Michelle Whitedove

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Global Predictions and Spiritual Insights by Psychic-Medium Michelle Whitedove

Reading  05 August 2020 - transcribed and Published on Patreon 07 Aug 2020
Predictions by Psychic Medium Michelle Whitedove

Opening Conversation:

TeamWhitedove:   We want to share some confirmations, Michelle you may not know just how many there are. You have been calling bizarre court cases right, exactly correct, every time.  From Kin coin, to Veritaseum, to you name it, you called a bunch of the crypto related verdicts and outcomes precisely.  You have this thing with court cases and you seem to get them right every time.  Just recently, you called a court case related to XRP.  It was wild as you over a year ago you predicted the exact outcome on the XRP litigation case which was just decided.  You shared nothing will come of it, don't worry, everyone's going to get wound up, but no worry at all. It went on for a year and it was just dismissed as you predicted. Exactly what you said!

Separate from the courts cases, you were the only one to call the Virus correctly, everything we’ve seen, way back in January 2020.  And then the riots and civil unrest you predicted in January and years prior.  Just shocking to us!!

Then there are so many coins, many of them obscure, that you called exactly correct, it's just been crazy. You've been getting hit after hit after hit after hit after hit after hit. You are the only one who called for the “roller coaster year with glimpses of hope” and that is exactly what it has been.  We can’t even keep track and now we have our cool friends in Patreon looking out for “hits” and they are so helpful.  You called the hurricane season; you said point blank in January, “I'm just going to tell you again, it's going to be the islands off the coast of North Carolina and north again…” and you shared flooding in Texas and Louisiana and the Gulf.  Guess what happened?  Yes.  All of those things already and it’s early in the season. 

So yeah, you've just been getting so many things and everyone is acknowledging your hard work, loving approach, consistency, and useful predictions.  Really, no hyperbole, it's been amazing to watch unfold. 

Michelle:             My Manager, she puts the emailed comments on my desk, listen I appreciate and read them. It’s important that I'm getting feedback, its confirmation and means the world to me, its fuel for my fire.  And you know I will always say “thank you, Spirit, I know I am just the humble messenger.”

TW:                        So many things. So many things. Then, I think the biggest one is you had one of our friends from Patreon, you know, Daniele, who had throat cancer, and months ago you said, "Well, listen it's progressed further than they might know, but actually it can change with prayer” and then you listed several things to do and so did some Patrons. You even did a prayer for her during the session and we did a group prayer on Patreon and then just two weeks or so ago she shared with you she was cancer free right now - A huge miracle.

Michelle:             That’s right.  Oh my god.  Thank you God, that is a miracle, you have no idea.

TW:                        Right in the reading, in the transcripts, you did a prayer right then and there on the spot in the reading. It was... I mean, that was the greatest thing, but there really are many things, Michelle, one after the other. And we know you can never remember them all, we can't remember them all.  But we’re seeing them one after another after another after... it's miraculous, it's incredible. So not to go on and on.

Michelle:             Really, that is wonderful.  I often don’t hear from the people I privately read, so that's why it means the world to me when you and our friends tell me. But you and all our Patreon friends need to know there is a quickening as I have been sharing for years.  You know, things move slowly until they don’t.  And things are moving faster and faster.  I wanted to wait until Dec or Jan for “The 2021 Whitedove Report” but spirit is giving me so many big downloads so quickly I feel I want to try and make the effort and set some significant time aside to really get into things.  I wish I could explain it better, like, I get these huge downloads, so quickly, so much information.  We need to start now and get something ready for people soon to cover everything, all of the changes with love and light and not fear and darkness.  Okay, let’s dig into today’s questions.  I don't have any distractions. All right, just hold on. Let the ego go and let God take over. Okay. Let's do it.

Wait.  I need to share one more thing.  I think our friends know a lot of these cryptos are going to go away. You know, there are the ones I have and would like to have; I've listed all of them. And you know the ones I’m not into, I’ve shared all of them, and you know the words I use when I’m not feeling something. 

