humanitarian upgrades for the betterment of the world: Somewhat renewable Energy such as wind turbines, solar power, water power, are good, but tremendous energy is expended in manufacture, installation and maintaining them. Need the devices and tech which exists and wireless free energy like Nikola Tesla invented instead of dirty earth killing Coal & Oil.
ANTI GRAVITY VEHICLES. I think I talked about this a few years ago. But, yes, they do exist and no you won’t get one anytime soon. There’s lots of advanced technology that won’t get released…it’s all about the money.
Will Any Of Them Help?
Elon Musk
Musk is the CEO of Tesla, and also SpaceX, a private company doing a launch into space, it's a big deal. 2 years ago I was asked if Tesla would survive and be around in three years. And I predicted and published in my 2018 Whitedove Report, “Yes and they will do very well.”
I also predicted a while ago, so I will reiterate it again, I sensed a major rocket failure or blow up when the Privatized Space Tourism was first in the works. Now it’s a Billionaire Space Race between Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos although unfortunately “I see” a Modern-Age Titanic Disaster, these space tourism passengers are of great wealth and the spacecraft that they are on fails or explodes. It’s a warning because Spirit doesn't want to see a bunch of people blow up. You know?
Elon Musk, he's a pretty vocal guy, but he's kind of elusive about his agenda, well, that's just it. You know he's crazy. Probably one of the most brilliant people living. Yeah, He is right up there at the top, really on a lot of levels, and he knows it, and everybody's supposed to know that too about him, or he checks people. You know? He can slice you up with his tongue. He can inform you like a book of wisdom. He can then get down to a street level, and he's like the guy that knows it all, and he pretty much does, not all, but yeah. He's brilliant, but he's a bit socially awkward, as I read him, he's got his chin up, and he's like, "Okay, okay. I got this," Chin up means “proud” but like me, he freaks out before he has to go out with the people or make an appearance or whatever he's going to do. He puts a lot of thought and effort in it, but it's this way with all people that are really in some field brilliant. He's just being him. He's got all the cards in the deck, that's for sure. He has a positive agenda in mind for humanity and how he can help. So don’t worry, he’s not out to ruin the world like some other Billionaires agenda.
Elon seems to never get praised. He doesn't get praised or, "Hey, good job. Oh, my god." He sets a goal, he achieves it, he goes on, and he goes on. He’s never satisfied and beyond a perfectionist, and he's good for humanity. He's trying to figure his way out, spiritually speaking, and he's really dived into everything, and he can, and he's ready because he also is always looking for entertainment which has to be very interesting, though, because his mind never shuts down, and he's so brilliant, young and so gifted, but he wants to make sure when he's out and about and seen that he's perfect. Everything has to be perfect. He's one of a kind and he gets to meet all the people that are at the top of every field. That intrigues him. Elon Musk, is a good soul. He has not been flipped by the dark side.
Jeff Bezos
Okay, Bezos. he's like the richest man on earth. He runs Amazon. He is the Amazon dude. I’m looking at his photo, he is the richest dude on earth. Now, people are asking, do you have any insights on Jeff Bezos? Is he a good guy? Are his intentions for the future ...
Sad to say, I don't like this guy one bit. This guy is a shark. This guy knows how to play the game and that's why he has so much money. He's smart, he has a high IQ, he also knows how to charm people, you know, say all the right things. Talk anybody into anything. But, he's not putting his money out, he just keeps his money. That's why he's the wealthiest man. Do I trust him? No. His intentions for the future of like the world - - Well It's all about him. To make him money. At the cost, he doesn't care, of others. It's ego. It's narcissistic. [crosstalk 00:18:56] His intentions aren't pure. They are not for the people. [crosstalk 00:19:17] He’s had he's had disagreements with Elon Musk on space travel and colonization. It's interesting that a couple of the richest people on the planet, Elon Musk and this guy Jeff Bezos don't get along
Yeah, but this guy Jeff, he thinks he knows it all, that he's always right, he's never wrong, it's never good enough and he thinks that he can go up against anybody and anything and win every time. I see that Elon Musk and Jeff have like clashing goals, you know? No, my way is better. No, my way is better. They're not getting along because they're too much alike, in a way.
George Soros
I’ve not seen a photo of George Soros before, a lot of people think he does have a really evil or bad agenda. This guy's got bags under his eyes. Holy moley. This guy, has the Will of Titanium. He's already up there in the years but not much more life, it’s at its end. He'll be passing soon. It's amazing that he's still here. He's still here because he has so much money that he knows everybody, and he can pay for anything, so really, whatever he wants to do, I don't like him, I see his soul and he's scary. A sick twisted mind. You know what I mean? Yeah, he likes to play games and see really sick, sadistic games that he creates. And on a global scale he tries to do that too. He just pays everybody off.
He's awful. He's evil. He's heartless. He has no conscience. He just does whatever he wants, and he'll pay and he seems to always get away with it too because he is so wealthy – he makes his problems go away. He believes everyone has their price.
So, no justice for him on this Earth, but not a long life left, so he'll get his in the end – when he crosses over and experiences his “Life Review” as he stands before God.. Hmm, how will he exit? For Soros, it will be his heart... Yeah. He will suffer the repercussions of his evil life on the Other Side, let me tell you. He's holding on because he's afraid of dying. Most people don't know that. He keeps everything about himself mum for the most part, but he is a major part of what I would say the Global Shadow Government, not that he's going to say that, but he really could almost do anything, unfortunately. It's scary. Soros is not long for this earth, because the sooner he's gone, the better. He's a dark soul. Look, he's already done what he needed to do here. He's playing sick games right now, and so it's time for him to go, and it's going to be his heart. Wait. Also, his prostate. So, he may actually get a diagnosis of cancer, but it doesn't take away from his heart is what takes him out of this realm.
Mark Zuckerberg - He's the guy that invented Facebook, he might have stole it from the Winklevoss twins I mean that's for debate. But he basically invented Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. Yeah he's a super genius but he acts like he's an alien from another planet, like his blood is cold you know?
Yeah he's just pure logic, he's almost like a computer himself. He's like a computer. It's like he doesn't have a heart or a soul. Like he's empty. His main goal, is power, money, conquer, conquest. So it gets to a point where they have so much money, they've done so many things and then they start looking out to do sick dark things for mere entertainment. I'm only being quiet because I'm just listening to spirit. No it's a shame with all of his high IQ and what he's accomplished but yet he feels still so empty and cold and really doesn't even know what love is, that sucks. Do I see if he will ever evolve? No, he's stuck in this loop and he likes it there. It's all about power. It's false sense of power because it means nothing in the heavens. As for Facebook, it is becoming less and less popular and I do see them eventually going away and becoming something else. What that is and what that name is - - I don't know.
How to consciously create good karma. Be of service, actions done with love, purity of thought, pray for positive outcomes, meditate and listen for direction, forgive others, be thankful.
What is one of the most spiritual things someone can do? As the question implies there are many. But I will share, that with intuition, we can connect to others, and be a great service to them. This is the really one of the most spiritual things that a person can do with their lives. This is why I want to start a school for “gifted” children.
How does one become a light worker? That is easy. Through prayer and meditation and by consciously creating good karma and doing spiritual things like we just talked about above I.e. connecting to others. Having the ability to look at things from another person’s perspective and through others’ points of view. Being able to put yourself in their shoes. Having empathy. Now if you ask me how to be a good spiritual medium, that is different. That is like asking me how do you become a good basketball player. Yes you must work at it and there is also the role that natural ability plays. I was not meant to be a mathematician and while I can certainly elevate my game in that arena, I will never be the best. We all have natural talents and gifts. Play to your strengths.
Does spirit know what we're thinking when we're here in the physical world? That's correct, every single thought, Great Spirit knows before we do. This is a grand plan for our spiritual growth because our thoughts create our future. That’s why it is so important to monitor your thoughts. Delete negative self talk! Spiritually speaking when times are rough and the world looks bleak, it’s the time to be strong in your convictions and even work harder to create a better way of life. Especially now monitor your thoughts. Fear and negative thoughts are not what you need as your driving force. Now is the time to put your blinders on and keep moving forward with your goals. YOU are more powerful than you know! Use your mind, your positive thoughts, your actions and your prayers to create your future. It’s very important because once you create positive scenarios for yourself then that positivity radiates out like ripples in a pond. You affect everything - so Dwell in the Positive. Copyright 2019 Whitedove Press /author Michelle Whitedove -Do Not Disseminate Page 4 Is it more powerful to pray out loud? Does spirit hear us in nonverbal prayers?
Great Spirit and our angels hear all of our prayers although it's much more powerful and effective to pray out loud because you're invoking those words into matter. When praying remember - -never make the mistake of telling God how to do God's job. Because God’s solutions are greater than we might imagine for ourselves. And know that you pray in your time, God answers in his time – it’s called Divine timing. Some people literally think that, "Okay, I’m praying now and I'm going to get the answer any time! Little do they know there are certain steps that we have to go through-- to just meditate is key, but it's really simple. It's just about relaxing and breathing and listening to what spirit has to say after prayer, which by the way raises our vibration and we can get crazy answers. Maybe you're having a problem that day and you go to meditate and in that meditation, you'd have the solution to your problem and then you think, "Wow, this is a new idea!", you're like, "I feel compelled to do this", and you do it. But it's the very thing that saves you and when you go back and you look and you noted that you were using your gut more than, say, your head, your ego, it always seems to blow you over. You're like, you'll blow yourself over with your own “hotline to spirit” and connection and how God hears everything, so you might as well just come clean, right? Meditation is like, I make it simple and tell everybody, "Just do an open meditation, because spirit knows why you're there anyways and what you need. It's really just about you listening." That's all it is. It's nothing more, nothing less.
When we leave the physical world, when we pass away is it okay to be cremated? I'm all about cremating me, thank you. Yeah. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. But that’s very personal, to each their own. Whatever you chose is fine. It isn’t anything you need to worry about. A little more on this later.
Are we the same personality when we are on the other side?" When we pass, do we maintain our personality? We do maintain some of our personality, like the core of our soul. Yes. Every soul is different and every soul vibrates on a different vibrational frequency, because if we were all the same, we would learn nothing. Not even here on earth, but even in the heavens, we still learn. Although in Heaven we learn at a much slower pace, because there's no death and darkness and evil and all that kind of crap. It's all here for us to experience and overcome … which equals spiritual growth. Let the Ego and the intellect go. When people talk about hoping their “monkey mind goes away”, they are talking about the ego/intellect. Yes that's for sure cleared. When we drop the physical body and it is laid down much like unwanted clothing! Me? I'm all about cremating, thank you. Yeah. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. But that’s very personal and to each their own. But basically the ego leaves, the monkey mind leaves and your negative emotions leave. The ego, thank God, when we die, the ego dies with it. And when we cross-over to the OtherSide we come into a Knowing! The truth of ALL That IS… rushes to you even as your questions are formed. And the feeling of unconditional love resonates with the answers, so this way you know them to be true! I talk more about this in my book SHE TALKS WITH ANGELS, a psychic mediums guide into the Spirit World
The Garabandal Apparitions - I want to share this again. The apparitions of Saint Michael the Archangel and the Blessed Virgin Mary that occurred from 1961 to 1965 to four young schoolgirls in the rural village of San Sebastián de Garabandal in Northern Spain. The purpose of the visitations was to call for a "conversion of heart" a call to live good lives, which drew huge crowds, and featured phenomena, much of it filmed or photographed, with thousands of witnesses. Someone asked if this was true spiritual Phenomena. Oh, yes, the Blessed Mother Mary, shows herself to believers and she will also give humanity messages and warnings. That was the truth of these visions. I know it to be true, it resonates with my soul.
