Psychic Insights Blog
by Michelle Whitedove
Author and Spiritual Teacher
Saturday, January 13th, Year 2018 4:39pmET. This is how I'd like to start, this is for the people.
Dear Ones, This is something that I've said in the past that needs to be said again. God wants you to know that we have two birthrights. The birthright of Free-Will. We can choose. We can choose to go right, left, front, backwards. It's a choice. Our choices create real consequences. For every action there is a reaction or consequence.
- Eastern Religion calls this Karma.
- Western Religion calls it Reaping what you Sow.
- Science says For every action there is an equal reaction.
So it’s best that every deed is done with love and for the highest good of everyone effected.
Okay, let's go to the second God-given gift: Co-creation. It starts with a pure intent.
Co-creation: this is the time ... It's the easiest time right now, in 2018, at this particular moment and date, for each of us have the capability to manifest almost instantly, for the veil is lifted between our world and other realms, and even the heavens. With that said, it is very important for people to look to themselves first, look to yourself first, do your own soul searching. You have the same connections to heaven and your unseen support team as I do being a spiritual medium. How to consciously connect? Through prayer. This is when you're talking to Spirit, with a pure intent, anywhere, any time, God knows your heart, your mind, your soul. Then, with that intent, you think about it, and what you think about, you bring about.
What you visualize is your creation, like a painting that’s in process of becoming a masterpiece OR maybe you see it as a movie reel and you visualize it playing out from the beginning, to the end. Our brains are really impressive as we go through the steps of creating our lives.
Then, we speak it. And when it comes out of our mouth, our words have power. We invoke it into matter, into this reality. Manifestation for this year is almost instantaneous. You think it, you're accountable for all your thoughts. Your thoughts have consequences. For example, if you wish someone ill-will and you help to create that, then this will be returned to you by the Law of Karma more than tenfold. What we do unto others, we do to ourselves. So yes, look to yourself first. Pray. Tell God the specifics, but never tell God how he should do his job. Because our minds can't comprehend that, and wrap around that. And that's okay.
Co-creation is not only the intent, and thinking about it, and visualizing it, and speaking it, invoking it into matter, but the last thing we do is take action! God helps those that help themselves and will give us signs along the way, that we are going the right direction. Because it's easy, when you're on your true path, it's easy to keep moving forward.
The last step in co-creation is faith in action. Let's say that you're a secretary in a school and you wanted to be a teacher, and you've gone through all these necessary steps as I've just explained. Then you get off your bum, you go sign up for night classes, and you test and study to get that teaching certificate. To become a teacher, to inspire young kids and educate the next generation.
Maybe you think it isn't easy, but when you're on your path, that's half your souls contract, right there. You got half, 50% of your soul’s contract, your incarnation done if you're doing what you're meant to do. The very thing that you chose in heaven, to come here and you're on task, working on your soul’s mission. If you’re doing it, and working towards that goal, then you're already ahead of the game. You’ve got to do the work.
Do the work because God helps those that help themselves. But God gives us free will. We can choose to sit back and watch life go by or we could choose to take chances and not be afraid and be our authentic self and know that we are not limited. Man has tried to limit us by manmade programs and religions and what is socially correct or politically correct. These are perceptions. These are accusations, at times, assumptions, opinions, beliefs. It does not mean that it's factual or true.
The closest language to the truth, here on Earth, would be unconditional love. Not just love, but unconditional love. That is the universal language, plus math and numbers. For there is a mathematical code of creation and only God, knows that. Spirit says that science is missing that one piece, that link, the God Code. Science is trying to verify and understand all these near-death experiences, and seeing things that they have no scientific explanation and they call it a mystery and a miracle because these things of God and creation are still metaphysical (above the physical) and outside of the realm of science.
As an advanced spiritual medium, I am extremely gifted as a clairvoyant and seer, but I have a very heavy cross on my back. This knowledge that comes to me is a burden and it’s a blessing. As a messenger, I take this profession very seriously for I hold people's lives in my hands, and I have to be fully in the moment, as we all should be. Fully, now, in that moment, being the best that I can be, prayed up, connected to Heaven with a clean mind, a pure giving heart as a woman of God.
