Crypto Prediction Update 3 Coins by Michelle Whitedove 6-27-18
One of my dear friends asked for help recently and I felt that this would be good information to share with my crypto followers. This is what they asked of me and the information that I received from Spirit, some of which is surprising: Remember, this is not long term, this is specific to the help they asked for...
"Hi Michelle--
Hope all is well. We are ready, in approximately 3 days, to purchase some cryptos (to us, it feels like the market is at the bottom and a good time to buy). We wanted to see if you had a little time to look at a short list for us and see which 2 or 3 stand out the most for best performance price wise in the short term. For example, of the following list, which coin will go up the most in price over next 3 to 6 months? Kind of like a horse race. Love, P & L
Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Gold
Stellar (XLM)
Ethereum Classic
Reddcoin (RDD)
Vechain (VEN)............"
My Response:
"Yes, now is one of the best times to buy--now is a time to buy! Many people are afraid or lacking confidence right now, but it's a good time to get in.
How I see the market over the next 7 months: still lots of good news coming out but price-wise it will be picking up good steam in September, October, November, and December. While lots of good news has come out already and will continue to flow, markets take time to turn around. For now, patience is the key in this market, just as in so many other things.
Of the list you provided above, many will do well during the time frame you're asking about (Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum, Digibyte etc). But NEO stuck out the most and oddly it was missing from your list. When I tuned in to ask Spirit about cryptos, Spirit said "NEO", it came to me first, I heard ”It will be surprising people”. So NEO got me the most excited. Spirit shows me it's one that ends up surprising the most people--many people have forgotten about it or have placed it on the back burner (so to speak). However, a lot of people will end up saying "wow, what happened there, that moved up fast." In short, it "surprises" So NEO gets me the most excited based on the parameters provided in the question AND I'm most compelled to buy that now.
There' another one that's standing out, Digibyte. Something is going on and it feels very good. Give it priority too.
A third one that's grabbing my attention is Veritaseum. It feels like a lot of people are scared of it or have forgotten about it. I know some others have said it's not good or some people are recommending to stay away from it, but I’m just not getting that at all. Veri is GOOD for the time you mention in your question.
Finally, there are several others from the list which got my attention. Here they are:
Litecoin – - still love it. See it going up steadily
Veritaseum--stands out. Good, not as fast but good
Bitcoin Cash faster than Bitcoin. But both are good
Bitcoin Cash faster than Ethereum. But both are good and i like both.
Populous--good, not as fast, but still good
This is not to say others on the list won't do well, many will. This is just what I’m getting based on the question provided.
To sum things up, buying now is good. Sure there will be price dips before the markets get heated up in September. Of the list you provided and based upon what you're asking (fastest movers), the ones I’m most attracted to right now are NEO, Digibyte and Veritaseum. You know how I feel about Theta (love it for long term), but since you already have it and you're looking for quicker moves, I have recommended the others."
- Michelle Whitedove 6-27-2018
UPDATE WOW! Michelle picked 3 of the fastest movers. This happened in a seriously down turned market:
✔ CORRECT Whitedove Blog Posted last night at 10PM, Veri up 25% today 6/29/18
✔CORRECT July 4th 2018, NEO became the highest gainer of the top-20 coins on Tuesday after a mysterious tweet revealed that the first step towards the coin’s decentralization was just hours away. July 20th it moved to the 12th coin on MarketCap!
✔CORRECT July 9th 2018, News Digibyte moved in 34th on Market Cap
I hope this helps everyone and since so many people have asked AND I've been receiving so much interesting information on cryptos and other topics, we're working towards putting together another "Whitedove Report" but we have to be careful navigating the tricky energies of July - - astrologically speaking.
Let me explain, I’m not an astrologer although when I hear that 6 planets will be in retrograde this summer and the longest Eclipse of the century – I take notice. The word “retrograde” signifies a time when things seem to move backward and there is very little progress to be achieved, two steps forward, then one step back, but mostly just wheel spinning. So for you reading this, be mentally prepared at that possibility. Don’t get upset if you see that your projects aren’t moving forward this summer and don’t take it personally!
Please know that September brings a cosmic shift in energy.
That’s when things start rolling forward again!
Sending you love, light and much abundance.
Michelle Whitedove
Author | Spiritual Medium | Futurist
<3 Feel Free to show some Love
My LTC address LfTARdn6cpT8CJBd6nooorVBzrimkzxUMv
and for those that want to learn about cryptocurrency, how to buy and trade, my friend Jsnip Joe offers classes here too >
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August 2, 2018 Added Update:
UPDATE - THETA News 19 Nov 2018 - Tencent Games Forms Partnership with Blockchain Esports Platform !
#Cryptocurrency #predictions #forecast #neo #thetatoken #digibyte #litecoin #Veritaseum #OMG #cryptocoins #michellewhitedove