The warning was this. First, a worldwide celestial warning that will happen in the sky, and as I’ve been saying fire in the sky. One of the warnings say, "Like the collision of two stars that do not fall down. It will frighten all of humanity, regardless of where one happens to be at the time. It will be 1,000 times worse than earthquakes, like a fire that will not burn our flesh. It will last a very short time, although to us, it will seem like a very long time. No one can prevent it from happening. It will be recognized as coming from God. It will resemble a punishment. Although it is meant to be a purification, like the revelation of our sins in what we will feel in our hearts."
So, that's all true? Yes, Spirit says it’s a true prophesy with four messages phenomena, warnings of Miracles …. And one lines up with the prediction that Spirit gave me “There will be fire in the sky, unlike anything that we’ve seen before, it will last several days.” You'll want to be protected, inside a shelter. Best case scenario would be probably basement level or something similar. You don’t want to be outside, you don’t want to look upon what is happening outside, your mind won’t be able to grasp this supernatural event.
That sounds crazy, but it sounded real to me. Well, when humanity gets too big for our britches, you know hat I mean? And we start acting like God- meddling in things we have no business – cloning (only God is to create life), creating biological viruses and chemicals to kill, the atrocities that are an abomination. But Spirit will give a warning to turn back to God and live good clean lives. It's the second time... If you're not listening, you're out of here, and then the third, that's it. He cleanses all of the earth. I’ve been listening for Archangel Gabriel to blow his trumpet, these are signs.
Is there a chance that the next global cleansing won’t happen? Yes, there's a chance for people to come together and recognize that that was a sign from God, and to change their hearts, and to have a spiritual awakening, and to change the future and not have it be the end. It's a warning, is what it is. It's a warning, but if we don't get it together soon, and the majority of humanity takes the high road, the right
road, and then we're going to be able shift the thinking and the hearts of men. Greed, gluttony, war and control is not the way. If Humanity can’t come together and come from love in their thoughts and actions, being of service to those less fortunate, do what is right for the greater good … well then Earth will start anew without us and we're going to another plane, a better existence than this.
What is Sun Gazing? Sun gazing is an ancient meditation practice of looking directly into the sun during ONLY the safe hours at sunrise but only during the first hour Or one hour before sunset. Research shows sun gazing stimulates the pineal gland (the third eye), as direct sunlight hits the eyes, moves through retinal, then it hits the brain. Plus there are other benefits that increase energy levels and boost production of melatonin and serotonin. Do I believe this is a good enlightenment practice for some when done correctly? Yes, for meditation, especially when done correctly. You slowly build up the time that you stare at the sun during those safe times. For instance: Day 1, you only stare at it for five seconds (during the safe times) day 2, add another second, day 3, seven seconds. This is a slow build-up of exposure, but ONLY during Safe Hours. CAUTION you should check with your doctor first. Do your research on this Spiritual Meditation and check with a doctor; Do Not do this if you have Eye Issues.
Sunbaths without any sunscreen or any chemical in your body, how much time exposure and the best hours to do so? Just a few minutes, even just on a little exposed area like your hand is enough and is good. Some, like me, need to be very careful in the sun. Just a little goes a long way and produces so many positive effects. And have you ever heard, “sunlight is the greatest disinfectant?” Well it is. Now that saying was metaphorical for shedding light on secrets and exposing missteps and misdeeds…shed light on it.
The Lemurian Plug Gem Sphere. This is a gem sphere made out of oxygen, hydrogen and water. It's mixed together in a certain proportion of each to generate like a wave harmonically like Nikola Tesla technology that's kind of what they're saying this is. It's supposedly, it's constantly generating beneficial waves. Is this useful? It is. It's useful. It is useful but I don't have the complete answers on this. People should look into this more, there's something to it but maybe not quite as much as some might think.
The different frequencies? Is there anything to this? Yes. There is so much to frequencies and health and so many benefits only now just being discovered and proven. We don’t have the time to cover what every frequency does, that would take me a long time. But people need to dig into this if they are interested because there is so much to this. The right frequencies are complimentary to Gods energy. And they can even kill viruses. Yes. There is so much to this. And it is not new. Music therapy is proven more effective than drugs for pre surgery relaxation. There are frequencies which reduce anxiety and help heal. You don’t need someone to tell you what Hz is best, you will feel it. But there is so much to this. LIKE EASTERN MEDICINE. So many cures are already out there. So much. But, in some ways, like astrology and numerology, which when done by the real experts, are very helpful, it is not my area of expertise. So, yes, this is great info when well researched and presented appropriately. I can see this is important and legit. I encourage any who are interested to dig into it. You are onto an important, relevant, and emerging field. If you are interested, throw your energy into it, no pun intended.
There is so much information out there that says the key to the universe are the numbers three, six and nine, do you feel that's true? No. There's a lot more to it than that. The are important and come up a lot but there is Pi, Fibonacci, I mean, math is the language of the universe. There is just so much more to this.
Does micropulsing, magnetic pulsing, and ozonated water help with curing many diseases? Yes. Dig in and learn about it. It is legit, but do your research.
Several older civilizations’ writings speak of leaving an era of greed and corruption and going to an age of greatness. Bible says 1,000 year era of peace, is this time frame after the chaos? Is this time frame anytime soon? Kind of sounds like what we already talked about. Yes. After the rebirth and cleansing then it's like a new ... It's hard to explain. We have to get away from greed and corruption. This world and how everything works and all of the systems that we have are no longer useful. They are no longer working for us. Therefore, there will be a cleansing. So that all has to come down before we come into the new paradise or the rebirth of mother earth.
Anything involving health changes, and treatment technology would be good for us to hear. Any new treatment technology or health stuff that you see coming in the future? There are people that will come up with things but it's not the good stuff quite yet. We're not getting the good stuff for a while but there are amazing cures and there's amazing technology out there. Unfortunately when amazing technology is invented, it often times has to get through a gov’t agency and it gets stalled or slowed down or taken. Especially if it's really good, and it works, they shut it down and they take it… because BIG Pharma is not about real cures!!!
Soul water is water saturated with pink Himalayan salt. Most proponents of soul water recommend drinking a tea spoon of the mixture in an eight ounce glass of water every day. Is this something that's good? Yeah actually it is. Well the body needs it, it's something the body needs, but also its protection and it's also cleansing. Like for example if I work all day and it's been heavy cases, murders and channeling loved ones, I'll go get in a bath with the dead sea salts which heals my aura and takes the taint off my shine, that's true.
Where are high-energy places in the world that help increase our vibrations? If I wanted to go increase my vibrations where would one visit? I'd go to Ireland again. But, I'm just thinking we have the whole freaking globe. I mean, a nice quiet place in nature, near a stream or near the ocean or in the mountains, you can raise your vibration through meditation most anywhere. You can raise your vibration, you don't have to be in a particular location to raise your vibration. You can raise your vibration anywhere. But yes, there are some places that are more naturally suited to it. Yes like the sacred sites, the stones, Stonehenge is one. Yeah all those places are place where you're able to raise your vibration.
BEST PRAYER? It's the Metatron prayer. I mean, to each their own, but for me and many, it's the Metatron prayer but as well as prayer, meditation is equally as important because that's where you get the truth, the answers to your earthly problems and understanding. It is a protective prayer and one of abundance.
PRECIOUS Metals, Stock Market, Real Estate
& One Executive Order
Executive order deferring payroll taxes. I do not see them being forgiven, just delayed. One or two years, yes. No I don't see them waving that. It’s also a slippery slope to getting rid of Social Security – as I have said, our US government is working towards doing away with Social Security. So don’t plan on that being your retirement. It is going to go bye bye!
Precious Metals 2021. Yes, still higher. Get them now if you haven’t. Also, Include copper. I don't know why but they include copper. Because there's going to be a need for it. Bottom line, have them and don’t sell them. I still see them rising. And rising quicker and harder to get.
Do I see gold and silver going back down or is it up, up, up from here? Nothing goes straight up, there are always little pull backs. But I would not wait to get it as I warned in January and shared, “if you want it get it NOW.” What are people waiting on? If I had new money would I be okay putting some in even through the price is up 50% or so since its lows earlier in the year? Sure, it’s still low and you can still get it. But never mind the short term price, there will be a point where it is soooo hard to get. The trend is up! Today's prices are so low relative to where it is going. I say, forget about the short term price. There will be a point where it is so hard to get. The trend is up. In time, Silver $100 and $200 and more. It will go over $600 and more. As I have already predicted. Gold will go over $10,000 someday, as I already predicted but it will not matter. You will not want to sell it, you'll want to trade it. So hold onto your jewelry! It will almost become extinct. So hard to get. Get it while you can, get it now. Both gold and silver and also cooper, if you can. But remember, holding copper, any large dollar amounts in copper, will be heavy and hard to store.
The Stock Market. It is a house of cards as I have said for years. I have shared it would continually crash with black Mondays, black Tuesdays, black whatever days. You know medium crashes AND then it would be artificially stopped. Yes, that has happened and more of this will come. It will then continue to get pumped up again until it falls apart again, which is sooner than later. It is really like playing with fire. I mean, think about it this way. If you know something is rigged and is overvalued, do you put money in it because it can still go up and can last longer than it should? Would you put your money in something like that? Would you put your money in a Ponzi scheme? Do you risk 100% of your money for maybe ten, or fifteen, or twenty percent? Not me. I wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole. I've said that for years. Can it be inflated higher before a down turn? Yep. Is it all rigged and THIS IS IMPORTANT, it is one of the few places big money can go. So Big Money still flows in. Especially when other things around the globe are falling apart. So it does pump up sometimes. It is overvalued while crypto's and gold and silver are undervalued. People say, "Hey, the stock market is up. Look at history it always goes up in the long run." Okay, which stocks are up? Because a lot of them are going to crap. We are going into a depression. What do you think is going to happen to most companies? It is really just a mirage. Now, with that said, at some point, way off in the future, after the stock market get wiped out sufficiently and goes to below fair value--it is possible, one day in the distant future that it becomes cleaned up and undervalued. Sure, that is possible someday, but not for me now, for sure. Enough said
Real Estate 2021. Watch the trend. People moving to high end areas with natural beauty and amenities away from big cities. The people with money are leaving cities and flocking to certain areas. I would tell people buy now, you know, while you can, if you can afford to, because there’s going to be a’ll want a safe place. Make sure you can afford it.