When I rate Cryptocurrency for all of my reports, I use words everyone can understand who wants to.  Words like, “Red,” “Yellow,” “Caution,” “Not that interested, not relative to my favorites,” or whatever. And you know the ones I have; I don't mess with the other ones. I share with love what spirit gives me.  Everyone makes their own decisions, so please do all of your research.   And some people haven’t seen everything I’ve published and they don’t know.  I feel for them as I wish they could just see everything and read it and use it as one little piece of their research.  I wish everyone knew about and could get my next Whitedove Report and I guess they really could if they knew about it and wanted it.  If someone can speculate on cryptos then they can get the report.  I don’t make any promises, but most share they have either made or saved so much by reading them and I will put my most updated portfolio in the next Whitedove Report and all 400 plus coins I have looked at.  Some people say “Just give it all away for free.”  And I lovingly share “If you don’t value your time, no one else will.”  Relationships must be mutually beneficial to last.  There must be balance, equitable balance of give and accept.  Relationships which get out of balance do not last and are not healthy.  Please remember that in your personal life and your work life.  I will always try, like many of you, to give a little more than I accept.

PREDICTIONS Cryptocurrency and Projects 

(Pages 3-17 removed - for Patreon Members Only)

Banks Can Hold Your Cryptos, But Beware! 
Yes. So on July 22nd it was published that Federally chartered banks and thrifts may provide custody services for crypto assets. So if you don't want to hold your Theta on your phone or you're like, I don't like that Trezor thing, you could go over to your bank and say, "Hey, I want you to open a crypto account for me..."  And you know what, sadly so many people are going to do this. And so many people shouldn't do this because they can't trust the banks. This is not a good thing. No. But people will go for it. But uh-uh (negative).   But not me.  Just like I wouldn't put gold or silver in the safety deposit box in a bank, I wouldn't do this. And just like I don't want to keep much cash in the bank, I wouldn't do this. Remember what our great grandparents did, they would create a safe place under the floorboards of their house. Get creative, be safe.  Many people don’t realize that a lot of banks are already having challenges and they have more to come.  Caution. 

Charles Hoskinson
All right, you're looking at a photo of a Crypto guy his name is Charles Hoskinson, he's mathematician and he is the co-founder of Ethereum. You've heard of Ethereum 100 times. This is the co-founder of that and he's the founder of Cardano, which you said is going to do really good and even be better than Ethereum someday.

Michelle:             Yeah, I like this guy. But he rubs people wrong because he's a business-y guy, you know what I mean?  I feel that  he's smug. He's like hey, I know this person and [crosstalk 00:21:06] it gets to them. Greed is the root of all evil, money is the root of all evil.  He’s greedy guy, but [crosstalk 00:21:14]  Charles, he still has some heart left, you know what I mean? He's a brilliant business shark, but he's not looking to muck everybody over.

Yeah, I mean the guy is incredibly smart. To invent Ethereum, that is huge. That's genius. Then he came out with Cardano. I predicted last month that Cardano is actually going to go above Ethereum. This guy is a business guy and he's going to make it work and be super successful. I see that he won't mess around. He's got so many connections. When he wants something done it's done.

Cardano. I have some of that. After looking at this guy, I’m going, the dude is a winner, Maybe I ought to get a little more Cardano.  Yes, I think we should, actually. Seriously. Now I’m getting more. I love it when I SEE stuff like this!

Spirit even said that to me. It's like Michelle, you know, you need to put a little bit more into this. You're making all this money for the people, but you're not doing it for yourself, so I’m taking my own advice. HA!

PREDICTIONS Global Insights and Spiritual Information

by Michelle Whitedove  on Weds. Aug 5, 2020

Your prediction for the Presidential election all along has been “Not Bernie, they already picked Joe.”  And that turned out true.  Recently you have been publishing “Many people are sitting back and watching what Trump does between now and the election and will decide close to the election”  and it seems that may be true as well.  You also warned in 2018, 2019 and again in 2020 that “they don’t count the votes right, there is fraud.” Which we kind of always knew there was some shenanigans but boy does that statement you made early in the year and last year hit home now.  
What can spirit share about the election? 

Michelle:             As it stands right now I'll tell you what I have. Trump is actually thinking right now he's losing, but he is not.  Spirit showed me he would WIN, but “they” (the shadow Government) are doing everything they can to not allow that.  So it’s going to be crazy.  

