These Global Predictions and Spiritual Insights were published in THE WHITEDOVE REPORT | ISSUE 2 a subscription service that was
written 11 August, 2018 by
Futurist & Spiritual Medium Michelle Whitedove
Spirit made it very clear this report would prove to be important for a lot of people. I want to warmly ask you before going any further to just breathe. Take three deep breaths. Now thank your ego for graciously moving over and thank your higher self for governing you.
We all need to step it up now. We need to put fear aside and visualize how we want things to go and what we want our future to look like: for yourself, your loved ones and then think globally. Visualize the world as you want it to be.
More important than anything else you need to know that you have two Divine Rights which are gifts. The first is Freewill. The second is Co-creation. I will offer more about them in a moment.
In prayer this morning, the 11th of August 2018, I asked Great Spirit for absolute clarity and “Are cryptos here for the future?” and “Is this still what we need to be in?” Spirit reassured me that everything is exactly as I've been sharing with you.
BUT SPIRIT SHARED SOMETHING ELSE, SOMETHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN ALL OF THE NUMBERS AND OTHER INFORMATION. SPIRIT SAID TO let the people know they have control. People forget their own power because of all the programming they’ve been exposed to. How we’re raised, our religion, our experiences, and all the other things swirling around in our heads will numb us to the truth if we aren’t vigilant.
Over the years people get continually stripped down and taught the wrong things that are created by fear. It happens over and over again. Wash, rinse, repeat. This happens so frequently people lose touch with their source of strength. Sadly, most people wrongly believe they can't do anything to create change. They wrongly think they’re just the little guy and that they’re a nobody or that they're worthless. People get so beaten down they don’t realize just how much power they have. And because people don’t know this, they don't step into their power. And then, many that do step into their power become ego centered and often abuse their new found power.
Many people have lost faith. They’ve lost faith in the church. They’ve lost faith in man-made programs. They’ve lost faith in institutions. Everybody's fearful. We need to fix this right now.
PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW every soul is born with two birthrights. God given gifts, if you will: gifts that no one can take away from YOU! Don’t put limitations on yourself or others. AND equally important, do not let others limit you. I repeat, never allow anyone to limit you.
The same holds true for the crypto markets. Collectively, we can make this small, or we can make this big...the sky's not the limit. My Spirit Guides show me we can take this bigger than most can imagine. We are co-creators of our reality, this is a divine gift.
In the most concise way possible, without over simplifying things, the way to get the most out of life is to understand and live by the following 3 principles:
1. Be Powerful. You are powerful. Your creator has given you two birthrights.
A) The power of choice, Free Will. You get to decide, nothing is preordained for you. Your creator says, “This is your journey, have a good ride. I'm here to help you. I've appointed angels to assist you along your way through this journey of life. And being that you have these powerful gifts that no other group of my children has, use them in a positive and pure way.”
B) The power to Co-create. We are co-creators of our reality. Just remember, you think about it, you create it. And then you visualize it. See it in your mind, in your third eye. Then you speak it, you invoke it into matter, and then you get off your bum and you do it. It's that simple. That's called co-creating your reality. Where your attention goes, your energy flows to create your future!
2. Be Generous. You have to give to get. Pay it forward. Give a little bit more than you think you can. You get what you give. If you don’t give anything, you won’t get anything back from anyone or anywhere.
3. Be Pure. You must have a pure intent. If you’re only in this for greed/money/toys, then things won’t go well for you as true happiness will elude you. If you started off on the wrong foot, it’s Okay, BUT CHANGE THAT NOW! Everyone makes mistakes, just remember: THE PAST IS THE PAST AND IT DOES NOT EQUAL THE FUTURE. TODAY IS A NEW DAY FOR ALL OF US. Be pure and act out of kindness. Act not with ulterior motives.
In a fun way, you can think of it like the famous quote from the Movie “The Help”
You is powerful. You is Generous. You is Pure.
Let me explain how this works a little further. People, who jump in this crypto market with a pure intent, want to help themselves and others, and really think about it positively and with an open mind--they’re going to do so well. I can see it as clear as day. And I can see there are many of us.
The sad thing is, only a small percentage of people know this. We need to share this information. When we do, we help everyone, including ourselves. Remember, you give and you get. It’s really just learning how to give and receive in an equal balance. It’s a special time in history and humans have more power than at any other time because we’re in a time called the ascension so the veil is lifted. You think it, you manifest it and it's on the way. It's that simple. This needed to be shared with love before we give you all of the numbers and predictions. None of that will matter if you do not understand what you’ve read so far.