I also see it this way, if you rent a house you're paying off somebody's mortgage. Why are you going to give them the power and give them your money? Unless it's a temporary thing.
But just remember, a house, your personal home it's not an investment, it's an expense. You've got to maintain it, you've got to pay taxes, you've got to pay insurance, you've got to pay mortgage, you've got to pay interest. Unless you're renting it out, it's not an asset. It is an expense that you're going to give to somebody when you die someday. You need a place to live, whatever. Everyone thinks real estate is an investment. It is not an investment if you live in it. [crosstalk 00:17:18] So know what you can afford as we move closer to harder economic times.
Real Estate, The Trend Is Down. The “trend” is down, in general terms, for years to come and as written and predicted before, there are micro markets, some will go up, some will hold but MOST will go down. But, again as predicted, those going up are in part due to the temporary dip in interest rates. This will change and interest rates will begin to climb. Once that happens, prices will fall.
Buy or sell? Well, you need a place to live and I keep sharing for most people a home is an expense and not an investment. But, unless you have another place that you are comfortable with and it costs less to live in, then what do you do? Remember on the upside, at least in the US, there are some current tax advantages to owning a home as you can write of the interest paid. There are so many variables. It really is a case by case type of question. When, and it will eventually happen, interest rates go up you can bet on house prices going down. Right now people are thinking the housing market is on fire because of supply and demand…NO, cheap, easy money. Interest rates are so-so that people can afford an additional $100,000 loan so what happens to house prices? Yep, boop they go up and they have been in many areas. Right now, interest rates are going down as I predicted, and I want to emphasize once again, what is happening to house prices? Yep, they are going up. It’s a wash for most people. Who wins? Those who have money on the side when prices fall, but that just doesn’t apply to most people. You see it is all about what asset class is most undervalued. Real Estate is inflated, not a bargain. Cryptos (the good ones only), Precious Metals are grossly undervalued. I have friends that just love real estate and they say, “oh real estate is a great investment. You can rent it out and it pays for itself.” Sure, but what happens when people can’t pay the rent…not fun for anyone.
A New Virus, Vaccinations, Is AI and Nano Tech Imbedded? 5G, Travel, If You’ve Had It, and much more. written 2 Sept 2020 by Michelle Whitedove
When will travel, when will people be able to travel around the world like we used to? Is that any time soon? Sorry, there will be travel but it is not going back to the way it was. Remember after 911 everything changed? Well, this virus, now everything has changed again. It's going to keep being a pain in the tush and it's just going to mutate, it already has and it's--Yes it's real. Remember I told you this was going to happen. It will be a hell of a lot worse. That's where it's like, okay you can't come out of your house or if you're too long out of your house you can't come in. Plus they did this because I don't have all the answers but I asked spirit, why are they doing this? Spirit said, this is to test the people, to test how we would react and to see how things would play out. So this is a prelude, we will have another one, it's already mutated and we'll have another virus.
Herd Immunity? You know a lot of areas around there, there economy is doing better. I mean, they're not having fewer cases, but just testing less, but that aside, they are doing better economically. They're reporting fewer cases, it's just that they just kept working right through it. And went, "Well let’s go. The masks and shut downs and testings and tracings aren't going to work anyways. Let's all just keep working." So their economy didn't take as big a hit as we did when we shut down. So it's interesting. They don't scare easy. Believe me. So the shutdown really didn't do too much, except for the elderly that stayed home.
Will the US and other countries use the military to enforce the vaccine? The US will not. The President of the US will not. Now some Governors might try with the National Guard. As for other countries, good luck with that. If they try it, it will not go well. This is a country by country question.
Mandatory Vaccinations:
Big Pharma, The Gates Foundation, W.H.O. and the CDC are trying to push more vaccinations to become mandatory right now. These people/organizations “buy” influence around the globe. They will continue to push their agendas. But I can see many vaccinations already failed and those that will come out will not only be ineffective, they can be deadly and they are more harmful than the disease or virus that they are alleged to prevent. I’ve given this info before, months ago, to my Patreon family. THE BOTTOM LINE, “they will want a mandatory vaccination and push for it, but many will not be sheep and will use their creativity to not take vaccinations. To me, I do not want mandatory vaccinations obviously, but regardless, I will not take “the vaccination.” I own my body, I decide, no one else, period. People who are concerned must do their research, find areas that are pro-freedom. What more can I say, really.
I'm trying to pray and make it go away. You all can pray with me. Group Prayer is powerful. Ask and give thanks that the CoronaVirus Novel is no longer harmful to people or animals. Ask and give thanks to God to sway the decision makers – not to push forward with the laws. Personally I don't want them to make the COVID19 vax mandatory because I refuse to get the vaccination. They want everybody to do this, but this is supposed to be a free world. So, if they passed the Mandatory law in the area where I live... I’d change residences or move to another area that doesn't require it, or stay put and pay off a doctor, or get creative. We each have to decide what is best for us and our families. I'm not advocating for or against any action. I’m just telling you what I think my options are because I'm against all modern vaccinations. Did you watch this educational documentary by a doctor. Yeah. What's really scary is that as things get worse (before they get better and they will get better), we are all better to just stay home and find a way of entertaining ourselves and being loving and being productive.
LET ME SHARE THIS AGAIN. They're going to try to force us all to take the vaccination for this.
No, I'm not doing it and I don't care and I'm keeping my guns too. So not go get to jumbled, but the information comes so quickly. It is just that they're going to try and they already are slipping in these little new laws that people won’t notice. And they aren't little new laws. I see them trying to tell the people, "Well, guess what? It's your job to keep up with the laws we pass and we will enforce them. Ignorance is no excuse.” And some of these laws are going to make it hard to do things and I can see people saying in the future, " Well, where are we supposed to fit our day in with all that stuff you say we are supposed to do?”
In Norway and their neighboring countries, Denmark and Sweden, the mortality rate due to the coronavirus is 2 per cent and 1.6 per cent, respectively. What are they doing right to keep their numbers so low? They are really doing better. There are several things at play. One is just the amount of testing and guidelines for the reporting of deaths. Mortality rates are not so much impacted by gov’t action. Economics and mental health are, but not virus related mortality rates. Really how well a country or region does is more related to the general health of the general population. Those with preexisting conditions are most at risk. The USA has lots of people in poor health due to obesity, diabetes, and stress related illness, and an aging population. So when considering the “reported success” of one country compared to another, it will not have much to do with “the measures put in place.” It will have more to do with people keeping themselves strong and resilient.
Will The New “Virus” Nasal Spray Work? We heard about a nasal spray for Covid-19 recently. A group of researchers at the University of California, San Francisco developed synthetic antibodies also called Aeronabs or nanobodies. You are supposed to spray it in your nose once a day. They claim it will prevent the virus from infecting other cells. Sounds good but this is not the answer. No, not a “cure all” or full proof prophylactic. And while that would be nice, you know if it sounds too good to be true it usually is.
“The Next Virus” Predictions. The second virus, yes it will have a higher mortality rate. Yes. I already predicted that and shared that many times in Patreon. Sad. Spirit told me that, again, that this current virus was the prelude, a test run and that the next thing is even worse. And remember, while others were predicting it would just go away by April or May, spirit shared with us “No. It will be a little while. It doesn’t just go away.” Back to your question about percentages. I do not generally get percentages. And they may even say the next virus is mutated from the current coronavirus. But spirit also already had me publish that almost 6 month ago that the virus would mutate. Spirit shared that in like January on Patreon and at the same time shared it was “in the air”. Remember, back then the “experts” said it was by touching things only and by “droplets” only a couple of feet away from an infected person. Rubbish! Spirit shared everything with us on Patreon. But that, spirit said thousands upon thousands, over 100,000 in the US and even to a million souls will depart this year and the next years, not just solely in the United States, but globally. It's going to be worse than some believe or think. Those who still think all of this was a hoax will have to come to terms at some point in the future. Sadly. BUT YOU DO NOT NEED TO FEAR IT. This will not be one out of every two dying or anything like that. Okay. Don’t be fearful. Just take the precautions like we warned about in January before anyone knew the virus hit our shores and most countries around the world. Don’t play into the fear or get wrapped up in the media sensationalism or politicizing of everything. And right now and in the future, we really don’t have and won't have, they'll never give us the accurate numbers. The numbers out of China are so off. Did you know when the Chinese famine happened some decades ago, China reported that very few people died. But decades later it came out that 10s of millions of Chinese people died from the famine. But again it's not going to be one out of every two people just that the mortality rate will be higher in the next version. Again, don't be fearful, take your simple precautions and do your Metatron prayer and be loving. Start with yourself. Get your house in order, so to speak. You can't make everyone you care about do the spiritual work or get their own house in order. So, all we can do is put the information out there and pray and roll with the punches and be prepped as Spirit has forewarned.
The Cure Is Worse. It seems most understand the "reaction" and “response” by gov’t is as concerning and makes thing worse. Whether you glimpse there actually is a virus circulating is not up for debate, but I will not debate you if you feel it is all a “false flag.” But we all need to be able to put ourselves in others shoes and understand their point of view. That is part of maturity. What you think is going on may differ from what another thinks. It helps to consider someone’s opinion can be significantly influenced by their general state of health, life experience, education, personality type, geographical location, and profession. Mix in CONFIRMATION BIAS and goodness do you have a bunch of people just completely convinced they know what is going on. But Spirit shared way back in January, while the virus is real, it isn’t something that wipes everyone out.
And while the next virus will be more deadly than this one, it isn’t something that wipes out everyone either. Not that. More deadly but not one out of two or anything like that. This virus is playing out much like a Hurricane in that the models and news can be useful for basic info, but they can way over hype it -- but like a hurricane that is over blown on the media, it is important to get an idea of the general direction or expected areas impacted so you can take some basic precautions. The same will apply to the next virus.
Would anyone not want to know a hurricane is on the way? Of course you’d want to know! That is what I did in January 2020 when I shared the virus was going to travel. That is all. But then watching the hype news every minute does pretty much no good. Like a hurricane, it was very valuable to know about the virus ahead of time and take some simple precautions and be stocked with your personal needs.
If someone you know is having difficulty grappling with the fact that there can be multiple insightful perspectives and opinions on the virus, it might help to share the post we did on the 9th of April, The Title is: "Let's Take Care of Each Other “
5G And Viruses! As published/predicted, “No, 5G is not the cause of the virus, but everything is related. 4G is bad for humans and not conducive to our natural energy and 5G is worse. I first predicted and published that in 2017 or 2018 and several times since. It is not healthy for humans AND it is planned for upgraded Big Brother/Control/Tracking AND China is central. For years I have warned about China and others have said not to worry about China, but they will eventually see all of the warnings I've shared about China are tracking.”