I feel, of course, the heads that we don't see they want him out. But, I will say one good thing is that he did get rid of a lot of people in the deep state and that was shocking. He does what he wants, but he's got a bad temper, he'll act out of haste or anger. He definitely brings change. I don't know. I'd say my money is on Trump, again. Unless they block him. Oh, also this. He will say, if he doesn't win 202 he'll say, "This is rigged. Recount. La lalala," and cause a big whole thing. Also, he's calling up his favors and people that he put money in and he's counting on Russia, again. I just think the people are desperate enough that they're going to go with Trump but it’s a lose/lose, you know what I mean?

As I’ve blogged for years “they don't count the votes, it’s rigged. They mess with that system." Now they are really trying right now to make it so you can just do mass mail. The Democrat, Biden wants the mass mail in voting because you can kind of cheat with them But Trump is going to challenge all of it.  Oh, and he's also completely sleep deprived. He's completely delusional; he believes what he wants to believe even when facts are in front of him. When he doesn't know what to say, he gets somebody else to say it.

Somebody asked me, "Don't you think Hillary will come back and pick Obama as the Vice President?" No, it's not going to happen. They are trying to run some government agencies from the back end.

TeamWhitedove:   Back when it was Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden were the top, you predicted, "They're not going to give it to Bernie. They've already decided they're giving it to Biden." You were right and that was a big prediction, because a lot of people thought Bernie Sanders had it. Well you got that right. Now, of course, it's Biden versus Trump. We asked you, "Hey, who's going to win?" You said, "Listen, the way they count the votes there's no sure thing here. There's no sure thing with this." And, you said, "And a lot of people are sitting back right now and watching and they're waiting until things get closer. There are a lot of people undecided voters, so this thing can go either way."     

Michelle:             The 2020 Presidential election will definitely be contested either way, yeah. And the system, Spirit told me very clearly, and Trump also helped that, the system will never be the same again. They're done with the government systems that have been in place for decades. I’ve seen this change coming since the last two presidents. Everything is changing.  They don’t want the power to be in the hands of the people and voting their choice.

All the years and ways, that's done. That's going to be changed. How they go about it, they don't even have time because Trump just does the craziest things, they can't handle him. They can't control him. People want change. Well they're going to change the whole system, every aspect of our lives, every aspect they want to regulate.

The heads that be, are going to change the system so they can get control back and not end up with another wild card like Trump or something.   But, he's going to make sure that he messes everybody up before he's out and while he's in.  He’s disruptive, which is good and bad. I'm kind of to the point where I don't like him personally, you know what I mean?  I feel like, oh my God his ego is incredible. It's the size of the world.  But, he will bring radical change.  With that he will continue to divide the people from the government - I’ve seen this and predicted this Division for years, and Trump is helping to usher it in.

I mean, honestly if I have to say I'd pick Trump over the other guy Biden and I think that he will delay [crosstalk 00:08:28]  Spirit gives a clear “Trump is going to win”  That's what they've told me, but they've told me because it's rigged and the Shadow Government wants him out and they're going to try to rig it so that he doesn’t Win. But he's already on to that! So the election might be closer than it ought to be. Yes, he'll even call a recount, this is bullshit and he'll pull every move and so much ruckus. I don't know, I don't see Joe Biden.

My bias might get in the way and my ego could get in the way in this so I have to be cautious, honestly I’m not a fan of either of these men. I’m not a Political Party Person, I vote for the best person for the job. I don't like to make political predictions, because there is so much corruption, ballot machine rigging and absentee mail-in votes … as I look out into the future it’s always in flux.   Right now, I see Trump in the lead. But things change, elections can be stolen and things are changing so rapidly … don't worry, I will let you know. [crosstalk 00:10:30] I’m always looking for the most probable timeline. Nothing is certain as I look into the ethers, only probabilities because of Man’s free-will.

Some believe at some point in the next year a large number of Congress Members will be arrested.  I wish all the crooks would be arrested, but a large number, No, not a chance. I don’t see that.  

I've predicted before that the IRS, unfortunately, will continue. The government is always going to get their cut, they're going to get their taxes. Your taxes ain't going down any time soon. It's just a part of the way that it is, but because of what's coming basically, the majority of the people, we outweigh the government, even the heads that we don't see are going to use the middle finger. People will say Screw You, I'm not doing this, I'm not doing that. The math is not going anywhere. We're in a recession, we're going into a depression.