So if you need to stop now and go back to the top before moving on, please do. If you get it, then you know “We the people” have the power to influence the market trends by being knowledgeable, positive, and not fretting and fearing and worrying. You do not need to be fearful – instead be positive! Spirit once told me, “Being fearful is like praying for the negative to happen!”
As you read the report, try your best to distance yourself emotionally--allow yourself the opportunity to think objectively about the information provided. Remember Mark Twain’s famous quote, “It’s not what you don’t know that will hurt you, it what you know for sure that just isn’t so.” In short, try your best to keep an open mind.
It’s also helpful to remember why smart people frequently disagree with one another-- often it has to do with a phenomenon described by Upton Sinclair who said, “It’s hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it.” For example, how hard might someone find it to absorb the knowledge that their favorite crypto isn’t a very good one? Most peoples’ first reaction to hearing bad news might be to dismiss the information, build a case why that information is wrong, and/or attack the source of the information. But in actuality, perceived bad news could be your biggest blessing if you rethink your options and change your strategy.
Not all Bad News is Bad!
Once a client came to me for a health reading, she said that she was having very odd symptoms that seemed unconnected, but she was concerned. As she sat in front of me, I felt a pain in the center of my forehead just slightly above my eyebrows. Then psychically I heard a pop. Spirit showed me a tumor that was growing and that could burst. I pointed to my head, and said “the problem is here; you have a small tumor. You’ll need a MRI right away but don’t worry because medication will shrink it and you won’t need surgery.” Well, she freaked out! She was so upset about the “bad news” I had delivered. She went on to tell me her husband was a doctor and asked why he didn’t know this?
Months later, I received a kind thank you letter, stating that the doctors found a benign tumor on her pituitary gland. She shared with me that she started medication immediately to reduce it and that her symptoms were lessening now. She went on to say if she hadn’t been made aware, the tumor could have grown larger and caused blindness by intruding on the optic nerve. So you see, her bad news was her biggest blessing!
“Bad news” isn’t always bad news. And difference of opinion, is good. A smart man once said, “Difference of opinion leads to inquiry and inquiry leads to truth.” Think about all the difference of opinion in cryptos. This one says TA is the best. That one says fundamentals are the best. Another says psychics are best. In truth, it’s best to be open minded to all sources that prove themselves reliable. Think about how you might hear Technical Analysis (TA) or scientists protest the loudest over psychic insights. Why? Regrettably, they wrongly view psychic information as a threat to their lively hood when in reality it could help them pursue new avenues with these insights.
Lastly, it’s important to address a couple of questions. First, can I misinterpret information from time to time? Spirit doesn’t have a set of vocal cords, I see, hear, and communicate in a telepathic manner, so there can be miscommunications, but I am very careful--if something is not clear, I will not bring it up. And second, can things change from time to time? Yes, absolutely. That’s the great thing about Free-Will, humans have the opportunity to change everything. As the global consciousness sways, so do outcomes.
GLOBAL News and PSYCHIC Predictions:
Mueller Investigation: Mueller's Investigation--By the end of this year this will come to an end. This is all about wanting to use Trump as a fall guy and they will whenever something big goes wrong. Mueller's not going to find anything worthy of the time and money spent. The investigation will have to stop soon because enough is enough and majority are sick of it. People are over it and are projecting their feelings. People want them to move on to bigger and better things like the real issues
CORRECT The Mueller Investigations findings - “The special counsel found that Russia did interfere with the election, but “did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple efforts from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”
The Next Big One?: Scary stuff. Seems to be a big False Flag scheme forming here from the Shadow Government against Trump. I’m just getting bits and pieces. Target, I get East Coast, I get NY. “They” will not try to pin it on China or Russia. I feel that they will allege the Middle East or Middle East connections although it’s a staged event. Conspiracy. Collusion. Trump’s reaction will be found as - not the correct course of action. They are setting Trump up to be the fall guy.
For years, I’ve been given visions of our beautiful Statue of Liberty targeted and hit. The statue looks cut in half, I see her crowned head has crashed into the water … I pray this does not ever happen. She is the target of many of the United States enemies.
Precious Metals Update: Precious metals are manipulated, period. Gold and silver and other markets as well. “They're” going to have control of the price for a while longer (a year at least and it feels longer--not until the system crumbles are they let go--time frame on that is below), hence why the cryptos were let out of the box for the people. But people need to hang on to precious metals for later--remember that, please. But that is a bit down the road.