Does the “Virus” have “Nano Tech” or “AI” imbedded? Here’s a recent post I made on Patreon, but is relevant: “I Predicted it is a "manmade" virus back in January but did not specifically say "Nano tech or "Ai" as you ask. “ If you ask me if there is any technology or chip or electronics or the like in the virus, I get a clear “no.” It is biological, but man made. No. The virus is a man-manipulated lab created virus. And do I feel like the virus itself has any technology or microchips or nanotechnology in it? No. But remember, our human bodies and organisms can be and are affected by frequencies. But the 4G and really the 5G, that energy--It only adds to the problem because it's making people... it's not conducive to our God-given natural energy, so it's actually really terrible for our human bio-electric energy.
Hydroxychloroquine? Do I feel like that actually can do some good for some people if they end up with the virus? It can help some, but not a cure-all. Case by case, maybe early on. But I didn't jump up and down when I heard it, or feel like "Wow, Ooh." So it's not the cure all, but for some people it works well. For others, it doesn't. A case by case basis. Definitely worth talking to your doctor about if you find yourself in rough shape. But if nothing is wrong with someone this could be dangerous. Now if you take the hydroxychloroquine with the Z-Pak and with zinc, you know that threesome, it is supposed to be the best combo. But again I get that it depends. Everybody's different. Everyone has a different reaction. This is not a one size fits all model. Even different doses depending on the person if that makes sense.
More Than Once? Once you've had the virus, do you think you might have immunity from contracting it ever again? I feel that once you have the virus, I feel this virus COVID19 could come back at a later date. Meaning, it could come back. It’s like when someone is diagnosed with cancer and then they go into remission. And I've got to tell you this, anyone I've ever read for over the years that I’ve had to share, “You have cancer, this is like stage four." Or maybe they're just in the beginning stages. I often will say, "Okay, this is what you can do." And I'll know whether or not they can pull out of it. And I'll know if they're not going to make it, but I'll even know that the cancer is going to come back again to them at a later date and where, and sometimes I'll tell them and sometimes I won't tell them depending on what spirit tells me. Because I notice with most people that get cancer, it may be 10 years later, but they sadly end up getting the cancer back again. It’s difficult to get rid of those cells.
What I'm saying is, this virus like other viruses never really goes anywhere, it's just dormant. BUT there is a vital difference, Covid19 is a man-manipulated biological warfare virus and the labs inserted HIV into it, so we have no way in knowing how this hibernating virus will manifest in the future of those that successfully overcame its original symptoms. I feel the government already knows the danger because they will not take new enlistees that had COVID19 and recovered.
One of The Keys to Your Health, One Step in Protecting Against Viruses, Autoimmune… One of the most important things that we can each do for our future is work on building your immune system so that we don’t befall to autoimmune issues or prey to more viruses. So much is related to autoimmune disease, and we're only going to have more and more of these type of issues, more and more autoimmune diseases that are coming up. And autoimmune issues make us more susceptible to dangerous diseases, bacteria and viruses. You know what I mean? Like COVID-19. And the “NEW VIRUS” to come in the future. Not tomorrow, but down the road a bit. Very important, you do not want Leaky Gut and not having the correct Gut Bacteria or poor Gut
Health. SO the first thing that you’ve got to do is go through your kitchen and trash every food that comes in a box. Yes, that is where so many of our ailments begin! You have to remove all the fake ingredients, the chemicals and the preservatives from your diet and get back to God’s foods and how we were meant to eat. Many issues stem from immune reaction, it is when the body wrongly attacks itself because of what you have ingested over a long period of time. So you must heal your gut and restore all of the good bacteria. That is a major step. Often, not always, we need to switch over and take the holistic naturopathic spiritual approach. Dr Lynn Laferty in South Florida has a rigid protocol for many immune issues. It’s a regimen of juicing specific organic fruits and veggies to make powerful antioxidant drinks, there are herbal supplements that are needed. And a new way of eating. Contact her at
Is Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Legit? He's a 4x MIT PhD, an immunologist and he's getting some attention for having pretty sound views on what's going on. Some want to know if I get any feeling on this Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai. Yes I do and Yes he is legit Yes. He understands a lot. He says Dr. Fauci is the face of Big Pharma and should not be the one advising Trump Yes. I agree with much of what he's saying. Yeah. he's good all the way through.
Is Shadow Government still spreading the virus or just people at this point?
Wow Spirit says it’s both!! No wonder it’s not subsiding, the Shadow Government is still putting it out there!! I see that they're still actively spreading this! It's still going person to person transmission too. It has not stopped. They don’t want it to stop – they want a severe Lock Down to push their Globalist agenda.
Remember when I said all systems are changing – that’s what is being worked on as we Stay Home. The Shadow Government is busy with rolling out methods to track our every movement, making changes in schooling, banking, 5G networks, your work-life and your personal freedoms too. I see in the future, there will be USA check points between States – as you travel on the highways. Our freedoms are being taken away and not many are recognizing this because its incremental, bits a time.
COVID19 mRNA VAXX in the WORKS. There's a new vaccination in the works. Different from other vaccinations, this is an RNA, it basically attaches to your DNA and then adjusts your DNA to some degree to effectively fight the virus. This is the type of vaccination they're going for. It's different than the ones before. This is new technology they're trying to utilize. Yeah, they want to test on us like we are their guinea pigs. You trust that? I don't. Please friends I urge you to do your research – don’t listen to Gates, Fauci, CNN or FOX News, they are owned and push an agenda. Your Health matters and this is a choice that ONLY you should decide.
Holographic Image Projected In The Skies. For years, I've been sharing with my inner circle that when I look outside, most days, there's an unnatural holographic image projected in the skies. And I’ve said before I’m not sure how they do it, but Spirit says that the shadow government is hiding something important in the skies. “They” are hiding the UFO's, the star-beings, stars & planet phenomena and also occurrences related to the Harp Project. At the same time, the star beings do that too. The star-beings can project holographic images and they do. Oh, yeah, are you kidding me? Yeah, they do it all the time. The star-beings are trying to undo the damage that the shadow government wants to do and has continued to do. They know they're playing. The star-beings that were captured even warned our government that we would have this world war but not like World War II but the extinction of humanity and most life as we know it. They've seen that many times and they're constantly trying to correct that.
Weather Manipulation. The US Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Texas ,all along the coastal water, New Orleans, all that area; I still see a continuation of the water tables rising. Especially there, and just getting hammered by storms and flooding until there is nothing hardly left. It's covered in water. The Shadow government is hastening the catastrophic events by seeding storms, directing hurricanes and tropical storms to this area for maximum impact. All the while, they are trying to make it look like a natural catastrophic weather events.
Back in the day, I could watch the satellite images of coming hurricanes and I could forecast where they were headed or if they were going to die out. Currently NOAA only allows us to see small satellite loop images, they have scaled back our visibility because they know that Scientists and Seers can perceive the unnatural patterns – like the Hurricanes that hover for days: Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas and Hurricane Harvey.
My visions are of the distant future, I guess so that people can take heed of the warnings of Spirit and try to advert negative outcomes. The shadow government has a long range game plan they want all those people out of coast line along the gulf of México. Spirit says the US government will allow it to become devastated by contaminates, weather events, pollutants, oil spills and over fishing. WHY? What’s the plan? One day in the future the Gulf of Mexico is actually going to be a giant industrial port area. So the current plan of action is to make the area not attractive for living along the Gulf Coast. Everything that's on the water there, it will be destroyed because they want it to be like a mega industrial port complex. They don't care about the sea life there, they don't care about the people there,
it's just going to be an industrialized, a polluted dead zone. I Predict that the Governments plan for the Gulf of Mexico coastline is to Destroy it, Condemn it and them Claim the land to Rebuild it for Industrial purposes. Makes me sad.
Is the “Shadow Government” real? Yes. But these are just names that people put on things to try and describe what they sense. So call them “Shadow Government” or whatever. But there is a group, in the 100s of people who are somewhat coordinated and also act out of greed and self-importance and interest. But the real question should be if they ever get direction from any group above them. Well they do. If you ever see a specific list from a source about exactly who they are and any details, it will be BS, you know, someone’s fantasy. And then it will go around the internet like “we know everything” but it will not be correct. But with that said, it is good people pry and poke and think and talk, just better to do it as collaborated brainstorming instead of stating it like fact. If everyone believes a wrong theory it stops them from figuring out what’s really going on. Do you follow me? Beware of the articulate incompetent! The “know-it-alls” are dangerous. Because on this subject especially, even those that know are in great danger if we say too much. And, no, I am not saying I know it all. Spirit won’t even show me it all because it would put me in danger. So I am allowed to share but cautiously and only exactly what spirit gives me.
So who tells this “shadow government” what to do? As we just talked about, in part they decide some things. But above them comes some direction, some little thrusts of direction to keep it going in the direction they want. There is like a council above the “shadow gov’t”, like a high council. Heads that no one sees and they are the ones that call the shots. Some people use the name “illuminati.” Again, that is a name that people put on it. But call it what you will, that group that some call the illuminati is real. It is true, but that's a much smaller group. No, I don't know the numbers.
What's are the goals of these “Deciders?” Remember, their goal was everything that they've been doing or trying to do. It's all domination and control. It's dark, it's twisted. Their goal is to have darkness reign and make slaves of the masses. Please Pray for Humanity.
The “Illuminati?” Are “They” the ones pulling the strings? Are Star Being Involved? Yes. And on that small council, whatever you want to call it, the “Illuminati” or “The heads that be that you can't see”, on that smaller council, that’s where they have some star-being members as part of the council. Yes. And while the group we are talking about are dark, the star beings on the council, they're not necessarily evil, it's that they want insight and they have influence. It's like a big council. The star-beings are like, "Listen, you cannot wipe out the earth and destroy it because what you do impacts others outside of your world, the universe. So reign it in or we will get involved. We are not to interfere but we will to protect the universe." They do interject and they do give their council but the human council members push things as far as possible because they want dark to reign so they don’t listen and like petulant children push things as far as they can. Some will ask, why don’t the star beings just wipe them out and help us. Because that is not their role to interfere here. We have to do it ourselves, we the people have to wake up in sufficient numbers to get Light winning again. And we will. You can see what people are trying to get at here. Really they're trying to get some unmasking of the heads that be that you can't see and kind of understand how it works. Spirit's not going to tell me too much to share it with the world because that puts us in danger to some degree. That puts me in a lot of danger. So let's leave all this alone. We've answered enough and if someone does see a theory out there like, oh there's 300 people on the shadow government and then these are these people on the Illuminati that tell them what to do...that's BS because no one is to know. Only the heads that be, meaning only the smaller council knows. People can theorize all day long but don't play into the theories. Nobody knows and nobody will know until it all falls apart.