Yes, I do I see them going through kind of a major overhaul. They're not going to go away, but they will have to change how they do things to some degree Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.  As I predicted before, I even see an app being developed for the IRS. Digital currency is coming as I predicted in 2015, before I even understood what Spirit meant.

PATREON – Lawsuit
Someone told me that Patreon, just lost a major lawsuit – they shut down a Patreon Page without cause according to their own policies.  Well Patreon lost this lawsuit and now people are afraid they're going to have to shut it down because Patreon will not have enough money to pay this mega lawsuit. Will this put Patreon out of business? No, I feel like the law suit isn't going to be able to do that. Patreon is going to continue, I see that they're going to keep running.

SPIRIT was Right! Now some people are worried because SILVER has run up so much. When Spirit said, You better get it now, it was like $17 bucks. Now it's like at $27. It's almost doubled. That's a big move. Now, for GOLD that's not a big move. Those things go up and down so fast it's crazy. But silver had been sitting there and gold had been sitting there for years doing nothing because it was being suppressed. Go back and read my old Blog Predictions, Spirit has been saying collect Gold, Silver, precious gemstones. All of the sudden Spirit says  at the beginning of the year, "You better get it now," you really got people's attention. Sure enough, this has been a year that's been very different than any other, pretty much, in a long time. I heard it again from Spirit. And I’m now hearing if you don't get it, we're not going to be able to get it. It’s like it won’t be available.

People are wondering well, should I wait for the price to go down again before I buy it?  No, you’ve got to get it now, you got to get it now.  Yeah, yeah. There may be little pull backs, but the thing is not to wait. If you need it and you want it, it's going to be harder and harder to get it.  Yeah, why wait to pay more?  It’s an investment for your future for your family.  Well, because it just bumped up to $27 maybe it drops down to $24 and you try to save a few bucks. I wouldn’t try and save a few bucks because you might miss out on ever getting it. Who cares about a few bucks?"  And we know the easiest and safest place to buy precious metals > from Andy Schectman President of Miles Franklin Ltd.  andy@milesfranklin.com Just tell him you are a Whitedove Patreon and you’ll get the best service!

  • Aug 11, 2018 Prediction from The Whitedove Report Issue 2 :  “Back to precious metals, during this time frame, and it sounds crazy, but I actually feel silver will easily get into the $100s and very likely over $500 an ounce. Silver is actually better to buy right now than gold-- as I’m shown you can make more money on silver in the future.    Don’t get rid of your silver or your gold.  Some of my client’s goal is to take some crypto profits during the next run up and put some in gold and silver….I like that.  I don’t get an exact price on silver other than into the 100s.   I see it being higher than what people think and I don't see gold being as expensive as people think.  I don't know why.  I'm telling you what spirit's telling me, but I don't know the reason why.”

Real Estate in General
I would tell people buy now, you know, while you can, if you can afford to, because there’s going to be a depression... [crosstalk 00:16:19] you’ll want a safe place. Make sure you can afford it.

I also see it this way, if you rent a house you're paying off somebody's mortgage. Why are you going to give them the power [crosstalk 00:16:49] that money? Unless it's a temporary thing.

But just remember, a house, your personal home it's not an investment, it's an expense. You've got to maintain it, you've got to pay taxes, you've got to pay insurance, you've got to pay mortgage, you've got to pay interest. Unless you're renting it out, it's not an asset. It is an expense that you're going to give to somebody when you die someday. You need a place to live, whatever. Everyone thinks real estate is an investment. It is not an investment if you live in it. [crosstalk 00:17:18] So know what you can afford as we move closer to harder economic times.

Someone asks, Is the lowest level of heaven reserved for the souls that have done evil while on Earth?  What Happens to Evil Souls?

Well I write in depth on this topic in my books SHE TALKS WITH ANGELS and ANGELS ARE TALKING: There are Seven Levels in Heaven, that is what I have been shown and I experienced a knowing when I had my NDE (Near Death Experience). Each level of Heaven is reserved for those souls that have attained a certain amount of spiritual knowledge and enlightenment. This answer is a bit complicated although I will try to give a condensed version of what I know to be true from direct experiences and conversations from Spirit.