You too can knowingly develop your soul if you live your life even based on one universal law, the Law of Karma, what you do unto others you do to yourself, that there would keep you straight, and help you to not only fulfill your incarnation, your mission, this journey, this incarnation, this lifetime, which is just a short journey of many. We are here on Earth as a long as a blink of an eye – in the scheme of eternity.
from Instagram> @MichelleWhitedove
God’s Children
There are many other planets and other stars. Many other groups of God's children that are not the same as us. We even have other beings that are here on Earth that are star beings, like our first cousins from Mars and there are other children that God created here on Earth as well.
Collectively, humans have become a cancer and a parasite upon this Earth which is a living breathing being. Mother Earth is the feminine aspect of God. She creates and births, she gives and she gives and she gives. And we take, and we take, and we pollute and we ravage the water, the land, the air and we kill. Now the animals are out of sync and Mother Nature is out of sync. And if Mother Nature is out of sync, humanity is out of sync. Right now, at this very moment, I see that this will continue and will only get worse. All the natural catastrophic events will worsen, this is Mother Nature (with God’s blessing) cleansing the Earth. After natural devastation, comes rejuvenation and rebirth. The question is “How much of the Earth must suffer a cleansing by natural catastrophic events?”
With that said Creation is our Birthright. These are our gifts and sometimes we will say they're our burden.
Here on Earth, darkness is rampant and it will try to flip you, or take you out. If you are numbing yourself out and you're under the influence of alcohol or drugs, if you're depressed, and feel as if you’re down for the count and nobody is there you - - - think again! Your unseen support team is right there. God is with you. The Christ Consciousness is within you. Your angels and guides are with you. Your family in Heaven is sending you prayers. You are never alone. And sometimes, only in your darkest hour, usually, or your darkest night of the soul is only when you come the closest to God and the truth. Cry out in prayer to God and your unseen support team. Then quiet your mind and listen in meditation, that’s where you can hear God’s solutions. Just take personal accountability and you look in the mirror, and you also own it. Make a list and you redeem yourself. Redemption. Retribution. Pay it forward. Expect nothing from no one, but always do the right thing.
Give a little more than what you have to give.
Do it because you care; because you honor and respect all life and you have compassion for your fellow man. We are all sisters and brothers. Everything that is alive is one, created of God. And we have gone down this road so many times, with this planet. Humanity, when will we learn?
About My Blogs & Predictions
I have been in this field my whole life. More than 20 years as a spiritual medium. I’m the most tested. I will put my reputation on the line every time for I will not let darkness rule. Never bow down to it. Never engage in it. Never entertain it. You are only as good as your company. Be the light and a positive influence.
And please, for the lighthearted ones, I truly respect and send you my prayers. Live in light, every day, regardless. Don't read by Blogs if you are ultra-sensitive, this may be too heavy. The disclaimer, also for the lighthearted, and also I want to emphasize that free will, that 2%, when I say I'm 98% accurate, that 2% of free-will is enough to change anything and any outcome. Know that timing and a timeline is the hardest to predict, because time is only here on Earth. It’s an Illusion so a super accurate timeline is the hardest thing to predict for any seer.
Now let's go to the future. If we look into the future of our planet, just even a few years from now we, at this given moment, if we could join together and spiritually wake up and start living our life based on these few, very simple Universal Laws and rules, we can change the disastrous outcome that I see for humanity and this Earth in the future…and it's not that far away. ARE YOU LISTENING? There is an urgency; a quickening of the Earth timeline. For time is an illusion and the man-made programs are falling down, educational systems, banking is shifting, healthcare as we have known it - -is crumbling. Man-made religion, corrupt governments and their systems and order.
There is a growing division between the people and the system/government. The world governments want us tracked inside the matrix. Tag you’re it: Most of you are logged in and tapped in – 24 hours a day already! On the job you are logged into the computer or your phone. Driving your smart car hooked up to OnStar, GPS or a concierge service. At home your smart TV is advising you about shows based on your viewing history. The Nest, your smart thermostat can be monitored for any unusual usage. Your computer is a tracking device. Your healthcare is computerized and your personal information is shared even when they say it’s not.
Your iPad, your computer, your tablet are the ultimate tracking devices, your GPS, face recognition, fingerprints and passwords. Guess what is the new TV? Where is the new theater? Where you will find your favorite actors and TV personalities? WHERE is your highly personalized Multi-Media Center? It’s in your hand – it’s your Phone! Tag, you're it.