Again, the Star Beings that sit on that council are disappointed with the direction things take but they are limited because God gifted humans with Free-Will. They don't have the right to stop them from doing bad things but they're getting ready to go global in the sense of exposing their ships to crowds. In other countries, people have proof of it. In Mexico and Peru they're seen up in the sky all the time. People there in Peru don't even look up, they're so used to it.
But now the Star Beings are going to unmask themselves even more! They've always kept themselves invisible, and now they are going to reveal themselves. Don’t be afraid when you see, although their energy can be intimidating.
A slow disclosure is happening as I predicted last year. You even saw the Pentagon, the US governments had to release files and admit yes, UFO’s are real although the Pentagon renamed them UAP’s "unidentified aerial phenomena"
Do any of our star-being friends have a message for us that they would want us to know and want you to get out to people? The message that they all have is to stop being war-mongers and greedy and stop destroying the earth. And again, don’t be fearful of star beings, most are benevolent. Again, if they wanted to destroy us, they would have already done that. They've always had the capability.
Are some of the star-beings highly intuitive like you or even more so? Oh yeah, more so, yes. More so. They can see the future and the probabilities and possibilities.
Things are speeding up and the veil is thinner. Those who are awake will have more conscious experiences with different dimensions and beings. Yes. Yes.
Will the “Powers That Be” try to take away property rights and if they do how do they manage?
The answer is, no. This is not something you need to worry about. Once they figured out how to tax the people's properties and get you to pay them rent for your land and building in perpetuity, well, they were happy. Even if we own our house, we pay taxes on it forever. Think you own your land? Don't pay your taxes and see what happens. It's not going to change anytime soon, sadly.
Are “The Powers That Be” time traveling to purposely do things to change history? Yes. Absolutely, yes. “They” like to time travel to see the outcome of where we are and then they try to go back to change it. But they're messing with the power of God. Messing with the continuum and one little change will have ripple effects with unknown consequences. It changes everything. Yes!
Deep State Going To Jail? Mass Arrests? Obama to Jail? Will they ever be able to catch Obama? Well they did catch him, but still I do not see jail for him, no. No jail because there are enough layers and so many people between him and the people that did the interviews and those few at the very top will not turn on each other…you know, Biden, Obama, The Heads of Intel Agencies, Susan Rice. It will be so hard, legally, to actually pin legal charges that will stick on them in court. So with low probability of conviction, charges do not get levied. Even though he, Obama, and they, his gang, were at the top of the Deep State. No, the rest of it will be covered up, hush-hush, or they'll create some fake news or some BS. Obama played his cards, lost, he's out, he's glad that he's out. He and they are squirming right now though…that is why you hear “leaked” tapes and stuff. So fake. I am sorry, I am not political, but BS and wrong doing is BS and wrong doing, period.
Still Questions About Comey, Mass Congressional Arrests, Heads of Intel Organizations--WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO GET THEM? James Comey was the head of FBI, he's looking really bad right now too and people know what he did. He ruined the FBI’s rep, well it wasn’t good to begin with…kind of like the CIA and some other 3 letter agencies. People know they are corrupt at the top. But back to Comey and the FBI…they have a long history of doing bad stuff even though there are some good people in the org. The top is so often corrupt. But like Obama and really with Obama, he played his cards, thought he won, but didn’t and now it’s coming out. But the key is, both Comey and Obama are out of the game now. And yes, he, Comey is guilty, but convicting him is a whole other thing. And they could get him but their eyes aren't on him because they know it is hard to prove. They're not as interested in starting with him, believe it or not. They will start lower. His underlings. They see him as the past, out of the game. So many are dirty, my gosh, you know that. People want justice. People want them to go after Obama, and they want them to go after Clinton and Comey, and they want justice. They want them to go after these different heads of the CIA and stuff and they want them to be accountable for all of their eff-ups and be held accountable. You know they wrecked so many lives. They really did. But I don't see them at the very top being held accountable in a court of law. Yes in the court of public opinion and even in the history books. But legally, charges that STICK are more like their underlings is as far as it will go. Emotionally, and out of my wanting justice, I want them to get those people and charge them. BUT, legally, I can't see them getting any charges on those people that can stick and really be prosecuted. You know, stick and lead to a guilty verdict. That's what I'm saying.
They don't have what they need. They might try to indict them just for public court--but they don't have what they need. They don't have what they need to actually convict them. Those expecting Comey and some of the big names and a bunch of congress to be arrested and found guilty any day now will continue to be, as they have for years now, frustrated. Some of my friends kept sharing spirit was wrong about the virus in Jan when I shared what it was and what it would do. They kept telling me I was wrong and that it was all fake and they were going to arrest everyone any day now and that what it was about. NO. Here were are 8 months later and still, NO. I wish those people were right, but I saw and predicted it would not and will not play out that way.
As I’ve answered before “Yes, bitcoin and many cryptos have been manipulated and the government has their hands all over it”. They're looking and wanting to get more involved, but they keep getting blocked, and it's so funny because it's really Spirit that keeps blocking them because once again, this form of money is “for the people,” not for the greedy government.
Trump, and other figure heads, publicly say they are not for cryptos because they have to talk up their dollars, ESPECIALLY THE US, IT IS THE KEY TO THEIR POWER, and some cryptos compete with the dollar. But I believe that most governments are working on creating protocols to track all Crypto Trades, Buys and Sells; the Governments want their cut.
But with Digital Currency, they are working on a US Digital Dollar. But the details must still be ironed out – because the digital money all is tracked. There’s no hiding digital money on the side. But as far as Trump liking or not liking Cryptos – he’s an old-school Stock Market guy that really doesn’t understand Cryptos. He believes whatever his experts tell him. OR he’ll just shoot off at the mouth which at least makes him predictable. The bottom line is that he has to support the US dollar, and anything that competes with it, he's not going to be for. Hey you know by now I’m an equal opportunity political basher! Please always remember, I am not aligned with any political party. I don’t have a preference; the country would be better off without a two party system. I really just would like to see a person get in there that has “We The People” in mind and working for our best interest. And be true, and help the people, and be a good person, and do a great job. Instead of all this, lining their personal bank accounts, favors owed. The good old boy network with career politicians, that want to rig the elections. Well everything is rigged and governed and watched, and if people only knew the truth, they couldn't even comprehend. They'd be so dumbfounded. It is all a show.
I've been consistent on this ever since I've began blogging my predictions. I’m apolitical or nonpolitical, however you say it. Look, I'm not a Democrat or a Republican ... I'm for whoever is for the people. The problem is trying to find who's best for the people. Sometimes it's the lesser of evils. You know what I mean? That's what it ends up being every time. I bash all parties equally, basically. Because 99% of the politicians did not get into politics to serve the greater good, which is repulsive.
“THEY” The Recap And Putting The Pieces Together. As I’ve shared, the governments of all the countries are kind of falling apart right now- It's a whole thing. The old systems are crumbling. We're talking about Global Shadow Government, and they're all trying to figure out HOW TO change the money so they can track us at all times. Spirit said that Digital Currency was coming, spirit shared that years and years ago and we published it over and over, even before I had heard the term cryptocurrency.
The Global Shadow Government wants to track us and our money. They want us to be controlled and transparent. They want to do away with our privacy, give us no freedom. Crazy security methods eye scans, fingerprints, or a certain chip or code. The Global Shadow Government wants our every purchase tracked – if you want food or want to buy something. They expect everyone to fall in line and comply and be like little soldiers following the leaders of the shadow government. BUT those people that choose to be sheep and follow the leader, they will be sent off to the slaughter and they are going to regret their decision to comply.
We must fight against this total control. There is this shadow government, we don’t see them, you never see them, the higher ups that dictate to the Presidents and world leaders. As I have shared there is a Starbeing presence at the top council because what we do on Earth impacts their realms, so they have a voice. I prefer to call them Starbeings, because “Alien” is a negative term. The Starbeings and their many races are our brothers and sisters, God has many races of children. Many that we don’t even recognize as our equals here on Earth, like the Animal Kingdom. And yet there are many far more intelligent Starbeing species than us. I can see some of them look at us as primitives that aren’t too smart and they consider us animal-like. I can see sometimes they pity us for our little brains and warmongering ways because we could live in peace on this beautiful water planet.
Some people want to know about the Spirituality of “StarBeings.” It’s difficult to articulate. We are all “gods” children. There are so many Starbeing Races – Some are negative, aggressive and war-like. Others are angelic. Hmm. Sounds like humans.
What do our Star Being friends think about what's going on. It's funny that you ask me. I just said to Shante when I sat down at the desk, I said, "Shante, get ready, because the star beings are coming out, and they are going to be seen by everybody.” And you guys know the prediction I published in The Whitedove Report at the beginning of the year about that. More sightings, indisputable. And just recently even the Pentagon released files, videos and concurred. Imagine that. First time ever, publicly, from the Pentagon. I just relay what Spirit says, but I don't retain all that information. Many Star Beings are watching what we're doing. They are aware of this virus and all of the other crazy things going on. Obviously they're not thrilled with it.
The thing about the star beings, and they are here, and they will be visible, and they will actually work with some individuals. And spirit is telling me, which is shocking, some Star Being are even working with the government, the heads that we don't see, to basically try to bring them to their senses by communicating, "You're destroying the planet, you're destroying the people. This is affecting our planets too." Back and forth. There are actually star beings that are communicating with the shadow government too, and everybody thinks it's all human beings, but it's not. And, you will see more Star Beings because they're here, and they want to be seen, because they do want to intimidate our corrupt government from doing the stupid things that they do which is killing the planet and us and affecting other planets too.
Civilizations living within the earth. Yes there are many civilizations and many races that live within the Earth. There are some that live deep within the Earth and they have cities there. Then there are others that hide between the surface and just below it. Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Skunk Ape and the Abominable Snowman are the same race of beings although physically they differ somewhat from region to region. Both Native American’s and Tibetan Monks know of them and speak of them, it is secret knowledge to protect these very special beings. I’m writing about them because I want to give people a better understanding and ONLY to help safeguard them. Please don’t “hunt” them. Would you like to be hunted? No! They live between the surface and just below the surface of earth. They are stalked and hunted with guns as if they are big game. They are NOT animals; they are NOT half human/half ape. I assure you that “The Bigfoot people are an enlightened race of beings with superior intelligence, that’s why they have never been captured. They want to help our primitive human race that is out trying to capture and kill them. Please have empathy.