To really understand the need for cryptos, you must first understand the problem they solve. We need incorruptible and money we can trust. People need to know that our systems are decayed. It's all crumbling down. All the man-made-systems, the corruption, and all the BS is crumbling down. All the cards are falling and that's why people are freaking out, even to the point of suicides, mental breakdowns and violent psychotic snaps.
For precious metals to go up in dollar terms, it won’t happen until the system falls down. Early to mid-2020s. The further out I look, the fuzzier things become, because time is in flux, but I felt strongly about 2025 for total system failure. Which, I don’t know if it’s coincidental, but that would be shortly after the time of a Presidential inauguration. This is scary because that’s how Hitler was elected, during a time of economic crises! We need to select our leaders very carefully and not just vote for someone who says they’ll give us everything for free! Vote for the best person – not for a party! Or sadly in some cases, we have to vote for the “least worse person!”
But, when the system crumbles, it's going to be piece by piece. We’ll say bye, bye to one thing. Then, good riddance to another and so on. Piece by piece. System by system. You know, like okay you're gone, you're gone, you're gone, oh it’s all gone. Every corrupt system needs to fall away so that effective structures can serve “We the people”, not just the 1%.
Back to precious metals, during this time frame, and it sounds crazy, but I actually feel silver will easily get into the $100s and very likely over $500 an ounce. Silver is actually better to buy right now than gold--as I’m shown you can make more money on silver in the future.
Don’t get rid of your silver or your gold. Some of my client’s goal is to take some crypto profits during the next run up and put some in gold and silver….I like that. I don’t get an exact price on silver other than into the 100s. I see it being higher than what people think and I don't see gold being as expensive as people think. I don't know why. I'm telling you what spirit's telling me, but I don't know the reason why.
Best Natural Cure for Cancer: Hemp oil, the CBD oil-- it helps cure some cancer. It will calm your heart and it'll calm your mind too. It's a win win.
U.S., China & Taiwan: We are not heading to war over Taiwan. Spirit hasn't even told me how it's going to turn out if we go to war with China. Because they haven’t shown the end game, I don’t worry about it, although I’d like to encourage you the reader to join me and pray for global peace daily.
Student Loans: Unfortunately the loans will not be forgiven anytime in the next few years. Those poor kids are just going to have to keep paying forever probably. Such BS, such crap, it angers me. It is a big mess and the other side is that our gov’t holds these loans on the books as one of our biggest assets--it’s ludicrous.
Chemtrails Continue: More About Chemtrails --they're not going to stop right now. And what's worse is that “they” are adding some type of chemical (spirit keeps trying to show me the word but I can’t understand it) that causes psychotic snaps in otherwise “normal” people. They show me what are called mental snaps, making some people go crazy and in some people there is something that makes their skin change to a wrong coloring for their natural pigment, like a blackish or dark gray color. I know it sounds crazy, but that’s what they are showing me; zombie-like characteristics – ok that’s a scary vision!
The powers that be, will not dismantle this program, or stop this, or arrest the people for doing this all these years anytime soon. Sadly, that's not going to happen this year. It's part of this cycle of corruption...we're at war; the shadow government against the people. So it won't happen until the whole system crumbles. I’m just so angry and sad that this crap is going to continue, but I pray for good and you can too. And sadly, everything's going to get worse before it gets better. It has to break down before it can be fixed and built back correctly. It has to break down so we can start anew. We need a better structure for the people.
Do we pick our parents pre-birth? Believe it or not, Yes we do!
You see Earth is a big schoolhouse and we come here to learn some very difficult lessons and we come to enjoy the Earthly pleasures too. Pre-birth while in Heaven every soul decides what lessons that they will work on. We make a little check list. Do we need to learn about poverty and then strive to overcome it? Then we’ll pick parents that will be helpful to the soul’s growth. Each soul has many spiritual lessons to learn, they are called “Soul Contracts” that are entwined with other souls. We come here to experience love, joy, betrayal, abuse and this list goes on. Ask yourself, How would you appreciate blissful joy, if you’ve never experienced hardship? How would you understand the meaning of deep love and devotion if you have never been betrayed? We are eternal beings - - this is all the process of polishing and refining the soul. Everything happens for a reason, many hardships are not stumbling blocks; they are actually building blocks. Read my first book She Talks with Angels for more on this topic…it’s fascinating!
