by Michelle Whitedove, America’s #1 Psychic Medium
Written 12-12-2015 | Published in OM Times Magazine 12-27-2015
From asking for a call to prayer for Pope Francis to announcing the next King of England, Whitedove’s psychic forecasts are the future headlines to watch for: 2016 and beyond.
Everyone is expecting her career to be golden…and it is! I foresee Adele and Simon together for a long time. I see two children for the couple, so there will be another baby for the beautiful songstress!
Correct They had a son!!
CORRECT March 6th 2017 Adele announced her marriage to her Brisbane, Australia audience "I'm Married Now!" Congrats to Adele and Simon!!
The Queen, Prince William and Kate
Queen Elizabeth has no intention of stepping down when she gets too old, she prefers the exit of Kings and she wants to die as her royal highness. The Heir to the throne has already been decided. I see that it has already been mutually agreed to: Prince William will be crowned King and Kate his queen.
Prince Charles and Camilla
This is a huge secret but I see that the Queen forced Prince Charles to renounce the crown when he insisted on divorcing the beautiful Princess Diana to be with his lover Camilla. The queen saw this as an unsavory royal scandal and history repeating. Charles will pay the same price as Edward VIII when he abdicated the throne for the love of his American mistress Wallis Simpson. The only difference, Charles the Prince of Wales was not exiled as the Duke of Windsor. He is blessed to live in more modern times.
Pope Francis
As a sovereign nation, the Vatican is a part of the world government. The leader, Pope Francis is taking a stance against wide spread financial corruption within the secretive Vatican Bank. I see that his life is in jeopardy and danger lurks from within his inner circle. Pope Francis feels that his path is similar to Jesus’: he prays and he knows it to be true - he is a target. He chooses to be Christ-like and move forward to his destiny. Pray for him.
Updated NEWS April 2016 Pope cancels Vatican's Bank Audit“They’re afraid of the audit uncovering information they don’t want uncovered" says The National Catholic Register.
Dalia Lama
The Dalia Lama is once again speaking up and shining his light. Unequivocally he stands for Peace and Love even in the midst of terror and war. When his words are misconstrued, he will not bow to the media and revise his statements but he will clarify. He believes that through dialog peace can be obtained. Pray for him, Pray for Peace.
Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton
I see that Blake Shelton is a good guy that relies on his intuition. When he meets someone it’s all about the eyes – he looks to see the soul. Gwen’s top priority is to be a great mom and felt that she was a great wife too – Blake loves that about her. This is a rebound relationship for two good souls that are going through two high profile divorces and public scrutiny. I see that they feel they are saving each other and find that they have a lot in common. Will this relationship work? Gwen’s challenge will be to help him stop his full time drinking and party mentality. Her core issue will be his drinking, because when a man is drunk he is wide open to the flirtations with women. Unfortunately, Blake is weak-willed when it comes to pretty girls and alcohol. Gwen deserves a good faithful partner. The fate of this relationship is on him.
CORRECT May 18, 2016 ET NEWS as predicted verbatim Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are quoted as saying He Saved Me and She Saved Me
Edited by OMTIMES
Lady Gaga
2016 is the year that Lady Gaga will peel back the layers; you will get to know her as a real person and you will see fewer outlandish costumes when she is out and about.
>>CORRECT: At the Oscars 2016 Lady Gaga preformed "Till It Happens To you" on stage surrounded by rape survivors to make a statement. Announcing to her family and the world that she too is a survivor.
>>CORRECT: AUG 2016 For the first time Gaga wore a low-key look with a pair of high-top Converse, a pair of denim cut-offs and sunglasses.
George Clooney and Amal
Poor George. On paper, it seems that Amal would be the perfect wife. She is a dark haired beauty, a human rights lawyer, with tons of class, money of her own and presented a challenge. She is brilliant with a high IQ. She doesn’t talk about it, she makes things happen! But never judge a book by its cover.
I predict that this year we will see the dark side of Amal Clooney because her personal life is much different from her professional persona. Now that she is Mrs. Clooney, she craves the spotlight, money, power, fame and complete obedience from her man. He is already regretting a fast courtship and he’s beginning to see her as shallow, materialistic and vain. She’ll be recognized for her world class shopping sprees. This is the opposite of the Humanitarian that he thought he had married.