Theory - False Flag Alien Invasion. There is a theory that covert terrestrial military operation is being planned--a scripted alien invasion much like 911 except with alien craft. It's been reported that the Shadow Government made a deal with negative, the bad alien races to help the Shadow Government to keep humans in line. The COVID virus worked to a point with a global lockdown, but the humans are starting to riot and they need to be more compliant. So there's a planned, scripted extraterrestrial invasion scheduled possibly before the end of this year 2020 or early next year. They are saying this is the only way major cities would be targeted and millions will die when the Aliens attack. Is there any truth to this? The part of this that is true: Our government did strike a deal with negative Draconian alien races. Yes, they wanted to experiment, and the US Government gave them permission to study human emotions and our reproductive systems and animal reproduction too. Oh, they also need some minerals, gold, rare Earth minerals and some crystals. Our government said YES to this deal in trade for advanced technology. But the rest – No, there is not a pre-scheduled deadly attack on humans by a dark alien race where millions will die. So anyone wondering, I can put your mind at ease. More from Spirit on Starbeings
GAME CHANGERS 2021 and Beyond
What are the most significant events on the lives of the majority of Americans over the next few years? Well, as I have been sharing, it isn’t about one country or another. Everything is connected. Here are some biggies…
· The COVID19 Virus, which is a man manipulated biological weapon it’s a game changer
· The coming depression and recession because it's bigger than The Great Depression
· There is War coming, it has started in some regards.
· There is another plague is coming that will be worse than COVID19
But it's this combination of things that makes it really bad. It gets worse before it gets better, because it has to, there will be a cleansing. People need to wake up, meaning to what's really real, not these BS illusions or the little bubbles that we create to live in. It's like, let go of your ego, get out of your. comfort zone. Think bigger. Be open-minded. Have a heart. It's not even about religion. It's about the nature of a person. Are they a good Soul? Or do you live or work with an evil monster like George Soros? I always say “If you are sleeping with the Devil …what does that make you?”
Yeah. It's really simple. I mean, if everyone just applied the Law of karma, What we do unto others we do to ourselves! Well that's should be enough to keep everyone in check.
LOCATIONS Countries, States & some Cities.
Some Safe Places? Civil Unrest Hot Spots?
“Safe Place to Live.” Many have been asking “Where in the world are the safest places to live?” I can look into cities and towns around the globe and share what spirit gives me, but I can’t look into every city and town because there are millions. So here are some basic guidelines to follow until I have covered every city and town in the world, smile. Bottom line, this question about safe places but it is so localized. An area that might be okay for one person may not be okay for another for so many reasons. And not everybody can move anyway.
And Coastlines in general. Yes, they will change in time and I know sharing this goes against scientific arguments. I see our coastlines are moving in, not overnight, but over time. And the weather is going to affect those coastlines. And that's going to create change. Yep. But this is long range and people don’t need to panic. But anyone living anywhere on the coast knows they need a plan!!! Earth Changes are here ~ Read my blog from 1999.
But think in terms of micro areas, globally and in the US. For example, even when I say that I like North Carolina, there are certain areas I don't like in North Carolina, years ago in 2016, I talked about Lake Norman area near Charlotte NC, and while beautiful, I predicted it will have problems with pollution and sure enough who is there in 2020? Erin Brockovich. Why? Because there’s lots of unexplained cancer. Even if I say, Europe is a mess there will be pockets that are okay. When I say I love Ireland, there are pockets that I wouldn’t live in.
When doing your homework there are some general rules to follow." Look at if you're in a flood zone, what's the flood history in your area? Dams! Are you below a Dam? Or fires. What's the volcanic history? What is the drought history. What's the earthquake history? How is the water availability and what is the areas water source. Are you way down a river where lots of cities and towns draw off of it before it reaches your town or city. Are you at risk of running low on water. What is the crime trend? What is the local gov’t like. What's the tax trend in your area? Are they going up, or are they going down? Well, they’re all going up, but some are going up way way faster. What's the water level? What’s the tornado history? What's the hurricane history? What's the tsunami history? Are people moving to your area or are people moving out? Because people are prescient at a certain level, and certain people start moving out before the masses. So is your area growing or shrinking? That's sometimes a sign. So those are types of things that anybody can look at as a good start. For our US friends, I’ll plug South Carolina again, but careful anywhere on the coast in any state. Your logic will help but DO as I DO “Listen to your Gut and Intuition” that’s where YOU’LL get direct messages from Spirit!!
Just be prepared and insured and then don’t worry. Islands and coast of NORTH CAROLINA concern me….those islands that stick out. Yeah, the one part that sticks out always gets hammered by the hurricanes. Funny, I just put this down and spirit just shared, people are still going to keep asking. Lol. FINE. Hey, do you know what FINE stands for? Feelings Inside Not Expressed. Lol. But there are a lot of places,, I'm saying like, no, no, no. Don't go there because it's toxic or you know, dangerous. I’ve covered this before some of my favorite places to live are here.
What’s next with the civil unrest? Sadly, it will get worse. And it is not just the USA. Look at Australia. Look around the world. People are fed up and being tricked into false sides. It is all orchestrated. It will go from civil unrest to more riots and then to complete chaos and mayhem. Marshall law. But remember this is in certain areas. And this will not turn into Mad Max. See what is happening now and then multiply it by some factor. I would recommend people stay out of cities. Cities are where it's going to be the worst. Whether you're in Chicago, LA, New York City, DC. Where there's a crap ton of people, you don't want to be. Most big cities around the globe, really.
Prediction - I do see New York taking another hit too. NYC stands out. Caution. Anything can potentially happen there. It is still a target too. Nuff said. Keep an eye on NYC for a big thing. Do you remember a couple years ago I shared a vision, “They're showing me the Statue of Liberty and they're showing me the head is off the Statue of Liberty." Do you remember that vision? The Statue of Liberty symbolizes freedom. That's why they want to take it down. And the message from spirit wasn't symbolic or a metaphor. It was literal. No, they want to take that statue down and the head separated.
What about safe havens? Where would be some safe havens for people? Places outside of the cities--this applies globally. It's really about what we're going to see for the rest of this year and going into the next year--it is about you having to stay inside or close to your home. Get Prepped and stay prepped with essentials so it’s easy to stay home with your loved ones.
More Propaganda Programming, You will see more. You know, all of a sudden with all new programming again and scaring and saying, "Oh this is just a test, a warning that they throw up on TV." Or, like I said there'll be blackouts with not only the electricity but blackouts of the internet, phone, things like this. They've already been practicing them and that will continue to happen. The USA is not a third world country but events and blackouts will continue to happen.
Any areas in the United States where the government will just round up people and force them to move for whatever reason? As crazy as that question may sound, in the future/further out, Yeah I predict that this will actually happen, but this is very far in the future. Right now I don't get an idea of where they're going to round people up from and where they're going to put them. But yes it will happen at some point. Likely it'll be people who are unfortunately homeless or there has been a disaster in the area or whatever. ALSO AS I PREDICTED IN January of 2020 before any of this COVID craziness had started, I see in the future in the United States - at the State Lines, there will be entrance points. Well that started with this virus this year. But more to come. Everyone will be monitored. They will decide who can come in. It will change from what it is today; Sadly I foresee a day our freedom of travel will be restricted within the USA and other countries as well.
"Will there be a chance to live in freedom away from government control." Yeah, get out on your own. Be disengaged from gov’t and be self-sufficient as much as you can. Have your own set up, live off the grid if that's your thing. There will be pockets all over the US and globe really. As I’ve predicted for years, people and communities will separate from the government.
CANADA British Columbia, Vancouver Islands: Yeah, I see it. All right. So British Columbia, kind of the West coast of it, especially the Vancouver Islands. It's okay, I don't get any major hits in this particular area, but their economy is not booming. That's the big thing that they're dealing with right now, but that can change AND Spirit's saying it's safe. If you are retired or telecommute and you're looking for a safe place--perfect. Gotta be okay with cold weather of course and I see that's one of the places where they do major whale watching and orcas and everything, off that island.
When will the Canada-US border be open to travelers in a not so limited way? Like right now, it's pretty much limited to business. The border's kind of closed down between the US and Canada. When will that open up again like it used to be for regular travelers and tourists? No one really knows that including myself because of these continual viruses. And the other virus or another whatever they create which is coming. So the bottom line is, listen, no one knows--it may open for a short time, then it may close down again. There's no grand opening that I see and there will be hiccups and challenges.
Would it be a good idea to have dual citizenship with Canada besides the USA? I think any type of dual citizenship that you can get, go for it.
Cambodia sitting between Thailand and Vietnam. Is it safe? How about economy-wise, Cambodia? Sorry. Some real beauty there and I get why some are asking, but is it safe? No. It's third world. It is third world. And you have the challenges with third world countries which are generally very corrupt governments--that's why they're third world still. And with the corruption and poverty comes crime and comes danger. Well, it can be beautiful there and it will pretty much stay the way it has. Not getting better really BUT I don't see anything as far out of ordinary.
Costa Rica; Is Costa Rica a safe location? Sorry, no, not really. No. The location has storms, the water is beautiful, and then also, Spirit says that you need to be extra careful. It's dangerous. You really need some type of muscle or security. Yes you could live like a king, but there’s lots of poverty there; it's like a third-world country. You can live like a queen, like a king, based on our money if we go over there, but they'll rob you or worse. Yeah, and some people will be easily recognizable as the outsider. So you better have family or have a tight-knit group of your peeps. Even then consider your options; it’s beautiful, low key, great beaches and rainforests. But will you feel safe when we dive into an economic depression? It’s an individual choice as to what is most important for the individual and how safe they will be. Caution.
Denmark: I don't see any major issues with Denmark ,other than problems or challenges they have with immigrants. Although we have that problem in more than one place, clearly, it’s not unique to Denmark. No, not really. Not really, not more so than most other places. We are all pretty much facing the same things. I really loved Denmark when I visited. I love most of Europe, but Denmark stood out for its architecture and people.
India as a whole going into the next decade. Both livability wise as well as growth / investment wise? I have shared for years the enormous challenges they have and will have. This is not going to get better anytime soon like you may hear some people guessing. You’ve heard some saying it for years--and does it look like it is getting better? NO. So sad, but it is a hot mess over there. But many of the people, oh, some beautiful souls. Eventually will India get their act together? Well, they're not going to any time soon. It will be another place that gets cleared out.
How is Israel in the next couple of years, economically and security? Israel, the Holy Land. Please don’t take this the wrong way it just that I was blessed and Jesus came through and shared with me that, how did he say it? The Holy Land. He said the Holy Land will remain to be the Holy Land no matter what man thinks they're going to do on one side or the other, it will remain as it is.
Japan. I've already predicted , that sadly, in the future, Japan at some point is going bye bye because of earthquakes and tsunamis. Do you remember when I predicted the Japan Tsunami of 2011 ? Yes, I still see more flood waters, earthquakes and the tsunamis for Japan. Again, I would say a longer term but timing is difficult to predict, although it's definitely always been the same with Spirit - that JAPAN will simply just no longer be there.
Will China will ever invade Japan? Actually they've tried to do that before and they're hell-bent set on the US, but I do feel like that China will still try to move into Japan territory or want to take it as they don't see it as a great conquest. Not a crown jewel, so to speak, like they do the US. They don't see it as some great prize. They see the US as the prize. Japan would be like a consolation. They're not that focused on it but certainly if they could find a way to strategically capture it without significant effort, they would certainly take it as they would any area. They want to rule globally, but again, it's not something you probably need to worry about now.