Canadian Housing Market: First of all, if our market, if our economy doesn't do well, Canada goes with it. And ours isn’t doing well like we are “told.” They’re so connected to us. I don’t want to use the word dependent because I don’t want to offend anyone in Canada--I love Canada. In short, I don't see Canada's economy doing that good. Similar to what‘s happening with U.S. real estate which is not really good except in certain pockets but those are shifting too (Look at NYC etc.). Not an absolute crash right away, but teetering and really not good. And so, Canadian housing market, same.
CORRECT - 15 Oct 2018 News Canada Housing Market Falls From Grace !
Australian housing market: Australia is really expensive, very pristine. It's so expensive to live there. It's crazy. Like many places in the US, Canada, Europe, they've got an over inflated housing market too. Way over. In short, similar to what happened in Canada, New York City, LA, San Francisco etc. The same thing happened in Australia.
So they’ll basically follow suit in trend, not in exact percentages, but the trend continues down for real estate (really globally) for a long while (years and years)
CORRECT - 11 Dec 2018 Bloomberg NEWS says Continued slump in Australia's Housing Market projected into 2019
Best Supplements to Detox from all the chemicals in our environment?
-CBD Oil for anxiety, inflammation, Cancer, calm the heart ++
-C60 for antioxidant ++
-Ascend Health Liquid Probiotic Drops - developed by a microbiologist
-Turmeric Curcumin Potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant helpful in preventing heart disease, Alzheimer’s & cancer. Some arthritis and depression relief side benefits
Best diet foods for people: Not saying like diet/lose weight, I'm saying the best foods for people. And I know there's no one size fits all model or one best food. Everyone's different, but there are some universal rules to follow for optimal health.
One rule is for everybody to switch over from whites to browns. For example, no white sugar. No white flour. No white potatoes, eat sweet potatoes instead. You get it, instead of white rice, brown rice. Instead of sugar, maple syrup or honey. Organic maple syrup even has enough minerals to sustain life.
Rule two, is to buy organic whenever possible (I know it’s expensive but try it’s for your health). Also, definitely stay away from processed foods (anything that you make from a box) or junk food, or any GMOs. Because all those foods that you're spending your hard earned money on are what’s contributing to your illnesses. It's creating them.
Space Force: Trump went on TV announcing that he's creating a new segment of the government called the Space Force. Take it for what it appears to be. More preparing for war. It’s just another derivative and evolution of space programs that go back decades. You had Space Command back in the 2000s, this is just more build up. All for total air and space dominance. He who controls air and space, controls the world (and beyond)--that’s the way they think about it.
Space was never just about “go and discover.” There has always been a strategic component with military implications. In a nutshell, Space Force is for War, it’s a Weaponized Space Force. Again, I ask, Why can't we just live in peace?
CORRECT Dec 2018 Defense NEWS - Trump’s new Space Force to reside under Department of the Air Force “There is established a United States Space Force as an armed force within the Department of the Air Force,”
Trade wars: They’re problematic but unavoidable at this point. They’re a side show to some degree…it’s just a tiny act in the major show playing out. The real problem is China. The sleeping giant, who has the patience, has the money, and it has the man power, has the nukes. China has it all, and China is using Russia, tag teaming with Russia, and using Russia to move out for war should it become necessary. Trade wars are not the thing that directly causes war.
Let go, let god, as they say: I just do what spirit has shown me to do for what is coming. People need to think about simplicity and being self-sufficient, self- reliant, independent. Have everything that you need (my blogs show you the essentials). Never put all your eggs in one basket--have a plan A, B and C. And then live and love, be generous, and be positive.
Hurricane season this year: Coming soon! Yes, we're going to get hurricanes. FLORIDA AGAIN is what I’m shown. We're going to get hurricanes in Florida, but I don't feel like they're going to be the ones that wipe everything out. I just feel like a lot of tropical storms, with a lot of bad high winds, tropical storms, some hurricanes.
CORRECT OCT 2018 Hurricane Michael came ashore at the Florida Panhandle
Weather in General: I see a lot of flooding, oh my gosh, so much flooding, nationwide. There’s a strange increase in sink holes too. As I wrote in my blogs a while back about more tsunamis and flooding, on the opposite side I also see really bad fires for California and Colorado continuing. Wherever it's dry, you know. Say prayers because those fires are so bad. Heartbreaking, all the animals, homes, it's terrible. But fire it burns and then it rejuvenates - that’s Mother nature taking care of the Earth. Humans are like a parasite. We need to show more respect and care for our earth, because it is a living, breathing being which sustains humanity. Yet, we're destroying her? What a lack of common sense!