At the time of Death, when we return to the Spirit World we go through a process. One of the initial steps is to have our Life Review which is an evaluation of the life we just experienced. Some call this Judgement Day, although it’s truly an evaluation of our actions and intentions. Our motives and deeds are all reviewed to see what was learned and what we still need to improve upon. During the life review we re-examine our relationships with others. We can then see those we helped and those we hurt. In that way we can see how our free-will was imposed on others.

Leaders through the centuries have demonstrated how their free will had profound effects on the mass population. Not only affected mankind in their lifetime but continue to influence and color humanity. Imagine Hitler during his life review. At that time he had to experience and literally feel all the pain, sorrow and torture he was responsible for – Can you imagine that?  Re re-experienced a living hell on Earth that he was responsible for. He was such an Evil Soul.

In our life review we experience everything we have said, done, and thought. We experience it from our perspective as well from the other person’s point of view. We re-live and re-experience these events and words as the other person, and so we feel the impact of our free will, just as the other person felt it.

Hitler’s freewill affected many more people than he was aware of. Only at the time of his death and subsequent life review did he know the complete impression he had left on humanity.  Most religions preach that a good person goes to Heaven while a bad person goes to Hell. This is a misconception and is incorrect, there is no place called Hell that God created. 

After his horrific life-review Hitler understood the complete negative impression he left on the world. It was like a ripple effect that continues to effect mankind. Today the Jewish culture still feels the pain and the sorrow, and many Europeans continue to feel guilt from Hitler’s rule. One man made such a drastic impact on millions and millions of souls. One person’s free will can and does affect the mass consciousness. So What Happens to Evil Souls like this? 

God tells us, “Thou shall not kill” and so even Great Spirit will not destroy a soul. But when a Soul is so evil, they do go somewhere special. God strips the soul down to its very core of their essence, until there is only the Divine Spark. All the evil knowledge, the personality, the memories and negativity is permanently stripped from the soul. That soul once stripped down, goes to a special ward which looks almost like a hospital ward as I view it. Now the CORE SOUL is slowly built back up, there are healing Angel Caretakers that feel like the Mothers that cocoon them and imbue the soul with healing love, unconditional love so strong that this energy builds new character traits such as empathy, kindness, compassion, love and loyalty. Eventually the Soul begins again, they're like little babies. They have to start all the way over and they cannot come back to the planet and they have to just grow and learn slowly in the heavens.



Remember at the beginning of the year, it was posted in THE WHITEDOVE REPORT – towards the end of my predictions on SAFE PLACES TO LIVE Spirit said “Don’t Live Near a Dam”, it was an odd side remark that came through but boy, there have been some tragic Dam ruptures since then. In recent News, one of the biggest Dams in the world is in China. It's called The Three Georges Dam on July 14th 2020 I posted this:

The sad thing is, the Chinese Government does not care about exterminating millions of people. What's going to cause it to finally break? Spirit just told me Mother Nature will cause it, it's already weak and China is aware of it and that the Three Georges Dam is going to break and bust, it just can’t hold the volume any more.

As you may have read in the news hundreds of people in the US have randomly been getting envelopes of seeds being sent from China. They didn't request them, they didn't buy them, and seeds are showing up for all these different plants.  Why are Chinese companies sending all these seeds? Spirit Says, planting these seeds will interrupt the natural order of things. If I received seeds from China I'd get rid of them. It’s to Disrupt our order.

It reminds me of when men would go to sea and they'd bring back different animals and unique plants species and it turned out to be a disaster to what was originally there. Just like when rabbits where introduced into Australia? Well the cute little bunnies caused a chain reaction in the natural ecosystem and put Mother Nature at a great imbalance.  Well, this is what China is trying to cause an ecosystem disruption in the US.