Japanese TV personality - Seki Akio. There's a picture of a person in front of you, this person is an influencer among the people who are “awake” in Japan. Are his intentions pure and genuine or are people being misled? More mislead. Yeah, I’m looking at him right now. Oh, gosh, he's already a legend in his own mind. Wow, I gotta get out of his head. Too much ego. For the most part, people are being misled. His intentions are all about himself. His power and what he has and la, la, la, you know? Like a show.
Hong Kong the new financial center for the Western world or is it more likely to be Singapore? Singapore. Spirit is showing me some big cryptos out of there. What is out of there? Yes. Zilliqa (ZIL), yes.
CHINA, If the dam breaks will it crash the crypto market? I've already predicted the major dam in China will break. It will break. I feel that will come sooner versus later. Not like this minute, but within the nearer term. There are literally millions of people that will be affected by this. If the dam breaks will that crash the crypto market? No, why would someone make that leap? I mean sure a lot of the Bitcoin is mined in China and if that dam goes then that affects some of the...but I know it won't, no. It is not like that at all. Two different things. Unrelated. No, Spirit says No!
Ecuador, Belize, and Panama as places to possibly live in the future. Go with Ecuador. Ecuador is actually a nice place. I've been there. It is essentially “third world” in some sense, but really not so bad. Go with Ecuador. People could go to Ecuador and live like kings and queens there with housing, with property. They just have to be careful and have muscle and cameras/security, guns, you know for protection. And Speaking the language is very important.
Poland. I just read for a gentleman wanting to go back to Poland. Nice guy. I told him to go back to Poland. It will be okay. No worse than other similar areas.
Guyana. It's basically considered to be below sea level, that is, certain locations in the country. There are concrete walls blocking the ocean from overflowing onto Guyana. Water had come in before on a small scale, where the ocean went over the walls. Will it be happening again in the future on any larger scale? I hate to share this, but Yes. Ocean sea levels are going to rise in time (not short term) so, of course that's going to cause problems. And then storms. Yes, sadly, I get “yes.” Unless they raise those walls, right? Yeah and they have to raise them high.
Norway. Good news is Spirit is giving me the symbol for It's really nothing really new for Norway. Hey, that is good. Better than getting something earth shattering. Yeah. There's nothing that they are showing me or making me feel for it. That is all I can say. I like Norway and the people are fun and cool. You know, like grounded.
Mexico. Even though there are good people in Mexico and some good expatriates that live in Mexico; Great Spirit referred to Mexico as Sodom and Gomorrah. Spirit told me that they're going to take Mexico, and cleanse it with catastrophic events. It has already begun with the major earthquakes there. More tragedy will happen at any given moment. I mean, honestly, I've been waiting for that one. If you couldn't get out of Mexico? Then be away from the major cities and outside of any other smaller one. Hide and lay low, have just what you need to survive. You're talking about, basically, you're going to be in a war zone, and it's by God's hand. Pray because I see that only a few will get out of it there, the righteous, those that are godlike, and some will be spared, but eventually Mexico will be cleansed. So please make plans to move for your safety sake.
Mexico, San Pedro Garza Garcia: which is considered the richest city. Will there be a good chance to buy in the next 6 to 12 months? Photos below. Yes but I would stay away from Mexico. I would not invest in real estate in Mexico. No. Sorry.
San Pedro Garza Garcia, Mexico
New Zealand: As much as any “country” can, they have their act together. They do better at most things. As far as Coronavirus, sure they will have issues but relatively speaking they just do better with pretty much everything. They're doing fine, actually. New Zealand. It's a very beautiful place. It's kind of like a paradise but the only thing spirit shows me that concerns me are earthquakes. Yeah, the coastline's [inaudible 00:32:07] getting earthquakes and then earthquakes cause flooding, like tsunamis, that is a legitimate threat. They have warning systems. Be enough inland. And let me share this, they don’t have the deep dark stuff. Not the sex trade and rampant pedophilia, I mean, There's no deep seated pedophilia and dark government thing there. And they're very picky. They hardly let anybody in. Again, as far as country's go, they're one of the purer ones. They're tough. They are. They're one of the purer ones. People will start making connections and asking if the property market will do better in New Zealand because it is nice and people might want to go live there. A lot of people have already tried to go there to live there and New Zealand's like, nope, we're pretty happy and full with what we have so they really don't let that many in. They don't let people in as easily as you might think so that will probably prevent the property market from getting too heated up.
Russia and the USA in the next few years. It's going to be very bad as I’ve foreseen and predicted for years. Putin is not our friend.
Switzerland Yeah the Swiss are okay. It's good there, it's fine, I mean, c’mon, relatively speaking--but the only thing... I see a lot of mountains. High, high, high peaks and castles and it's really good for people that could retire, just the beauty of it. The one thing I got was avalanches. Also I think there's probably risk of greater recession. Switzerland's got some payback of karma. A lot of karma, Oh, bad karma and some may say bad luck. But, listen, the natural beauty of Switzerland, and if you can be out away from the cities and all the craziness, there is breathtaking natural beauty there, don't discount it!
Alaska. Do I see any volcanoes erupting in Alaska? Yes. Well, they're all rumbly. Where I'm more concerned is the Ring of Fire because of the active. Also, I've been told that, oh God, I know you know … this it's the biggest volcano on the peninsula of Alaska. Caution
Alaska. Do I feel like Alaska is a pretty safe place for people that want to live in the Wilderness? Are you kidding me? Alaska is one of the most brutal, hardest places to live. It's desolate. It's freezing. It's always dark there. I mean, sure, some amazing natural beauty, but for living there, not really. And I don’t care what the scientists say, it's melting. The glaciers and everything, it's all bye bye. They have scientists who are starting to wake up and get it and are right now saying, "Oh my God, what are we going to do. We were totally inaccurate with our timing about how the water, the ice glacier..." They're disappearing. I've been there and they're going bye bye. Where's all this water going to go? Somewhere. And no, I wouldn’t live there. It's a unforgiving environment - power outages and stuff can be deadly there, so if you want to live in the wilderness pick some place in the central US or something that environment isn't as harsh. That would be safer. Alaska is so harsh and the people that are there, it's like every year is an obstacle...with winter and staples (do they have enough) because they have to stay in frequently. So it's not a place really for people. It's more of a place that was supposed to be for nature but even the polar bears are going extinct. If the polar bears are going extinct, what do you think your chances are?
Arizona - Phoenix. Phoenix, Arizona is good, but it's very dry there and you've got to make sure you have a natural water source, you have to be careful as in any desert community. It's dry. The economy is moved up, there are some opportunities there. I think more from when I looked at it last. It's a yes. It's a yes, but it is a place that you need to be secure with your job, and be prepared for hot, hot weather when it's not even supposed to be hot. You have to have a natural water source near or back up plan for water. Higher elevations are better in AZ.
California, Los Angeles or Malibu? Neither. Right now there is an exodus of people leaving the state and the markets are going to go down. You know. So, if you can move, and you can sell your place in California, Yes, sell it and pick another place. Anyways, it's very expensive in California. It's not really that. There are just so many dark souls. Everybody thinks they are a producer, they prey on the naive. Just walk the streets where the Hollywood Stars are embedded, it's disgusting. It's dirty, corrupt, tainted – I call it the City of Fallen Angels. Too many have sold their souls. The energy is not good I've been there a gazillion times. I'm not a fan of LA LA Land.. broken dreams and broken promises. About Malibu's, well its on the coast, and they have earthquakes, fires, landslides and that's not good either because those coastlines will come in. It is not safe. But you could move to another state that's within driving distance and visit if you have family there. Or they could come to visit you. It’s funny how Spirit works, every time there has been a major hurricane in Florida, I’ve either been out of town or kept out of harm’s way. It could work for you, maybe your California family can come to you for a safe haven. I would advise moving while you can liquidate while you can get a fair price.
California, Hollywood. Will Hollywood remain the same with the TV and movie industry and those jobs? Spirit says, It has already changed, the trend is down and I see that Hollywood has completely changed gears. It's all due to reality shows, all of the competition shows and new COVID requirements. So when you ask me if I feel the industry will still remain there and the jobs will remain there or if they will continue to slowly bleed out and leave, well, they're already leaving. We're doing a lot of filming on the East Coast. We're doing a lot of filming in Canada. I see Hollywood continuing to shrink its footprint as far as the movie industry. Yes. Yes. And movie theaters are going out – I’ve seen this and predicted it for years. Even the big stars with the big movies aren't even working much with the big Hollywood studios AND the Big Name Stars will be not getting paid the mega millions any longer. They're going to cable TV and Streaming Platforms; Netflix, Prime Video, Apple TV and Hulu and more. Movie Stars and TV Stars are dwindling, many will continue to do movies and series but I can SEE their pay scale is not the same. Hollywood or Streaming Platforms they're not paying the stars, in general, like they used to--like hey, here's 50 million if you do this movie – I predict those days are gone.
Florida – Southern East Coast: Well I live here in South Florida sadly and please take no offense, it's pretty much not the best place to live for many reasons. Be it industry or threat of natural/catastrophic events. We're going to get hit with hurricanes, tornadoes. Our coastlines are coming in, I mean, it is so sad we have so many homeless people more now than ever, much suicide, violent crimes and we're over populated. We're like number one for crime, number one for all the bad stuff here in South Florida: From the Palm Beaches, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Homestead. One day in the Future, a good part of Florida will be underwater from catastrophic events and Earth Changes.
Orlando Area: it's also overpopulated and still risky and there's so many people that went up there from southern Florida... what people do in Florida is they just keep moving a little bit more north to get rid of the ruckus, crime, or just the poverty, or over population. Sorry, I wouldn't recommend FL. I really wouldn't. Listen, it's mostly low lands coastline, always at risk of hurricanes, flooding and tornadoes too. I think there are some people that are so in love with Florida maybe, no freezing winters, or just out of convenience, that's where they grew up and their family is there. So they're like, well give me at least a safe place in Florida and I sharing with love, Florida is what Florida is. If you're going to live there, you're not going to have the peace of mind of having some security and safety, which you know you're not going to have. But listen, there is no perfect place because Mother Nature is cleaning house on a global scale
PANHANDLE Area: The Florida panhandle is right out there for hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis. I don't feel it's a safe place now. I wouldn't stay there, I’m not loving that area, wouldn't be where I’d feel safe to move. Economically I feel that they depend on tourism mostly. I don't see a lot happening there, I don't see the economy doing as well as in other Florida cities. It’s a declining destination. Spirit says, their tourism industry has never fully rebounded since the hurricanes, and so they're still struggling. And I feel that the Panhandle is now prone to even more impending natural disasters. So this wouldn't be someplace I'd go.
Georgia – Atlanta? It is a major city, nuff said. I am not going near big cities.