Have you heard the TV commercials? Send in your DNA, it will be so fascinating to see where your ancestors come from!! If you turn in your DNA, they have access to it. (Your DNA could show up at a crime scene ) You give your finger prints even though you’ve never been arrested? You are tying yourself into the Matrix/ the system. Big brother is watching you. They clock you. They can satellite and come right to your door. This is not a free country that it once was.
>UPDATE 2020 BLACKSTONE buys with access to your DNA for $4.7BILLION
How do you stay away from being on the grid and in the Matrix?
You do the bare minimum, resist, don’t volunteer your personal information. Don’t give your social security number when it’s not necessary. Don’t put your personal data, things that should be private on your social media. Try to go back to the basics, this is what Spirit says. Simplicity is the name of the game, this year. Don't be a high roller. Don't show off. Lay low. Humility is going to get you a really great distance. In 2018, you’ll go a lot further by being humble. Lay low and help your fellow man. Simplicity is the key, be self-sufficient, be kind, be independent and know that everything is changing
ABOUT the Information
I have struggled to give this information (my blogged predictions) to the public, but I'm choosing, because of who I am, only a messenger, to give the people the benefit of the doubt. And for those that choose to want to know, and believe and know they can change it, they can change it. One soul at a time, but really one soul, we wake up many souls through that one soul.
To those who think that my visions of the future are negative and will spreading fear. Guess what?
Everything is changing, and that's why everybody's scared. Because people fear change. People fear the unknown and what they don't understand. So they don't want to believe it, accept it or they don't know how to handle it. Or they just want to keep their head in the sand. I say, meet your challenges head on. It’s better to know the most probable future and be forewarned. This way you can take positive action.
There are many things that seem to be fear inducing. But fear helps to create the darkness. The opposite of unconditional love is fear, and darkness, and negativity and evil and that only exists in this realm. And it's a very primitive gene that goes all the way back to the Neanderthals. I say we have to be brave, do some preparations and stay prayerful. Be the example by the life that you live and know that by that example you will influence others in a positive way! You have to do more than talk about it – you have to live it.
So people have said to talk about disastrous world predictions, you're only spreading fear. Well then, why is Spirit giving these visions?
SPIRIT is sharing these future visions so that we have an opportunity to wake up and say, "This is not acceptable. I don't like that outcome." We have the power to change that. We're co-creators. We are God's children. God is good. God is great, a loving God. God is not a judging God. We just need to get up off our asses and have an open mind and a good heart and a good soul and wake up and just step your game up. Wake up spiritually. Your life will be better, for you have nothing to lose – only to gain.
What if people don't see themselves as worthy to receive information from The Creator / Great Spirit?
Then they will get only what information they can glean in the dream time and from the subconscious mind. They will not allow themselves to let go of their ego, because they can't handle the connection. The ego ... It doesn't serve us in our spiritual awakening, or even in my work as a spiritual medium. The ego is thoughts of man-made beliefs and programs. So, it's not factual and true. That's why I always send my prayers directly to the top; to father, mother, God and the Holy Spirit.. And then, yes, I call in angels and guides and those numbers vary, but I always take my prayers to the top. We are all granted that privilege. We all have that ability to take our prayers to the top and bring our problems to God. And that's where we should bring our problems, to God first and foremost. Everyone is worthy of that connection – it’s your birthright. For God loves all of his children equally.
Having faith is a conviction of certainty and way of living. Live your life by your code. Live your life like a prayer. If you do that, you will touch so many souls. You will make a mansion in the heavens. You can't take your money with you or your Earthly possessions and big boy toys with you. These things are temporary, we come down here to have some enjoyment, some grand adventures but there are lessons (soul contracts) that come with Earthly pleasures…and Karma.
So religions teach people that they're going to either go to heaven or go to hell. So some people these days don't feel they've done things with God’s approval and now they don't feel worthy of receiving God's blessings or their prayers heard.
The truth is this - - All prayers are heard. All prayers are heard but that doesn't mean you always get what you pray for. You get what you need and only God knows what is needed for your soul. Then, not very long after, you come to realize, God did answer your prayers. It was a blessing in disguise. That crisis was a blessing in disguise. It was just about divine timing. And that's why meditation is important, to sit on certain things, whether it is a problem that you want to sit on for the solution, or an open meditation because God knows everything and will give you what is in your highest good, and the highest good of all.
Sending you Light and Love,
Michelle Whitedove
written Jan 13, 2018 | Edited and posted 4/13/2018
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