  • Validation: VICE NEWS: An analysis in New Mexico found that some of the seeds were "noxious weeds" that exist in huge numbers in the United States but which people are banned from planting in many states. Those include oxeye daisy, and hedge bindweed. New Mexico also identified onion, cucumber, tomato, radish, peppergrass, alfalfa, corn, lettuce, hollyhock, and spearmint seeds. The USDA also gave states an official guide to destroying the seeds, which included baking them in an oven, suffocating them in two ziplock trash bags, and soaking them in bleach. If the seeds were planted, the USDA is currently advising people not to plant anything in that area for at least one year, and to destroy any plants that happen to grow there naturally. Another officially endorsed disposal method is encasing the seeds entirely in duct tape.

New Castle United Football Club
Well, one of my really nice patrons ask, "Will New Castle United Football Club be purchased or bought out from the current owner, Mike Ashley? Will it be bought out this year by the Saudi Arabians or someone else?"   Well I don't think that it will be as soon as this year, it's possible but I don't see it this year. What I'm seeing is where they bring somebody in to like help them out. I don't know if you call that some type of partnership or ... head coach, co-owner or a silent partner and revamp.  Well, actually, it could be a major change around December or January. I’m not getting a definite yes about the Saudi everything is still in flux.


Victoria Australia Real Estate
This person asks the question, "I'm feeling stress around my property, my house and being stuck with a loan on this house and then the value of the house becoming less. I live in Melbourne, Australia and I'm wondering whether I should sell?

Hmm, “when” is the big decision, timing is everything. That's a hard one because Australia is getting hit hard. Their money is down bad. [crosstalk 00:15:23]  The thing is, if you sell now it might be at a loss, Melbourne will go back up and then you won’t get the same value. Now if you want to downsize, and get something more affordable – then do that.  But having a home that is yours, is important. We all need the basics in these times of great change Food, Shelter, Water, a vehicle.  I wouldn't sell it unless you can’t afford it or if you just want to downsize to have more financial freedom. But definitely own your own home… that’s what I get for this person.

PERTH Australia Housing
All right, this person's asking, questions about buying homes and selling homes. Here's a guy saying, "Should I buy a home by the end of this year or early next year? The three areas I'm considering are Perth, Australia, Carlisle, Australia where I'm currently living, and Belmont, Australia and Kewdale. Do any one of those areas sound like a better area? Three areas in Perth that are in consideration;. Carlisle where they currently live, Belmont or Kewdale?   Hmm, Spirit says you should consider Melbourne or Sydney but I’m not hearing the reason why.

Victoria, Australia is in a state of disaster. Melbourne is on complete lockdown from C0VID-19 virus. They don't even have that many cases, but they've like completely locked them down. It’s an over-reaction and they are being real strict Spirit says. Because they feel like that's where it's being hit the hardest and that's where they want to protect that place the most.  Oh yeah, they always overreact with their rules and regulations.  Australia is a sovereign nation. I loved it when I visited; It's not like any other place I've ever been in the world. They have so many rules. I mean, like people, it's crazy. It doesn't surprise me at all they are falling into the trap, the globalist plan to keep the world on COVID lock down.


Michelle, is Shadow Government still spreading the virus or is just people spreading the CoronaVirus at this point?
Wow Spirit say it’s both!! No wonder it’s not subsiding, the Shadow Government is still putting it out there!! They're still actively spreading this! It's still going with person to person transmission too. It has not stopped. They don’t want it to stop – they want a severe Lock Down to push their Globalist agenda.

Remember when I said all systems are changing – that’s what is being worked on as we Stay Home. The Shadow Government is busy with rolling out methods to track our every movement, making changes in schooling, banking, 5G networks, your work-life and your personal freedoms too. I see in the future, there will be USA check points between States – as you travel on the highways. Our freedoms are being taken away and not many are recognizing this because its incremental, bits a time.

There's a new vaccination in the works. Different from other vaccinations, this is an mRNA, it basically attaches to your DNA and then adjusts your DNA to some degree to effectively fight the virus. This is the type of vaccination they're going for. It's different than the ones before. This is new technology they're trying to utilize.  Yeah, they want to test on us like we are their guinea pigs. You trust that? I don't. Please friends I urge you to do your research – don’t listen to Gates, Fauci, CNN or FOX News, they are owned and push an agenda.  Your Health matters and this is a choice that ONLY you should decide.

I hope that you find this information enlightening!

Wishing you Love, Light and Abundance,

Michelle Whitedove
Author, New Thought Teacher, Futurist

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