Savannah: Savannah is fine, but remember, coastal cities have risks of flooding and hurricanes…consider that. Overall, Georgia is fine. But it's another place I would say if you're moving there, secure your job. It isn’t like there are loads of professional opportunities in Savannah compared to other cities. And pay attention, like all cities, you need to know where you are and who is around you. So not mega economically growing. So it's one of those that if you can afford to live there, okay. But if you're young in your career, and you need lots of local opportunities, that maybe not the place, but there is a lot of building going on around there because people are moving to SC and it is on the SC boarder. If you are in that industry, the trades, nearby is good for sure. If you take all things we have just talked about into consideration and are okay with that.
Hawaii overall and is the island, Honolulu, Hawaii, Safe? We already talked about this and it sadly, none of those areas are safe. All of the volcanoes are erupting. The cost of living there, nobody can afford and you have a lot of street people and drugs there. Just sad. No, not a place I would even consider living…it is obvious to any who look with a discerning eye.
Hawaii. Does Hawaii eventually become a separate nation? No, Hawaii does not become a separate nation from the United States. I mean, they used to be, you know? The gov’t bullied and scooped up Hawaii as a state decades ago. Now, I need to say this kindly, the public officials representing Hawaii could not manage a nation. I don’t know that I can say they are managing now.
New York, New York: It’s the financial center of the USA. But Spirit says NY is going downhill. And so why live there if you don't have any of the world class amenities or entertainment or shopping or you know. The economy is going to crap globally and Wall Street is going to crap and is antiquated and slowly becoming marginalized. New York City is in shambles so people who can and who are smart are selling and leaving. The restaurants aren't opened. It's all bad. As I have shared before about New York City, everybody's got their eye on that, so that's an obvious target, and I saw--yes, it's a big target. Spirit showed me while we were in this session talking about cryptos, believe it or not, they talk fast, they showed me the East coast and said New York City about a bomber. And I thought, well, what I was talking about when we started this session is even bigger. And, that this, while bad, this bomber in NY wasn't as big of an event. You know what I mean? It's on a smaller level, but it's still enough to get our government and get people and go "Holy crap. What? What happened in New York City? How many people are down?" NYC is just a target for so many things. I also have a long range prediction about NY and the Statue of Liberty going down, I’ve seen this vision for many years and have written in previous predictions.
East Coast Weather. Spirit told me that we have to watch out for things that we normally didn't have to watch out for on the East Coast, for the weather changing drastically for example, the coastlines just big weather issues, flooding, storms, hurricanes
Massachusetts - Boston: Immediately, caution on the weather. The weather's going to be off. I think it's not going to be “customary”, but that can be said for many areas. I can see that the real estate has gone way up in the last 10 years, like it was unexpected because it lagged behind areas so it was really cheap, in relative terms to great cities. I mean, it's crazy. Overall, I feel a mix of people from the top to the bottom of the totem pole. Mainly though, I see weather problems and I see somebody... I think New York is going to take a hit. But let’s do that next… So Boston, it's not on my "no, no, list" it's on my "yes okay as far as cities go." Yes, it's an odd one because few places in New England are on the "yes," but Boston is one of the pockets where--if we are talking jobs, it's interesting. I mean, there are 100 universities within a 30-mile radius in Boston. It's interesting. There's a lot of industry there. It is really one of the major pockets of intellectual capital in the world-- with MIT and Harvard and all these others. It's got the finest prep schools in the nation nearby, Phillips Exeter Academy is number one in the Nation, maybe the world. And all these industries and labs and research orgs, some secret too. Yes. I feel like Boston is okay in some regards.
Maine: Will the state of Maine be safe? Well, it has a lot going for it as far as natural resources and beauty. But economically, not too much. And weather is tough in the winter, but if you can get around that and understand how much it cost to live their…they only seem to keep raising taxes and it is not well run. New England in general has some challenges, sadly. Full of history and beauty but generally speaking people are leaving for many reasons. Just do your research. Personally, I lean towards, New Mexico, Texas, and the Carolina’s.
Missouri: Branson, Missouri and Branson has a lot of entertainment and they have a lake there, but someone's asking about the area kind of between Springfield and Branson, that area. Hey, good news, it feels okay. There's not a ton of industry there, but hey, if you're looking for just--but it could be a safe place.
Nevada - Las Vegas: What's the future of Sin City? Oh, it's having a hard time because they had to close down plus it's a tourist place. Sure they were the first to try and open but who came? I don’t see that they'll ever fully recover in Las Vegas. No. I think they're going to take their lumps, unfortunately we’re going into depression. They overbuilt too. In a depression, people have less disposable income and they don't take as many vacations. By the way, people don't even want to travel and fly places anyways. So, yeah, Las Vegas, Nevada, is going to take a hit, And another hit, and another Spirit says.
New Mexico. Overall, a nice place to live, yes. I went to New Mexico and it was beautiful. It is good in most areas. Just understand the climate and elevation there!
New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, South Dakota. Yes. Those are all nice places to live. Listen, South Dakota was awesome. They never closed during all of this. They never regulated wearing masks. They're actually really good, South and North. And they have a lot of Native Americans. Thumbs up. Yeah, Spiritual too. Good places in all those states to connect with nature and raise your vibration.
New Hampshire - Concord: New Hampshire. Hold on. About an hour up from Boston and inland from the coast. About 60 miles inland, 60 miles north of Boston. Huh, never been asked about Concord NH before, but oddly I’m getting it's an okay decent place, relatively speaking. Feel like it’s had some improvements in recent years. Why do I get no income tax but high property taxes so it evens out? It is run not so well so it doesn’t attract the industry it could, huh. Well, I’ve never been, it is interesting.
Oregon: I get mudslides, they have a lot of mudslides and Spirit says that eventually Oregon will get hit by a tsunami and the coastlines would recede. That's part of the coming Earth Changes. There’s talk of Oregon breaking away from the rest of the USA, and that is a real possibility! No, that's not happening this year or next year but it's not as distant as everybody thinks. Everybody takes things and puts them on a back burner and they forget about it and then whammy, they get hit. It could happen within a decade. Remember Spirit said that the people will divide; groups will form and move away from the government and big brothers control? It will happen.
Pennsylvania - Philadelphia: Their economy wasn't as good as some other places I just looked at. And, I don’t want to poo poo it too much, but not a place I would move, let’s say that. Sorry. It's got one of the worst airports in the world to as far as unexpected delays and such. I can tell you that. If you can avoid flying in or out of Philly, maybe that isn’t a bad idea. Seems like there are always delays. It's not great energy; Philly is a No for me. There will be some negative events happening there too!
Tennessee – Spirit says, These days many people are being motivated to move there. Will it be a safe place to be to considering the changing weather patterns and the coming Earth Changes? Well Tennessee is a beautiful place and I'm not seeing anything really negative, relatively speaking, going down.
Texas - Dallas: Well it is not my thing, so flat and a crazy range of weather, sometimes erratic, but people are moving there and to Texas in general. It is growing. Well, I personally wouldn't move there, but a lot of people can move there and I do feel that it's not as problematic as other states in many regards. And there is industry there, and so Texas, wow, there’s big industry there, economy and again, a lot of people are moving to Texas, you know that, right? Texas is like the next big thing for some reason. Texas IS going to do good with their economy, especially in relative terms to other states. But move outside of Major Cities!!
Washington State. In the Pacific North West, has a pristine cold coastline, with forests and rain… and very little snowfall each year. Not the city of Seattle. Just be careful of the coastlines and also be careful of earthquakes.
Whidbey Island Washington is a beautiful little town in the Pacific Northwest surrounded by protective barrier islands and National Forests – with whale watching and such. It’s about 60 miles to the Canada Border. I really want to move there? Will it be safe in the coming years? Yes, its safe and I don’t foresee major issues.
Washington, DC: I feel that's a... First of all you have a lot of people that live there that are top-of-the-top. Politicians, lawyers, contractors, military industrial complex… intel, influential, and connected, as we say some High rollers and close by in Virginia too! They have a lot going on there. There's a lot, well, it's one of the centers of power for the world and so that's where there's a crap-ton of money and influence. It's a tough place, though because of fraud and back stabbing and it's a targeted area, too. That's another reason why I wouldn't want to be close to that because it is such a targeted area. Is there money and opportunity there? Yes. Does it cost a lot to live there and is it over populated and expensive? Yes. Would I want to live there? No. I would not advise it. Caution.
What will bring people the greatest joy in 2021? While we are all different, with different fears and joys, this is a very good question. As far as bringing the most joy, it is helping others and forgiving yourself and others is another. Both will give people some of the greatest joy and peace.
What event, knowledge, realization, will most move the world population forward in spiritual growth and awakening? Certain groups who are spiritual, they're so small, but they are already spiritually awake and they're living it, they'll be fine and will spread the light and help elevate others. So those that live by example, it's a wonderful ripple effect. And believe it or not, the events that we have described of depression and hardships often times get people to start searching, whether they start with the dogma of religion, then they move on to spirituality after that. So these events, while hard, are actually the things that might produce more awakening.
What percentage of the world is light versus darkness? I wouldn't even say it like that. What I would say is that unfortunately, at this time, darkness is ruling and they are ahead. However, as light workers coming from love and light, we will win in the end but it will take us more time because we take the high road. Now is the time to be in your integrity and do good works for those less fortunate.
Thoughts on “energy healing?" It is a good thing. I do healing with my energy. I am a healer. I'm a health intuitive. There are more of us than people may realize. We are spread throughout the world. And there are many people who are natural healers. Sadly, I do not know of any good schools for people to learn energy healing that I would recommend.
My final thoughts for you. I want to end this by saying “thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing your trust and love with me. I am honored.” Please do not allow any information you’ve absorbed to generate fear or anxiety. Step into your power, love and light. Use the Metatron Prayer.
I know Spirits’ messages like the back of my hand. I have all of this information downloaded and I can tell you exactly what I am doing. Sure I know sea levels will rise in time and I live on the ocean. Am I panicked and moving? NO! I know there is time before this happens.
I know there will be a “fire in the sky” even in the future. Am I panicked and moving today to house with a basement? No. I just have plans in place should we need access to a basement.
I know the current virus is real and there will be another which is more substantial. Am I panicked and shut in my home? No, I just boost my immune system and take simple/basic precautions and live my life to the fullest. I am still traveling and taking trips, I just drive with my husband for now.
I know the civil unrest and riots will escalate. Am I panicked? No. I just don’t get involved and stay clear and I am Prepped as you should be too.
I trust in God. Stay prayerful and connected to God and your Unseen Support Team, so that you are spiritually awake ; grow your gifts through meditation and prayer. You can thrive in the years to come. Go back and read “9 General Rules.” Take the basic steps and then live in peace with love and joy in your heart. We will all do more than just get through this together, we will make things better as you reach out to help others.
Wishing you Perfect Health, Abundance and Peace.
In Love and Light,
Michelle Whitedove
Author | Spiritual Teacher | Futurist
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