I predict that there will be outbursts of public humiliation directed at George both in the presence of his conservative and loving family and in the company of his longtime friends. I see that Amal is trying to exclude everyone from his life. I see George following behind her and apologizing to everyone.
Mark my words, the claws will come out. She does not like women, always has a snide remark and wants all of his female staff and friends gone including Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock. George will find that she is wicked jealous and vindictive too. At first he will believe that there is a medical reason like a bipolar disorder for her lashing out. I see a health scare with her fainting, because she has an eating disorder. And he will try to keep all of this a matter private. A future divorce is inevitable and Amal will go after his fortune full throttle. I don’t see a prenuptial agreement was in place. This may be George’s relationship karma for all of the hearts he’s broken over the years. But I still feel bad for him and his grave misjudgment. Keep up the humanitarian works George, it will get you through.
Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood
Garth’s career comeback is going to be bigger than ever, he is golden. I see that there has been a sadness in his personal life: he and Trisha Yearwood have been trying to conceive a child although it’s been unsuccessful. I predict that they will adopt in the future. As humanitarians together they will do great works, Garth Brooks is a hands-on kind of guy and it’s important to him that his financial gifts get to the people and make an impact. He loves to give back - Bravo Garth!
>> CORRECT Forbes 2016 tOP 100 LIST - Garth's comeback was wildly successful raking in $70,000,000 as the 15 highest paid Celebrity.
Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper
Heads up to Andy Cohen, he’s touring with ultra conservative Anderson Cooper and he needs to take care. I see that a major division looming: Andy crosses boundaries with Anderson and blue blood Cooper will cut him off. With Anderson, once you break trust – it’s over. There will be no getting back into his good graces.
Ed Sheeran
I see a long career for this ginger. He will surprise a lot of people by playing music of different genres with his unique style. Count on Ed Sheeran to be unpredictable.
Justin Bieber
This boy has a good heart but this is a going to be a reckless year for Justin Bieber. I see tantrums, meltdowns, a possible overdose, DUI, and a dangerous car wreck which could include a fatality. He has to take care; I’m worried for his safety.
Daniel Radcliffe – Harry Potter
I feel that Daniel will go behind the scenes to produce and direct successfully
Teresa Giudice and husband Joe
As I write this 12-12-2015, Teresa Giudice in still in prison although I believe that my last year’s prediction is correct. She will be released early on the twelfth month of her fifteen month prison sentence.
From my predictions last year, free-will has intervened and something big has changed. Teresa and Joe Giudice were close last year during their court battle and vowed to stick together. But upon her release, I see that Teresa will find concrete proof that Joe has been cheating while she was incarcerated. A scorned woman and free-will changes everything! At first, it will be a happy homecoming. She will play it up. Then when she sees all the evidence that Joe has been cheating, she will pretend for a while. Then she will reveal his affairs, expose him as the cheater that he is and she will do it in grand style for RHONJ ratings. Teresa would have stayed with him and been faithful while he served his four year sentence. But now Joe will be serving time and also be served divorce papers.
I see a tell-all book from Teresa Giudice, dishing the dirt from her slanted perspective. She’ll talk negatively about her family, the Real Housewives of New Jersey and especially about Joe, claiming she knew nothing about his business deals and it was entirely his fault that she was incarcerated. I also see that BRAVO TV will give her a spin off show. Yuck!
CORRECT Prediction Teresa Giudice writes a Tell All Book while in prison Turning the Tables, published in Feb 2016 just after her Dec 2015 release.
Bindi Irwin
Daddy is cheering from the heavens. Bindi Irwin is on track to follow in her father’s footsteps. She will carry on with her Steve Irwin’s legacy and she will go further to be an animal rights activists. She’s a brave girl and will go on to help the planet and the animals worldwide. She is a beautiful soul, her light shines so bright. She has a magical touch with the animals. Clean mind, good heart, bright soul! She will have her own show and she deserves it! She’ll be a celebrity in her own right.
>>CORRECT Feb 2016 : Following her fathers footsteps Bindi Irwin and family are going into the jungle for the TV show "I'm a celebrity, Get me out of here!"
About the Author
Celebrity Psychic and Spiritual Medium Michelle Whitedove is an author, columnist and metaphysical teacher who has been featured on Television around the globe. Whitedove works as a Health Intuitive, Business Consultant, Angel Communicator and Visionary. For more information go to