CORRECT - 15 March 2019 - Deadly, Historic Midwest Flooding Threatens Dam, Causes Partial Dike Failure in Nebraska; NWS Omaha Forced to Evacuate
CORRECT - 21 December News East Coast Storm Brought More Flooding in One of Wettest Years on Record in East
CORRECT - Nov 2018 Northern California Wildfire Becomes Deadliest in California History
CORRECT Sept 2018 Indonesia tsunami - More than 2,000 people lost their lives in the disaster in 'Surprise' Palu tsunami
CORRECT Weather Channel NEWS - 2018 American Floods - 'One-in-1,000-Year' Rainfall Events
Coastal Changes: The water's going to come in. Focus on California and the West Coast. Also, Florida, The Keys, Homestead, Miami...they already flood out. It's so bad the cars are like covered in water. Miami, Broward, West Palm Beach, that's all not good. Eventually I will need to move from Florida, but not now. I keep hearing, “It's not time yet.” but I feel it won’t be 10 years and could even be within 5. If you live close to the coastlines, everyone needs to have a backup plan.
CORRECT [ Los Angeles Times July 2019 ]The California coast is disappearing under the rising sea. Miami has been drowning, Louisiana shrinking, North Carolina’s beaches disappearing like a time lapse with no ending. While other regions grappled with destructive waves and rising seas, the West Coast for decades was spared by a rare confluence of favorable winds and cooler water. This “sea level rise suppression,” as scientists call it, went largely undetected.
Get ready, Be prepared, Because you will see UFOs: You will see a group, like a whole fleet of them that's undeniable, People are going to say, “Was that a bunch of UFOs that flew over?” So you’ll see them doing mass fly over in the skies so it will go viral and can't be denied. People will become aware, the government cannot cover it anymore, and it’s out.
NBC News Navy Pilots see a fleet of UFOs - NBC #Disclosure #UFO
NEWS 14 NOV 2018 UFO sighting over Ireland by 3 Airline pilots !
The “Alien” Update: As some heard, I had a Star Being appear in my dreams. Some people say “Aliens” or “E.T.s,” I say Star Beings. Many want to know if he has returned and if so, what does he want me/us to know. What is the purpose of his visit to me. I keep calling him in softly, but I haven't seen him again...I keep calling him in, but I'm a little weary (what I said on the Realist News interview), because his energy is a lot to take in. So I will continue to call him in softly because he's scares the bejeezus out of me. But I promise I have not stopped putting out soft calls to him and when I hear something I will let Realist News know ASAP and post on my blog as well. I know how crazy this must sound to some, but most people know there’s a lot more going on in the universe than what they’ve seen or been told.
Space Travel, Exploration and Meeting: Spirit does show me that humanity, easily within the next decade, will travel to different planets. And yes, we will interact with our star brothers and sisters. (We already have the capability; it’s just secret)
What’s Up With Antarctica? First off, it’s melting rapidly. But what people really want to know about is that there's a base there for the UFOs. Of course there’s something going on in Antarctica…Spirit shows me we have a big base there. It's a huge underground base—many levels deep, it's opening is camouflaged with snow. Of course it’s top secret and it's basically where the UFOs are, some of the star beings, and also where our government is interacting with them and exchanging certain things. Really what our government wants from the star beings is their technology and what the star beings want is for us to stop screwing up the planet and everything else.
Our Scientists have not come to understand this about our cosmos, but I know that what we do to planet Earth affects and impacts our universe, other universes and the star-beings too! The cosmos is a giant biosphere, everything is connected. It’s the ripple effect. We Affect Everything!
Our star-being brothers and sisters are here to help us and they do COME IN PEACE. And should the need arise, they want to assist us in getting large groups of people to safe areas, different planets, space stations which there are many more than we are told.
The Other Poisoners: Unfortunately, corporations that are poisoning our water and food are going to just continue until this falls apart. But it will stop! So protect yourself until then. And in the meantime, just don’t buy the brands of the offenders; you have a say and a vote with your wallet/pocketbook.
Oh No! Cultured Meat: Cloned meat is the next thing to hit your grocery store shelves. Science is cloning meat grown in a lab for your consumption. Yes lab grown meat requires less land than conventional cattle farming and there will be no manure but will it be safe for human consumption to eat long term? NO! It’s not natural to our biology. There are lab grown proteins, mysterious injections and such and there are unknown side effects of eating Cloned Meat. Only God ordains life, this is unclean. For your health’s sake – don’t fall for the marketing propaganda!
(PS that’s not all that they are cloning, but I’ll save that for another report)
Ice Age Coming: Are we going into a cooling period and slowly heading towards a mini ice age? This is so far out, for now people will notice colder winters and hotter summers and one of the major impacts is on farming, the food supplies, scarcity, high costs. Extreme weather. As I said in the “Weather” section, flooding etc. Wreaks havoc on crops. For those familiar with my blogs, spirit shared this with me years and years ago and it is one of the reasons why I posted those blogs, please know that it is vital that people start gardening, even if only small gardens for your family. You need alternate food sources, a well-stocked pantry and something to barter with, in case of emergency.
The “Controllers”: The same thing holds true for the big “families” faltering, dying out, and going down. Like the Rothchilds, Rockerfellers and the Bilderbergs, they're going to continue to be around, slowly getting chipped away at until this whole thing crumbles. Bye Bye!
Who Murdered Seth R*ch: Yes he was murdered. “They” knew he leaked a lot of information about H*llary and the DNC. Here’s what I can see--he was a sweet guy and they shot him. It was all a set up to look random BUT they took him out and it was an inside job, the government, they took him out because he was a whistle blower. It was government high up. They are showing me, “High up. High up.” He had some really awful stuff on Cl*nton. H*llary, oh boy. The Cl*ntons said, "take him out." The concise version I can see is that he was leaking stuff, obviously they found out and the Cl*ntons and the highest levels knew and said, "get rid of him."
✓ CORRECT 12 Dec 2018 Qmap agrees about Seth Rich’s Death -
Mainstream Media: They will continue to get weaker and weaker and weaker with real information. Most have caught onto them. If you were to fly out of the United States and go over to, let's say Europe, right? Or wherever, England, I don't know, pretty much most other places in the world, AND WATCH THE NEWS, and just look around, you would say, "holy shit." We are so dumb over here. Our news is so diluted and watered down… and it's only what they want us to know. The U.S. news is censored, its propaganda, it’s diversionary, and it’s thought shaping.
As many people know, they feel if they can control the NEWS STORIES they can control the people. They try to play the magician’s sleight of hand trick. “Hey look over here" while what they’re really doing is somewhere else. When we travel abroad for my work, I always say "oh my goodness, if people only knew." The good news is more and more people are waking up and aren’t being fooled as easily.
Whistle Blowers: Good news, as part of the unraveling/crumbling, A lot of whistleblowers are coming out…boy…a lot. Brave souls - keep up the good work!
History’s Mystery – Oak Island Treasure
Oak Island is a 140-acre island off of Nova Scotia, Canada.
“Yes, there is still treasure there! I can see it. But I feel like some was found. Why do I see a shipwreck when you’re showing me an island… I see pirate treasure. I see gold coins and I see gold cups. I see pearls, jewelry. I mean, I see a “shitload” of like treasure.
Now let me reiterate, they did find some of it, but they didn't get all of it. Okay, hold on. There’s a belief of a curse--we can clear it. Now I’m looking at a map of Oak Island. Pirates and treasure hiders always mark where the treasure is. Wherever they put it they'll mark something or like, you know, have a marker to know where they put it. You follow me?
Okay I can see they are off. No not just off, they're wrong. It's not the Money Pit. Where these people keep digging, they're wasting their time. Everybody's looking right here (pointing at The Money Pit). It's not there. Not one gold coin's there. Okay, but it's not in the water either, it's on Oak Island. It's in the land. But they marked it, and I'm trying to look for the marker. I thought I had it, hold on. I believe...just hold on, hold on. I know this is the big one. I see two places and I’m marking the map! If I could go out there and actually go on location, I could find it for them. I did this before. Like when I did the TV show and found the buried man in ten acres. It would be fun to do that again!”
I hope that you’ve enjoyed the Global Predictions section of this second report.
Remember, “You is powerful, you is generous, and you is pure” Money equals freedom and your pure intent is vital, be sure to help others with your gains and make the world a better place!
Wishing you love, light and abundance,
Michelle Whitedove
Celebrity Psychic | Spiritual Medium | Author | Futurist
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